Welcome to Brook Green Centre for Learning
Mrs. Sara Jordan
Brook Green Centre For Learning
Bodmin Road
Tel: 01752 773875
Fax: 01752 775761
On behalf of the staff, governors and students of Brook Green Centre for Learning, welcome to our learning centre.
This prospectus has been designed to help you find out more about the Learning Centre, if you are considering a place for your child.
We would welcome visits to discuss individual needs.
It is sensible to review our aims as we enter the new school and in preparation for the school’s name change and all associated changes e.g. the prospectus.
These should be our main aims:
- To provide a stimulating and appropriate learning experience which prepares students for life and provides an understanding of their community and the wider world to enable them to contribute to them.
- To provide a safe, caring, friendly and purposeful environment in which students are happy and confident and feel valued
- To ensure each student achieves his/her full potential.
- To ensure each student understands and recognises how to lead healthy lifestyles.
- To ensure every student is aware of the importance of sustaining their planet for future generations.
- For students to promote a sense of respect for themselves and those around them
To achieve the above we:
(a)Work in partnership with parents, carers and students.
(b)Offer a curriculum which is broad, balanced and matches individual needs.
(c)Value the work of staff and pupils.
(d)Work harmoniously with neighbouring schools and colleges.
(e)Engage positively in the life of the community.
(f)Commit ourselves to continuous review and evaluation.
1.The Learning Centre Day
The day for students starts at 08:45 and finishes at 15:00. Students should not be on the premises before 08:40 when teachers commence their supervisory duties.
08:30 / School Office opens08:50 / Registration in Tutor Room or Assembly and Breakfast Club
09:00 / Numeracy
09:20 / Lesson 1
10:05 / Lesson 2
10:50 / Break
11:05 / Lesson 3
11:50 / Lesson 4
12:35 / Lunch
13:05 / Reading
13:25 / Lesson 5
14:10 / Lesson 6
14:55 / Tutor
15:00 / Students leave the premises
16:30 / School Office closes
2.Visiting Professionals
We have many visiting professionals who come to the Learning Centre to support studentsand these include educational psychologists, school doctor, hearing support services, speech and languagetherapists, art therapists, Connexions Adviser, Police Community Support Officer and Educational Welfare Officer.
3.Head Teachers Message
Brook Green Centre for Learning is a special day school for students of both genders between the ages of 11 to 16 with cognition and learning difficulties and/or emotional, social and behavioural difficulties.
The Learning Centre has separate Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 3 areas each with four learning areas and a dual use dining area and activity space. A central area between the two key stage areas provides access to specialist rooms:ScienceLaboratory, Art Studio, Food Technology Room, Design Technology Room and Workshop and Life Skills. This suite of rooms is referred to as the vocational area. The Sports Hall, Fitness Suite, Drama/Music Studio and Library Learning Resources Centre are located on the first floor.
Inclusion opportunities may take place within the School or by linking up with local mainstream provision co-ordinated by the Plymouth Inclusion Education and Transition Team (PIETT.).
Work, Vocational and College opportunities are developed for Key Stage 4 students including the use of CityCollege, Plymouth and SaltashCollege.
The Learning Centre has, in addition to learning areas, well equipped changing rooms and several outdoor learning areas including amphitheatre, playing field, multi-use games area and school pond.
6.Admissions Procedure
The admission procedure is as follows:
- Students who are deemed to be appropriate for consideration are discussed by the Headteachers of the relevant Special Schools with the LA’s placement officers, adviser and psychologist at twice termly meetings. Students must have a statement of Special Educational Need for Cognition and Learning Dificulties and Behavioural, Emotional and Social difficulties.
- Places at Brook Green Centre for Learning are allocated by:
- need
- age
- availability (where possible the maximum number in each class is designated as eight because of the building’s design, although this may vary according to needs)
10.Parental Entitlement
All parent/carers connected with the school have a right to access documentation related to their child. Notice to the Headteacher is required.
Equally, if you would like further information about the curriculum, OFSTED reports and policies in the school e.g. relationships and sex education, this can be arranged. These include, for example, complaints procedures, and education policy. Please contact the School for this information.
11.Parental Involvement and Communication
We are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to ensure the best educational experiences for the students. We welcome parents/carers into the school – a telephone call beforehand is appreciated if you would like an appointment.
Class teachers communicate via home/school books, parents’ evening, telephone and email.
Newsletters are produced three times a year. Regular letters are sent by the Head Teacher at least once each term.
Monday mornings (09:30-11:30) – Parent group various learning programmes are offered
Friday mornings (09:30-11:30) – Parent/Literacy groups – please contact with our Parent Support Adviser for more information contact 01752 753905/773875 or mobile 07500958911.
How can you help us?
- By helping to organise and by attending school events such as fundraising and coffee mornings. Attending annual reviews, school medicals, parents’ evenings.
- By writing regularly in home/school books.
- By informing us of any home circumstances which may affect your child.
- By discussing any concerns you have about the education your child receives as soon as possible. We are always pleased to discuss ideas of how to improve any aspect of school life.
- By keeping us regularly informed of changes in your contact details e.g. phone number, address.
13.Child Protection Procedure
(also known as ‘Safeguarding Children’)
It may be helpful for parents and carers to know that procedures carried out at the Learning Centre are in line with the requirements of the Local Authority and Government. The care of your child is of paramount importance and any concerns are reported to the appropriate agency.
All staff and volunteers are subject to an enhanced CRB clearance which is reviewed three yearly.
14.Equal Opportunities
We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all students and staff. It is our intention to develop attitudes and ways of behaving which respect individuals regardless of ability, heritage, culture, religion, gender, age or social circumstances.
15.Pastoral Care
The form tutor is the member of staff with responsibility for the welfare of the students in his/her form. The tutor is supported by a learning assistant, who supports the group throughout the school day. The tutor can also call upon support from the School, the school Governors the School’s Family Liaison Worker, Parent Support Adviser, Nurse, Doctor, Education Welfare Officer and from Social Services. Parents/carers have an important role to play in keeping closely in touch with the school. This process is aided by the regular use of the student diary and by all parties keeping to the Home and School Partnership Agreement.
16.Learning Centre Clothing and Appearance
We try to keep our uniform simple and affordable. It should be clean, neat and conventional. Cosmetic make-up or nail varnish should not be worn and only earrings of the small “stud” type are acceptable. Heels should be flat or low. There should be no extreme hair colouring or styles.
School uniform is required and is as follows:
Black blazer with logoV-Neck Jumper/Cardigan no logo / optional
Shirt / White shirt
Trousers / Black/Grey
Skirt/Culottes / Black/Grey. Skirt to be knee-length
Footwear / Black with flat or low heels
Socks / Black/White/Grey (plain)
Tights / Black/Grey/Flesh-coloured (plain)
Coat / Sensible coat which should be removed in the building
All clothing is to be marked with student’s name. The wearing of clothing with printed slogans etc. is prohibited.
Coats, bags and other school related items can be stored for safety in students’ personal lockers.
17.P.E. and Games Kit, Personal Equipment
Black shorts
Sky blue polo shirt
Trainers or plimsolls
White socks
Towel / Black shorts
Sky blue polo shirt
Trainers or plimsolls
White socks
Football/Rugby boots
(trainers should always be brought in case of bad weather)
Games socks
Shin pads where applicable
Track suits are optional and may be worn in severe weather under staff direction
18.School Meals
Students have a choice of having a healthy school lunch which is cooked on the premises, or a packed lunch from home, which is to be eaten in the Dining area. School lunches offer a range of healthy choices. Payment is made daily to the school kitchen.
School meals meet nutrition standards and are freshly prepared on the premises using locally sourced ingredients.
Free school meals are provided for children whose families are in receipt of Income Support. An official form (BR35) may be obtained from the school office. Lunchtimes are thirty minutes in length, which is sufficient time to have lunch and relaxation.
Written authority will be needed for the administration of medication. This includes regular prescribed medication and occasional medication (e.g. pain relief).
Please always ensure that medication sent into school is labelled with the student’s name, details of how and when the medication is to be administered, and please check the expiry date. A form will need to be completed authorising us to administer the medication.
(to be included in Head Teachers message)
On arrival at school, you are not able to automatically enter in the interests of student and staff safety. The office staff will assist you to ensure you are directed to the correct location. Please ‘sign-in’ – the Visitors Book is in the foyer.
In conjunction with City Council policy for all of its buildings/property, this is a ‘no-smoking’ site and you are requested to refrain from smoking in all areas.
22.Transport Arrangements
Please ensure you always have a contact number for the transport company and Brook Green Centre for Learning and let them know of any illnesses etc. affecting attendance or when pupils are going to respite care.
Transport is organised by the Local Authority when you accept a place at the school.