Syllabus: AVID 9

Ms. Dietsch

Room: 317

Phone: (951) 253-7200


Welcome to AVID!


AVID is an acronym for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID is an elective class where students will develop and reinforce attitudes, skills, and knowledge to successfully enter and complete a college prep academic program in high school. Students will learn and apply study skills and learning strategies to improve performance in the content areas: Note taking, outlining, writing, speaking, reading, test strategies, and the use of technology. Students are required to enroll in a rigorous course of study, maintain satisfactory grades, and outstanding citizenship while participating in AVID. AVID students will participate in an interactive tutor process to enhance and support them in their rigorous coursework.

TEXTBOOK: There is no textbook for this course. However, students will be expected to bring whatever materials necessary to efficiently complete their tutorials.


  • 3-Ring Binder or Notebook: The notebook should be a minimum of 3 inches thick and a “D-ring” binder is recommended.
  • Dividers: These will be used to better organize class materials.
  • Pens (blue or black ink only): A minimum of 2 at any time.
  • #2 Pencil, Pencil Sharpener, & Eraser: A minimum of 2 pencils at any time.
  • Highlighters: Several different colors.
  • Scientific Calculator: If your math and science classes allow the use of calculators, please bring one daily to AVID.
  • Notebook Paper: Notebook paper is needed for Cornell notes, homework assignments, and other class activities.


  • Dictionary: For use at home.
  • Thesaurus: For use at home
  • SAT Prep Book: It is never too early to start preparing!


  • 2.0 GPA minimum (and working toward higher)
  • No D’s or F’s
  • College Bound with a Dedication to Education
  • Model Behavior and Build a Collaborative Learning Environment
  • Maintain A.V.I.D. Notebook and Take Cornell Notes and/or Learning Logs in ALL Academic Courses
  • Participate in Tutorials
  • Research and Explore Colleges and Career Paths


1. Absences:

  • It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to make-up any missed work. Please the class website for updates and collaborate with a reliable classmate to see what was missed during your absence. Email me for clarification.
  • Make up Binder Check: must be made up THE NEXT DAY.
  • Make up Tutorials: fill out make up sheet and turn it in with your other Tutorial on Friday

2. Late Work Policy:

  • Late work must be submitted within one week of the original due date, and will receive a point penalty. Routinely turning in late work will adversely affect your grade.

3. Attendance & Tardy Policies:

  • The attendance and tardy policies stated in your Student Handbook will be followed.
  • You are counted tardy if you are not seated when the bell rings.

4. Plagiarism Policy:

  • Students caught cheating on any assignment or tests will receive zero points. If you let someone copy your work, both parties will receive zero points. Paraphrasing published works without citing their information is also plagiarism. (Plagiarism is covered in the student handbook as well).


  1. Respect: yourself, your peers, the teacher, the classroom, other staff, and school property.
  2. Be willing: to believe, to learn, to take risks, to think outside of the box, and work hard.
  3. Believe
  4. All students are expected to be in class on time and be prepared to work.

Time is limited each class period, and in order to cover all of the material students must be on time and ready to work with the required materials.

  1. Class rules must be obeyed at all times.

Every student has the right to learn, and class rules must be followed to ensure everyone is able to learn in a positive learning environment.

  1. Assignments must be organized and handwriting must be legible.

This is important because I must be able to read your work in order to give you the proper credit that you deserve.

  1. Students are responsible for any missing work due to absence.

Students cannot afford to fall behind, and must be responsible for making up any missed work.

  1. Students and parents will monitor student’s grade using Infinite Campus.

Both student and parent(s) should have an Infinite Campus account.

  1. Students are required to communicate and regularly check email, remind, and Infinite Campus

In order to become a productive citizen and college student, this should be a natural reoccurring habit.


Students earn grades in AVID based on the following components:

1. AVID Binder/ Backpack: Binders and backpacks will be checked weekly for organization, time management, and materials. Random binder checks may also be conducted.

2. Cornell Notes: Students are required to take complete Cornell Notes in all subject areas except P.E. The notes will be graded weekly.

3. Tutorial: AVID tutorials are graded, and the tutorials take place twice each week. Students will be required to come to class on tutorial days with a minimum of two appropriate questions prepared for tutorial prior to the start of class. Points may not be awarded for students who are not prepared for tutorial on a given day.

4. AVID Class Activities and Projects: Students will be required to participate in many AVID activities throughout the school year. Most of these activities can be finished in class with the exception of large projects. Examples of class activities can include: essay writing, research projects, oral presentations, listening skills, goal setting, class discussions, close reading, vocabulary development, Socratic Seminar, and critical thinking skills.

**Homework in AVID mostly consists of reviewing Cornell notes, organizing a binder, writing tutorial questions, and finishing in-class activities.


Binder Checks40%




The following grade scale will be used:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89 %

C = 70-79 %

D = 60-69 %

F = 59 % and below

AVID Basics: A Review

This class provides a combination of college preparatory reading and writing, as well as study skills and fundamental information that helps students direct themselves toward the correct college paths. Interaction is highly stressed, with students supporting students’ learning as a goal. Your child will learn to:

  1. take Cornell notes and maintain an organized notebook that will facilitate studying and retention of information
  2. implement reflection questions to further understanding of material covered in their classes
  3. explore different levels of questioning (Costa’s) in order to learn material in depth
  4. determine what classes (A-G requirements), grade point averages, tests, and test scores are necessary for college entrance and how to achieve them
  5. participate in organized instructor/tutor led tutorials to assist students in mastering challenging curriculum
  6. participate in activities that build unity and promote education as a positive and productive experience