JOGJA NATIONAL MUSEUM, MAY 4th, 2018. ARTJOG Enlightenment is officially opened. VIP and Media Preview kick-started the series of opening event in the noon at JogjaNational Museum with the attendance of the government officials, the sponsors, the partners, the collectors, the media partners and ARTJOG colleagues from various cities and countries.

MellaJaarsma, the participant artist and also one of the jury of YAA 2018, presented her performance project called Binds & Blinds. She interacted and asked the audience to collect the photo of their navel. In the other room, Ryan Francis Reyes from Ronald Ventura Curatorial Team is having a talk about what's behind the work of Ronald Ventura. Ronald Ventura is a Special Presentation of ARTJOG 2018. "It's been a pleasure for Ryan to be able to attend the opening of ARTJOG this year," said IgnatiaNilu, the curator team of ARTJOG.

The other interesting work is Healing Garden (Yogyakarta) by Hiromi Tango, a Japanese artist who's been living in Australia for the last 20 years. The performance and the flower making interactive workshop attracting so many audiences. Meanwhile, on the third floor, there's a dance performance by NimasDwi and MusliminBagusPranowo.

At 7 PM, all the invited guest and thousands of audiences gathered to watch the opening ceremony of ARTJOG 2018. HeriPemad as the director of ARTJOG started it with giving a warm welcome to everyone, and then the announcement of the winners of Young Artist Award ARTJOG 2018 consisting of MelianthaMuliawan (Jakarta, Indonesia), BanduDarmawan (Bandung, Indonesia) and FajarAbadi (Bandung, Indonesia).

The Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan HamengkuBuwono X, in his greeting read by DidikPurwadi as the Assistant of Specialty of Special Region of Yogyakarta, said that "Art is long, while life is short. The life of art is forever. It seems that this saying is still relevant to depict the journey of ARTJOG as the annual visual art event that's not only open the opportunity of the art market but more than that, it is a cultural event that refers to the latest development of art in Indonesia and worldwide."

TriawanMunaf, the Head of Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BadanEkonomiKreatif Indonesia) agreed with that notion, he said, "ARTJOG is also an art event dedicated tobuilda contemporary visual art network on a local level and at the same time also a global art market. Through this big event, we want to prove that Indonesian artworks are deserved to have an opportunity to be appreciated on a global scale."

The opening night of ARTJOG 2018 was also celebrated by the performance of Pernak Pernik SrutiRespati and BintangIndriwanto, WoroMustikoSiwi with Keroncongisme and a collaboration of KuaEtnika and EndahLaras that succeeded in asking TriawanMunaf and HeriPemad to dance on the stage.

ARTJOG-Enlightenment will be held until June 4th, 2018, presenting the works of 54 artists from Indonesia and overseas, and also various performances every day. For further information about program and agenda, please visit:


JOGJA NATIONAL MUSEUM, 4 MEI 2018. ARTJOG Enlightenment akhirnyaresmidibuka. VIP dan Media Preview yang dilaksanakanpadasiangharimengawalikeriuhanharipembukaan di Jogja national Museum, dengandihadiri para pejabatnegara, sponsor, partner, kolektor, seniman, rekan media dankolega ARTJOG yang berasaldariberbagaikotadannegara.

MellaJaarsma, senimanpartisipandanjugasalahsatujuri YAA 2018, tampakmenampilkanproyekpertunjukkankaryanya Binds & Blinds, danberinteraksidenganmengajak para pengunjungikutmengumpulkanpotretpusarmereka. Di ruangansebelahberlangsungobrolan di balikkaryabersama Ryan Francis Reyes dari Ronald Ventura Studio Curatorial Team. Ronald Ventura merupakanSpecial Presentation ARTJOG 2018. “Merupakansuatukebahagiaantersendiri Ryan bisahadir di pembukaan ARTJOG tahunini,” ungkapIgnatiaNilu, timkurator ARTJOG.

Karya yang takkalahmenarikadalah Healing Garden (Yogyakarta) oleh Hiromi Tango, senimanberdarahJepang yang telah 20 tahuntinggal di Australia. Performance dan workshop membuatbungakertas yang dilakukannyamemikatbanyaksekalipengunjung. Sementaraitu di lantaitigatersajisebuahpertunjukantariolehNimasDwidanMusliminBagusPranowo.

Pukul 19.00 WIB seluruhtamuundangandanribuanpengunjungberkumpuluntukmenyaksikanupacarapembukaan ARTJOG 2018. DiawalisambutanolehHeriPemadselakudirektur ARTJOG, kemudiandilanjutkanpengumumanpemenang Young Artist Award ARTJOG 2018 : MelianthaMuliawan (Jakarta, Indonesia), BanduDarmawan (Bandung, Indonesia) danFajarAbadi (Bandung, Indonesia).

”Seniitupanjang, sedangkanhidupitupendek. Kehidupankesenianitutakadamatinya. Kiranyaungkapanitusangatmasihrelevanmenggambarkanperjalanan ARTJOG sebagai event senirupatahunan yang bukansekadarmembukapeluangpasarseni, akantetapilebihdariitu, sebagaisebuahperistiwabudaya yang mengacupadaperkembanganseniterkini di Indonesia dan di dunia,” Gubernur DIY Sri Sultan HamengkuBuwono X menyatakandalamsambutannya yang dibacakanolehDidikPurwadiselakuAsistenKeistimewaan DIY.

Hal inidisepakatiolehTriawanMunafbahwa, “ARTJOG jugamerupakansebuahperistiwaseni yang didedikasikanuntukmembangunjejaringsenirupakontemporertingkatlokaldanjugasebagaipasarseni global. Melalui event besarinikitainginmembuktikanbahwakaryaseni Indonesia patut pula diberikesempatanuntukdiapresiasidalamskala global.”

Malam pembukaaninidimeriahkanolehpenampilandariPernak Pernik SrutiRespatibersamaBintangIndrianto, WoroMustikoSiwibersamaKeroncongisme, dankolaborasiKuaEtnikadanEndahLaras yang berhasilmengajakTriawanMunafdanHeriPemadmenari di ataspanggung.

ARTJOG - Enlightenment masihberlangsunghingga 4 Juni 2018, menghadirkankarya-karyadari 54 seniman Indonesia danmancanegara, sertaberbagaipertunjukansetiapharinya. Info program dan agenda bisadiakses di