Attendees: Sam Wilder, Elixabeth Baker Jen bittal Melissa, Jose Washington, Jay Filderman, Jesse Aric, Kathy Riders, Salv Army
9:33 AM-
- Welcome to our new Operations Manager, Niki Paul! Most recently, Niki worked as the Program Coordinator for the Philadelphia Alliance for SSVF in Philadelphia, PA where she focused on coordinating strategic community resources and forging critical community partnerships with the effort to end homelessness for Veterans and their families. Her email address is
- Welcome to Kameron Fowler hired as Director of Strategic Initatives who joins us
- Garrett Olin is leaving ECHO and will be traveling to S. America for a year
- Project Applications were due in ESNAPS by January 3rd.
- Rankings finalized and sent out
- All renewals included in the first phase
- Piece in tier 2 is the Safe Haven program
- Jessie to send out scores and feedback from providers
- Over the holidays is going through the NOFA application process. There are big changes:
- Outcome measures changed
- Added questions
- Answers has to be 1000 characters or less for the responses-challenging
- Score will last for two years
- On target for schedule to be submitted January 24, 2014
- Sam requesting specific information from a few providers (RR info), CoC coordinating with Emergency Solutions Grant-State and Local distributions
- Re: additional leverage from providers (all applications have been submitted)
- Jessie has reviewed budgets, but not project applications-will be in contact
- Only if you want application back let Sam know by today (1/8/14) or tomorrow. Must be sent in no later than Thursday, January 16th.
- FAQ posted on HUD site re: leverage-you have 60 days from the date the application submitted (1/24/14), however you must include the leverage information in the correct application field (only where you are confident you will secure the leverage funds)-Critical piece on how we score in the community so please be thoughtful
- Where will the leveraging letters sent or kept? HUD request match letters for previous applications, but maintain letters for audit purposes
We’ve received responses from the following agencies:
- ATCIC, HACA, Front Steps, Safeplace, & LifeWorks
- There are 4 questions in the NOFA that Jessie will need the above providers to complete at this meeting to complete the NOFA
CoC Performance and Strategic Planning ObjectivesGarrett Olin, ECHO
- Reviewed handout.
- 3A-1.1a-change in outcomes-proposed 2014-182 & Proposed 2014 change to 159
- 3A-1.1b-change in outcomes-Proposed 2015-205(waiting on Travis Co numbers, so will change)
- 3A-1.1c-Clarification of “Turnover” if someone is in a year and exit within the year, the bed turned over. If that bed opens up, will you dedicate that bed to chronically homeless
- Who are the 26 reported that will be dedicated for turnover? Caritas has 23 non-chronically homeless units that they wish to convert (HUD wants 85% of PSH units for chronically homeless) (Garrett and Caritas need to figure out)
- Garrett to clarify the number
- 3A-2.1-Are all new PSH units specific to individuals?-we should be able to add the new units to the 489. Keeping the 86% proposal for the next two years
- 3A-3.1-Updated data-2013 Actual up to 12% and 26%. What are the recommendations for the percentage goals 2014 and 2015 (LifeWorks did not meet goals last year (ATIC new program plans on increasing participating) Sam recommends 2014-13% and 2015-15% and that ECHO staff address strategies to increase these numbers within the CoC
- 3A-3.2a Jessie has requested clarification from HUD to include “maintain income” and are waiting on response. If we are able to use this language, the number jumps to 35% (Garrett stated the baseline 45%). If this is the case, agreement to up the number by 1% point 2014 and 2% points 2015
- 3A-3.2b.-Agreed goals 2014 27% and 2015 28% for increasing non employment income. CoC participants to brainstorm strategies to address this goal and possibly increase resources
- 3A-4.2a-Is everyone in agreement on percentage goal for 2014? (Scoring states “increased or maintained” which varies from the objective language) historically 82-88%. Agree to 2014 85% and 2015 85%
- Rapid Rehousing for families:
- Lifeworks looking towards possibly transitioning to Rapid Rehousing program
- Passages will be also approaching
- Discussion needs to include the Housing Authority and be involved
- HUD has given targets to work towards
- 30% PSH units chronic homeless (current) move towards 80% of all units for chronically homeless
- We have to attach in NOFA application which organizations and which projects are going to turn over units and who is going to target chronically homeless
- Demonstrate at least 80% of participants remain in permanent housing (at 86%
- Income % (get from Sam)
- Income from non employment
- Increase or maintain income
- Mainstream benefits
- Focus on Rapid Rehousing and makes sure we are inlight with Federal Opening Doors plan
- Focus on ending homelessness and Domestic Violence
- Look at entire DV services, not just CoC
- Efforts to engage homeless individuals
- Strong emphasis on ending veteran homelessness-SSVF
- Preventing homelessness-BSS Plus program
- Discharge planning-1 point (down from last years)
- Engage with the consult plan, Emergency Solutions Grant
- Partnership with public housing authorities
- 75% CoC applications to report using Housing First approach
- Educational assurances and fair housing (involuntary family separation
- Affordable Care Act
- How the CoC is trying to reduce CoC cost and to get there from other areas-working with philanthropic organizations
- CoC assists meeting goals and under performance
- Tracking and reducing episodes of homelessness
- New data standards focus on this but not out yet
- Future topic discussion:
- Look at current length of time and how to reduce them
- For those in shelter the length of homeless not tracked efficiently
- HMIS new data standards will address this issue
- Inclusiveness of structure
- HMIS questions-entry and exit dates and whether we are using HMIS to capture reports and utilizing the data (86% because HUD VASH is not currently entered into HMIS)
- Garrett to send Sam what percentage is in there for the application
- Changes in PIT count
- Less than 7% in admin costs=achieved
- No services-only project in Tier 1, need to address this for the coming year
- Has everything been accurately submitted
- Questions
- HMIS issue: Bowman has new questions that are not helpful for Transitional Progams
- Has it been helpful to be more direct with questions to providers?
- Thank you to Garrett and Jessie for all of their time and efforts
- The next CoC Work Group meeting is scheduled for February5th at 9:30 AM at LifeWorks.
OneCPD Resource Exchange to HUD’s mailing list:
HUD Field Office assignments effective October 1,2013:
- William Dawson (210) 475-6800 ext. 2300: ATCIC, LifeWorks, Caritas, HACA, Green Doors
- David Rios (210) 475-6800 ext. 2314: Travis Cty. CDBG, ECHO, Travis County Housing Authority, SafePlace, Front Steps, Salvation Army
- Alberto Solorzano (210) 475-6800 ext. 2297: Austin CDBG, Austin HOME, Austin ESG, Austin HOPWA