Agenda: /
- Welcome/Call to Order – 1 min
- Officer and Administration Reports – 30 min
- President (Kelli Kiefer)
- Vice President (Debbie Wolford)
- Secretary (Mike Orgler)
- Treasurer Report (Bob VanPlew)
- Administration Report (Andrea Markert)
- Committee Chair Messages Reports – 30 min
- Old Business – 15 min
- New Business – 15 min
- Adjourn
Call to order/Roll call
Meeting called to order by Mike Orglerat6:30pm on 2/6/18.
Officer Reports
Kelli Kiefer /
- Welcome!
- Our next booster meeting will be March 6th, 2018!
- Thank you to all for your efforts!
Debbie Wolford /
- Thanks for all you do!
Mike Orgler /
- Minutes are available on the Boosters website each month (approx. 5-7 days after the mtg).
- Be sure to register on the sign in sheet when you come to a meeting.
- Committee chairs are asked to send updates prior to the meeting (include “Boosters” in title).
- Please strive to keep a log of your committee tasks for records and for ease in transition when a new successor to your committee comes on board.
Bob VanPlew /
- See report below.
Administration Report(Andrea Markert - Principal)
April 6th we will be doing a reunification exercise. Universities as far away as Hawaii are coming in to observe. Need 150 parent volunteers to make it as realistic an exercise as possible. Have about 80 people signed up already but need a lot more. The time commitment is approximately noon-3pm as well as an hour prep session the night before. If you are available on April 6th it would be great if you could volunteer.
Sent email about scoreboard advertisements…need to sell these to pay for the scoreboards and for A/C in the gyms. If there are any businesses that can donate it would be great. The ads for the gym are $4k per year and $3k for the soccer field scoreboards (this is cheaper than most other area schools).
Blacklight dance is February 16th
We are having an issue with students “vaping” in the bathrooms. “Vaping” is ILLEGAL…it is considered drug paraphernalia. There are “juuls” that look like a jump drive that kids are using.
Committee Reports
Tracy Patkunas – Chair /
- Purpose: After-Promprovides a safe place for the students to go after the dance.
- The Theme for this year's After-Prom is: "Welcome To The FUN HOUSE"....a Carnival Theme.
- The After Prom core group has been meeting and so have the individual committees: Entertainment, Decorations, Food & Beverage, Prizes and Registration.
- The Cash Bash Raffle will be our main fundraiser and will be held Saturday, February 10th at The Moose Lodge in Bloomington. Tickets are $50 which gets 2 people into the event where they'll get free food and non-alcoholic beverages. Plus there will be a silent auction and 50/50 sales.
- Inflatables are ordered.
- We will have a “mentalist” coming this year.
Hospitality (For Dances)
Michele Mathieson /
- Purpose: To provide hospitality to our dances (homecoming, prom, black-light)
- Nothing reported.
Tammy Baker /
- Purpose: To provide a listing of all U-High students & families for reference.
- The directory is complete.
Faculty/Staff Appreciation (FSA)
Lucy Morkin /
- Purpose: To provide a meal once a month to the faculty/staff to show our appreciation.
- We provided breakfast to faculty and staff on Friday, January 19th, 2018.
- Our next event is adinner for Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, February 28th, 2018.
- Note: This will be Lucy’s last year running the Faculty/Staff Appreciation Committee. I am looking for a replacement. If anyone is interested in taking it over, please contact Lucy Morkin or the Booster Board.
- The following is the rest of our schedule for FSA Committee events for the 2017 – 2018 school year:
Friday, March 23 - Breakfast
Friday, April 20 - Breakfast
Friday, May 18 – Breakfast
Debbie Wolford
Janine Rodriguez
Aimee Beam /
- Purpose: To organize and coordinate fundraising for all sports, teams and booster programs.
- Our fundraising committee continues to work hard at work for our clubs and teams!
- CONCESSIONS AND D2D TOTALS: As of 1/31/2018, we have raised $8,128.24!
- Concessions – Clubs and teams have raised a good amount of money working concessions this year. Big thanks to Janine for getting these lined up and for making sure they’re staffed!!
UBuild and the U-High Football team are working concessions in February. That will wrap up the ISU Basketball season.
- Dine-to-Donates – Please spread the work for our dine-to-donate fundraisers. Just bring a copy of the flier or have it available on your phone when you go to the event. We’re in the process of scheduling more for 2018.
- February 12th - Chipotle Fundraiser (on Veterans Parkway). We receive 50% profit after $300 in sales
- April 9th - Potbelly's (must now have flyer for sales to count toward fundraiser)
- Wreath Fundraiser - This was a very successful fundraiser! Thanks for Jenn Trevarthan for coordinating everything!
- Pillar Fundraiser
This is a great way to make a tax deductible donation to U-High. Can also have your employer match the gift. This is our biggest fundraiser for the school! Thanks to Aimee Beam for making this happen again!
- After-Prom Cash Bash: February 10th - $50/ticket admits 2 - Tracy P.
- Additional Fundraising by individual groups – Just a quick reminder: Every club/team/organization should have a Booster representative. This is our point of contact for fundraising requests. Please have your club/team representative contact any Fundraising committee member to request a fundraiser or let us know about a fundraiser you may be planning.
Chris Bray
Lisa Heptinstall /
- Purpose: To provide a welcoming environment for our 3 hosting events: 1) Open house, 2) prospective student open house in February & 3) freshman testing in April.
- Held a reception for Prospective Student Open House on January 31, 2018.
- Location: Student Lounge
- Served over 800 cookies and cups of lemonade and water
- Seven Hospitality volunteers worked 3 hours for set up/serving/clean up.
- All cookies, drinks, cups, napkins, etc. were donated by Hospitality committee members
- NEXT EVENT: Freshman Testing
- All items will be donated by Hospitality members, EXCEPT sandwiches for administration and staff. We will be requesting funds from Boosters to provide this small dinner.
Parent Support Network (PSN)
Rod Bray /
- Purpose: The PSN is parents working with and helping other parents address issues that affect us all by having events on different pertinent topics.
- Nothing new reported at the meeting.
Michelle Wittman /
- Purpose: The purpose is to sell spirit wear and take proceeds to boosters as well as to promote U-High spirit in the community.
- Successful Holiday online store
- We’re in a dry spell now as we don’t do much cash/carry until Freshman Testing Night.
- Have had several requests for another online store so are looking to put that together.
- If anyone is interested in taking over the Spirit Wear responsibilities, please let Michelle or Tracy Patkunas know.
Gold Rush Raffle
Christy Bazan
Jennifer Pinter /
- Purpose: To coordinate the raffle which is one of Boosters largest fundraisers.
- Some ticket sales have continued to come in this past month.
- Drawings continue to go well!
Recognition – Good For U Award
Katy Kraft
Beth Sauser /
- Purpose: The purpose of the Good for U Award is to recognize a student for contributions made outside of traditional academic and sports accolades. This may include acts of kindness, outstanding effort, resolution of issues, etc. Nominations may also be done for teachers & administrators for their contributions.
- In December we recognized Adam, Ava, and Audrey Trevarthan for their assistance to the Faculty-Staff Appreciation Committee during parent-teacher conferences this fall.
- Our February award to 3 anonymous students who decorated every single student’s lockers to welcome them back after winter break.
Social Media
Gretchen Zaitzeff /
- Nothing reported.
Tracy Patkunas /
- Purpose: We have a lot of Alumni where we provide a meal before the game.
- Nothing reported.
Jody DeCremer /
- Nothing reported.
Representative Reports
Band /
- The band returned on January 8 from a successful trip to Florida that included visits to Cape Canaveral, Nassau Bahamas and Universal Studios. The band gave a marching band performance at a city park in Nassau and a concert band performance on the ship.
- The following students were chosen to participate in the All State Band: Jonathan Boudreaux, Jenny Park and Veronica Ervin in the Honors Band. Anastasia Ervin was selected for Honors Orchestra and Stephanie Chow for the Honors Jazz Band.
- The band is currently rehearsing for its February 22nd concert which will be held at the ISU CPA. In addition the jazz bands and pit orchestra are rehearsing regularly.
Choir /
- Nothing reported
Dance /
- Nothing reported
Orchestra /
- The Feb. 22 concert will be at the ISU Center for the Performing Arts. Call time is 6 p.m., which is pretty early but it will be the first time the students will have played in that space. Band kids will be there by 6 p.m. as well. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m. The performance has been moved to the CPA to permit the use of the concert grand piano, which will be played by Daniel Ray. This concert should be a real treat – bring friends! This is also the night for ensemble pictures. PARKING is as yet an unknown. Ms. Ehrlich is awaiting an answer from ISU as to whether we can park in the School Street parking deck (accessed off West Beaufort) and, if yes, whether it’s free. Stay tuned.
- On Friday, March 2, everyone in the orchestra will be participating in an orchestra festival at ISU. They’ll miss approximately half of the school day for this. Many students will also be participating in the Solo and Ensemble Festival on March 3.
- I am excited to report that U High did well at the All State event. James Han participated as a violist along with Matthew Suh as 1st violin and Kirsten Koehler as 2nd violin. What an honor!
Orchesis /
- Nothing reported
Speech /
- Nothing reported
Theater /
- Nothing reported
Sports /
- Nothing reported
Old Business
Marching Band request for a new drum set. The set is in bad shape and cannot be repaired. Total cost is around $13k and they are asking for $4,599. Would like to see them take on some fundraising opportunities. Goal would be for them to contribute more to their overall program in addition to the individual fundraising they do for their every other year trip. Previous Update from 12/5 meeting: Kelli will get back with the band group and talk to them about doing more.
- 2/6/18 Update: Kelli had conversations and have asked them to do a few fundraisers outside of their trip. If they are willing to do that, then we are looking to approve $3,000 from Boosters. A motion was given by Mercy Davison and seconded by Apsara Sorensen.
- Outcome from 12/5 meeting: We will look to support this request. Coach will work with fundraising committee for opportunities. In Feb, we’ll discuss what they’ve raised and look to supplement the cost.
- 2/6/18 Update: Kelli has asked that the football team do some additional fundraising in support of this request. Tracy Patkunas motioned to give the team $5,000 and seconded by Debbie Wolford. NOTE: If they can’t raise the additional funds we can look to provide even more assistance.
Coach Tolliver – A new request for softball helmets. Helmets are about 5 year old and are going bad. They have a request for $1,140. This is for 30 new helmets at $38/each. Softball does a lot of volunteering for events…they have done about 5 concession stands already.
- A motion to approve the $1,140 was given by Tracy Patkunas and seconded by Sarah Ray.
Motion to adjourn byMichael Coleman;seconded by Mercy Davison; adjourned at7:15pm. Next meeting is March 6th!
Attendees: / Michael & Kentrica Coleman, Sarah Ray, Tracy Patkunas, Beth Sauser, Chris Bray, Lisa Bacon, Aimee Beam, Ron & Susan Kullman, Kelli Kiefer, Debbie Wolford, Mike Orgler, Andrea Markert
U-High Boosters Treasurer's Report –February 2018
Bank Balances Beginning of Month (as of 12/31/18)
Busey Bank / $ 26,315.10
Total Bank Balances / $26,315.10
Spirit Wear / $ 4486.00
Wreath Sales / $ 911.00
Total Receipts / $ 5,397.00
Gold Rush Checks to Winners / $ 1,000.00
Homecoming / $ 2,670.00
Total Disbursements / $ 3,670.00
Net Gain or Loss / $ 1,727.00
Total Funds / $28,042.10
Bank Balances End of Month (as of 1/31/18)
Busey Bank / $ 28,042.10
Foundation account / $ 14,959.98
Total Bank Balances / $43,002.08