Enrich the community and promote a healthy lifestyle by facilitating the creation of a network of public trails and greenways.
Shawano Pathways will plan for and facilitate in the development, implementation and maintenance of a greenway and trails network within Shawano County and adjacent areas for recreation and alternative transportation, while preserving and restoring natural areas and resources connected with the trails.
Tuesday – May 6, 2014 Shawano County CourthouseMeeting Room A 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Facilitator / Greg Sturm, PresidentNote Taker / Nancy Schultz
Members Present / Matty Mathison,Dave Koeller, Gail Bartz,Nancy Schultz, Jerry Czech, , Maxine Williams, Chuck Gueths, Greg Sturm, Dave Schmidt, Carol Westphal
Members Absent / Tim Reed, Carrie Verkuilen, Janet Lewellyn, Judy Judd, Nancy Brown Koeller, Keith Marquardt, Mary LaMarche, John Brodhagen, Dennis Heling, Maxine Williams
Welcome/Becky Betzner/Secretary’s Report Greg Sturm, President
Discussion / Greg S.called the meeting to order and sent around the attendance sheet. It was determined that a quorum of 5 of the 8Board members were present. Greg welcomed and thanked all for attending.Becky Betzner, with Thrivent East Shawano County President. They want to partner with Shawano Pathways. They provide funds for organizations. They helped us at Christmas time with a food drive at the Crescent Theater. This year they want to provide our organization with $3970.
Becky talked about Thrivent Choice dollars and Shawano Pathways becoming a Thrivent Choice organization. She will contact Nancy S about filing the paper work to become a Thrivent Choice organization.
Becky said that she will have Thrivent members present at the Let’s Get Moving event. At the event she will present a fake check.
Members reviewed the April 1, 2014Shawano Pathwaymeeting minutes. Matty made a motion to approve the minutes and Dave S. second the motion.
Conclusions / Becky B. will contact Nancy S. about filing the papers for becoming a Thrivent Choice organization.
Action Items / Becky B. and Nancy S. will file the papers for Thrivent Choice paperwork.
Treasurer’s Report Gail Bartz, Acting Treasurer
Discussion / Gailshared the treasurer’s report. Shawano Pathway’s generalbalance is
$1278.40, 2014 Membership: $125.00, Park to Park: $6465.94; BTBQ: $5520.05; Pevonka Healthy Hearts Match: $51,445.00, Shawano Lake Trails: $4166.00, Hillcrest: 2010.00. Total: $71,010.39. Expenses: 40 posts $280, lumber wood signs $269.82, 7 fire hydrant parts $82.25, Wolf River media $114.40, sign credit $36.54, float expense $24.24, website $59.97, file tote and folders $35.10, canopy, pumpkin barn flag $129.20, SRTS water $11.92, HH Thank you ad $155.00. Received: membership $25, BTBQ sponsors $500, interest $2.41.
Nancy S. made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Mattyseconded the motion.
Conclusions / Motion carried. Treasurer’s report approved.
Action Items
Jim Heinz Proposal
Discussion / Discussed becoming a fiscal agent for Jim project. Jim will send out the thank you notes to donators. Gail will work on a form for Jim’s project.Matty shared Jim’s thoughts. Matty moved that we become a fiscal agent for Jim project. Dave 2nd the motion. All in favor.
Conclusions / All in favor. Motion approved.
Actions / Gail will work on a form for Jim’s project and she will follow up with him.
Discussion on route around Shawano Lake Greg Sturm, President
Discussion / Greg shared that much has not happened with this project this past month. Keith was not available. We need to work on contacting landowners. If anyone knows anyone around the lake, let Greg know. Biggest problem is around Crystal Drive.Greg will contact Steve S about working with us on this project.
Matty suggested that the signs and bike crossings signs could be ordered now.
She will email Greg the Crawford grant.
Conclusion / Need to continue to contact the landowners around the lake.
Action / 1. All – if you know any landowners around the lake, please let Greg know.
2. Greg to follow up with Steve S.
3. Matty will email the Crawford grant to Greg.
Safe Routes to School Nancy Schultz /Matty Mathison
Discussion / Nancy S. shared that the Walking Challenge Celebration will be on May 30, 2014. Greg has contacted Pick N Save and they have given us the best deal for the subs sandwiches. Nancy S. has secured baked potato chips for the celebration. Greg was also able to secure water for the event. Nancy S. shared that a Bible study group donated money to put toward the subs. We will also receive funding from Thrivent that could be put toward incentives for next year.Conclusions
Actions / Nancy S. and Greg S. will purchase the food for the celebration for May 30th.
2014 Bike the Barn Quilt EventMatty Mathison
Discussion / Matty shared that Gail is working on the volunteer list. Dave is working on getting us a number that people can use to call us if they have an emergency. He should have the number by the Bike the Barn Quilt meeting. May 19th at 6 pm is the next BTBQ meeting date.Nancy B.K. developed a risk assessment that we can use for the event.
We are still trying to secure volunteers for the 70 mile route. We will have a 2nd food stop on Clover Leaf Lakes, and a 2nd sag wagon. Donations are coming in. Keep securing donations.
Conclusions / Keep working on sponsor pledges.
Actions / Next BTBQ meeting May 19, at 6 pm courthouse room C.
Annual Meeting Committee Jerry Czech
Discussion / Jerry shared that he and Nancy B.K. met and discussed having a banquet meal at Farm Inn on Main. The back room holds about 60 people. The cost for the meal was $10.99/each for 1 meat item and three sides. Alcohol is allowed. Annual meeting date set for Nov 4th at 6:30 pm. Jerry shared the menu with members. There is no minimum number of people needed.Need a special guest for the event, since Tami Bagstad is not going to be here in the community anymore. Nancy S. suggested Tom Baron. Matty said she would talk with Tom about being our guest speaker.
Conclusions / Annual meeting is Nov 4 at 6:30 pm at Farm Inn on Main, back banquet room. Will check to see if Tom Baron will be our guest speaker.
Actions / Matty will check with Tom Baron to see if he would be willing to speak at our annual meeting.
Possible Fund Raiser at Pick N Save Greg Sturm
Discussion / Greg asked the group if they would be interested in doing a fund raiser at Pick N Save the weekend of July 3-4-5 or July 10-11-12. Not many of the members were going to be around those weekends. It was decided that we would not do it this year.Conclusions / Possible fund raiser at Pick N Save was tabled for this year, due to not many members were going to be around to help with the brat stand.
Actions / None.
Issues, Ideas and concerns All
Discussion /- Trails for Tomorrow is coming up very soon. Will see if Matt Hendricks and Eddie Shepperd want to attend.
- Complete Streets fact sheet was shared with the group, but at this time we will not move forward with this information.
- Bike Rodeo – we have 6 advertisements that will run during the bike rodeo to promote “Let’s Get Moving”.
- June 14 is Jumpin June Jamboree. We will not be participating in the event this summer.
- Let’s Get Moving Event
Matt Hendricks will MC the event.
Matty shared about the poop bags.
Small program at 4:30 pm and at 5:30 pm.
Showed incentives and maps to group.
- Matty shared that we will be receiving $3500 from Thrivent.
Next meeting date will be on June 3, 2014 at 6:30 pm at the Shawano County Courthouse, Room A.
Nancy Schultz, Secretary