Monday 30st October to Tuesday 19th December 2017
Welcome back, we hope you had a good break.
Our topic for this half term is: Autumn and Celebrations
We shall be looking at all things to do with autumn, collecting leaves, making pictures with them, talking about what happens to the leaves on the trees and the different colours. We will also talk about the animals that hibernate through the winter.
If you find a big or interesting leaf on your way to Sparklers please bring it in with you!
We would like to take the children out for a walk around the lagoon to look at the leaves that have fallen from
the trees and collect some of them to use in Sparklers. (We will be asking for your help!)
We will also be having a few ‘welly walks’ around Peatmoor School. Look out for notes to bring in your wellies.
We shall be talking about different festivals that happen around this time of year: Bonfire night, Hanukah and Christmas.
If you are able to contribute in any way to this terms topic you would be very welcome! (Please see
a member of staff.)
This is our busiest time of the year, with lots of glitter! We will be learning lots of Christmas songs, doing Christmas
crafts and having lots of fun.
The photographer will be here on Thursday 2nd November. If you would like your child to have their photo
taken put their name on the list if you haven’t already done so. (Siblings welcome)
W/C 13th November we shall be fund raising for ‘Children in Need’. Children can come to Sparklers all
week dressed in spots! (Spotty clothes, Pudsy ears are spotty, spotty face paint). There will be a bucket to
put your donation of £1.00 in, you only need to put this in once but can dress up as many times
as you like during the week.( you may like to donate even if your child does not dress up! If you have any old
£1 coins Pudsey Bear will be happy to take them off your hands! Just put them in the bucket.)
We will be holding a coffee afternoon drop in on Friday 8th December, to go through your child’s
progress summary with you. (more details to follow)
There will be a Christmas party for the children on Friday 14th December, we will be asking for
contributions of food.
You will be invited along at the end of the party to listen to your children sing the songs (hopefully!)
which they have learnt. (more details to follow)
We look forward to a busy and very joyful half term.
Please watch the notice boards for any requests for help.
There are still spaces on the stay & play rota for anyone who has not yet put their name down and
would like to come in and spend some time with the children. The rota is in the cloakroom.
Please take the time to look through your child’s Learning Journey when dropping them off and fill
out a comment slip or take a look when you come in for a stay and play session.
If you do not want your child to join in with any of the festivities please see Lynn.
If you have any questions please see Lynn or your keyperson.
Lynn, Laine, Tracey, Helen and Clare.
New Term: Wednesday 3rd January to Friday 9th February 2017
Sparklers will be closed on Thursday 30th November for staff to complete the progress summaries.