Hollesley Primary School

Newsletter March 2016


We encourage the children to write reports about the many activities and events that happen in school so that we can share these on our website. The reports can be found under “What’s Going On – Children’s Reports”.

You can also read some of these reports in this newsletter.

Swimming Pool

During the Easter holidaysthe fence around the swimming poolis being replaced in readiness for the summer swimming season which will start next term as soon as the weather is warm enough. Please be aware of potential dangers while the work is being done and do not allow your child to enter the school site during the holiday.

We are hoping for warm weather so that the pool will get up to the required temperature and the children will be able to swim for as many weeks as possible.

We will timetable swimming for the summer term but if the weather is variable we will vary the timetable to ensure children can swim as often as possible. Please make sure that your child has a swimsuit/fitted swimming trunks (not shorts style) a swimming hat and shoes that can be worn to and from the pool. These can then be kept in school ready for when we can start swimming.

Sport Relief

Thank you for your fantastic support for Sport Relief last Friday. The children had great fun completing the ten laps of the Golden Mile in the ways suggested by School Council (at one time the whole school was on the Golden Mile) and your sponsorship has already raised £432. If you have not already done so, please hand in sponsorship money before the end of term. Thank you.

Sport Relief by Mitchell Martin

On Friday 18th March it was Sport Relief and the whole school did 10 laps of the Golden Mile.

The activities to do when we were doing the laps of the Golden Mile included kicking a ball, carrying a bean bag on your head, hitting a ball with a tennis racket, playing a musical instrument, jogging, turning, walking sideways like a crab, jumping , skipping and hula hooping.

I think everyone did very well doing all their laps and for being very determined. So far we have raised £432!

Bug Hotel

Thank you for all your contributions for our Bug Hotel. Mary Pendered from Eastfeast worked with the children from years 2, 3 and 4 to construct the hotel which is beside the garden – do go and have a look at it. We now wait for the bugs to move in!

Bug Hotel by Ben Fradd Walker

On Tuesday 22nd March people brought gardening pots, poles and other things to school to help build a bug hotel with a lady called Mary. We hope bugs including beetles, ants, spiders, ladybirds and crickets will use the hotel. Bugs need the hotel in the autumn and winter.

Children from Years 4, 3 and 2 were the helpers. We put leaves in the gardening pots. We also cut willow to fill other pots. We had a lot of gardening pots, small ones and big ones.

Multi sports

Next term the after-school club run by Premier Sport will be multi-sports. It will be every Friday between 15.15 and 16.15.

There are still spaces and you can book your child in online.(13 weeks cost £52)

Music Concert

Our Peninsula Music Concert on 18th March was a great success. It is the first time that the schools have come together for a combined concert and we all had a great time. The children were all very well behaved and enjoyed the opportunity to sing together.

Peninsulaconcert by Freddie & Harvey

On the 18th of March Hollesley, Sandlings and Bawdsey primary schools went to the Alan Crompton Memorial Hall at Sutton Heath for a concert.

We sang Yellow Submarine, Banahha, I’m Still Singing and Today is Friday. Also we listened to brass from Hollesley and Bawdsey and violins and guitars from Sandlings.

Some parents and relatives came to watch. We liked the guitars best because of the sound they make.

County Cross Country

Congratulations to the eight children from Years 5 and 6 who took part in the annual cross country races at the Royal Hospital School. It is a long and difficult course and they all managed to finish. Well done to them all.

Cross Country by Bethany Cornwell-Dunnett

On Monday 21st March Miss Whitehouse and Mr Field took 8 Year 5 and 6 children to the Royal Hospital School near Ipswich for a cross-country race.

There were lots of different schools there with 150 children running in each race which was 2200 metres long. We had to run on a stone path for some of it which hurt my feet, butrunning on the grass was easy apart from the uphill which was a bit hard. If you came in the top 10 you were given a medal. Danielle got our best result coming 48th.

Some parents came and watched their child or children run and cheer them on. Parents could also buypictures of their children running.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Congratulations to Liam and Cameron Charleston who have been selected to perform in a Midsummer Night’s Dream at the New Wolsey Theatre in June. Auditions for the parts of faeries were held earlier this month and just twenty children, to perform in two groups of 10, have been selected. Well done to them and we look forward to hearing more about it.

Sutton Hoo

Last month in the Village Voices our school reporters, Danielle and Stevie Smith, wrote about Sutton Hoo. JennyWebb saw their article and contacted the school because she had written books about Sutton Hoo some years ago. We were delighted that she was able to come in to school to talk to the children about her books, some of whichshe donated to the library. We are very grateful for that.

Dates for your diary

25th March -8th April Easter holiday

11th April – Non pupil day

14th April – School Cross Country (am)

15th April – Archaeological outreach visit

19th April – High Five Netball Tournament

25th April – Dean Parkin writing with children

2nd May - Bank Holiday

6th May – Mini tennis tournament

9th – 12thMay -Year 6 SATs week

23rd May – Class photos

- Kwik Cricket tournament

21st June – Rounders tournament

4th July - Farlingaye New Intake Day

21st July – Last day of term