8 September 2017

Dear Parents

Welcome back to a new school year! I hope you’ve all had a lovely summer break and have managed to find some sunshine somewhere. It’s been lovely to see all the children return looking very smart in their new uniforms and school shoes. Lots of the children have told me about their summer and they all seem really settled in their new classes. A special welcome to Miss Gilderoy (Y1) and Mr Pallas (Y3).

Our Reception children have had a great first week and I’ve seen lots of smiles as they’ve engaged in the different activities in the Reception areas. Welcome Mason, Amelia, Aliyah, Sahiba, Annabelle, Zac, Jaxon, Jayden, Corey, Quinn, Charlie, Eden-Rose, Andrew, Anthony, Hattie, Katy, Oliver, Lydia-Rose, Matthew, Ellis, Blake, Ainsley, Logan, Elizabeth, Fraser, Aykam, Ellie, Brody, Lucy, Tyler, Shane, Faith, Neave, Zachary, Millie-Maii, Junior, Lilly, Keira, Alfie, Evie, Talia, Lola, Hayden, John, Lewis, William, Phoenix, Sienna, Rio, Molly, Blake, Sophie, Alexander, Austin, Bobby, Jake, Raigan, Kyle, Lydia, Yasmina.

Reception children start full time on Monday. Parents are invited into the school hall at 9am for ‘Tea and Tissues’ (or celebrations!!).

Welcome letter

Your child will bring home a paper copy of information for your specific Year group.

Dairy Dates

Please see attached below pages for up and coming events.Please keep these safe for future reference.

Sad News

It is with great sadness that our cook Debbie passed away quite suddenly. Our thoughts are with all her family.

Our school meals will continue to be amazing as Kellie and her team would not want to let Debbie down. I hope you continue to support our school meals and our fantastic team. Please make sure you have checked the new School Meals menu. I ask all children to use a knife and fork to eat their lunch. Some of the children obviously need some help. Please could you help your child practise cutting up Yorkshire puddings, fish finger, sausages etc. Thank you.

Reminder - School meals price is now £2.20 per day £11.00 per week. Please ensure this is paidregularly.

We are now operating a cashless system so please make all payments online through our Agora system. If your password has expired please let the office know and they will extend it.

Please let the office know if your child has changed their meal pattern.

Free School Meals

If your child does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family's income level, please contact the school office (in confidence) to register them. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, this would still mean that the school could claim the Pupil Premium funding available to help your child. All matters regarding the use of Pupil Premium funds are treated with discretion and in confidence.

Nuts and Peanut Butter

Due to many of our children having a nut allergy, peanuts and peanut butter are not permitted in school. I hope you understand and kindly request that you adhere for the safety of the children.

Packed lunches

As a ‘Healthy School’ we advise that packed lunches are healthy and nutritious. Childhood obesity is rapidly becoming an increasing problem. Nearly a third of children in the UK aged 2 to 15 are overweight or obeseand younger generations are becoming obese at earlier ages and staying obese for longer. As a school we actively promote healthy lifestyles.

Some examples of the food we advise are:

  • Sandwiches, wraps, salad
  • Pretzels, popcorn, rice cakes, crackers
  • Fruit/vegetables, yoghurt.

We understand that your child may want to include crisps, chocolate etc. in their packed lunch. Food items like these can be included on ‘Treat Friday’ only.

For more tips and ideas visit to read our ‘Food in School’ policy please visit our school website.


The Government set targets that every child’s attendance should be no less than 95%. This will then be stated on your child’s End of Year report. Any absence includes, holiday, afternoons off to travel to the caravan for the weekend, sickness, medical appointments etc. If your child is not physically in the building for registration they cannot receive their mark. Many parents query how attendance works. Any child whose attendance is less than 90% is classed as a ‘Persistent Absentee’ and this information is held with Central Government.

Attendance percentages can be misleading. Consider the following:

Excellent / 0 days lost / Gives your child the best chance of success and gets them off to a flying start
98% / 4 days lost
96% / 6 days lost
Less than satisfactory / 9 days lost – 1 week and 4 days of / 1 week and 4 days of learning missed
90% / 20 days lost / Makes progress harder

90% attendance over a 5 year period equates to a whole year off school.

5 minutes late each morning and afternoon you miss one hour of school every week.

Every half-day absence from school has to be classified by the school (not by the parents), as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED. This is why information about the cause of any absence is always required.

Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason like illness, medical/dental appointments which unavoidably fall in school time, emergencies or other unavoidable cause.

Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no “leave" has been given. This type of absence can lead to the Authority using sanctions and/or legal proceedings. This includes:

  • parents/ carers keeping children off school unnecessarily
  • truancy before or during the school day
  • absences which have never been properly explained
  • children who arrive at school too late to get a mark
  • shopping, looking after other children or birthdays
  • day trips and holidays in term time which have not been agreed.

Whilst any child may be off school because they are ill, sometimes they can be reluctant to attend school. Any problems with regular attendance are best sorted out between the school, the parents and the child. If a parent thinks their child is reluctant to attend school then we will work with that family to understand the root problem. We can use outside agencies to help with this such as the School Nurse.

Holidays - The Department of Education has from the 1st September 2013 announced that parents have no entitlement to take their child out of school for a holiday during term time.

Any application for leave must only be in exceptional circumstances by completing an application for leave of absence form, which can be obtained from the school office.

The Head Teacher will decide if it warrants exceptional circumstance. Parents will be fined by means of Penalty Notices or Prosecutions in the Magistrates Courts by the Local Authority for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.

Reception & Nursery Outdoor Area

Before and after school, please can I ask that children do not climb or play on this equipment. Thank you.


Just to remind you that earrings are not part of school uniform and cannot be worn for school.


You should have received a flyer home with your child about ‘Professor Poopenstinken’s Magical Maths Club’. Magical Maths is a super fun after school club designed to boost children’s confidence and better engage them with maths. This will be starting on Monday 11th September from 3.30-4.30pm and will run for 6 weeks.

Each week has a different theme and includes a dressed up character including Professor Poopenstinken (maths genius), the Mathemagician, Stately Holmes (the maths detective) and the Olympic Mathletes! Children will take part in maths games, puzzles, magic tricks and investigations.

For more details (and to sign up) please visit call 07944538617. There has been a technical problem with the number issued this week and Magical Maths apologised for this. Please try this alternative number.

Everything is organised online, so please do not send money into school. After each club, parents will receive an email report explaining what your child has been doing at the club. Children will also receive extra booklets and activities to continue ‘Magical Maths’ at home. If you have any more questions, please visit the website or ask Mr Kelly.


Well Done to Lena and her team for receiving Outstanding from Ofsted for theirout of school provision. Remember if you need wrap around care at breakfast or after school, contact Lena on 4401194.

Year 1

Mrs Sutherland is recovering from an emergency operation. She should return to school Monday 18th September, all being well. In the meantime we send her get well wishes.

Year 3

Reminder- Children are no longer eligible for Free School meals. The cost is £2.20 per Day - £11.00 per week.

Year 6

Kingswood - A meeting will take place in the Spring Term to provide you with further information regarding the trip. You are welcome to make payments as frequently as you wish until the balance is paid off. Payments should be made using the on-line SIMS Agora system.

Secondary School application – you can apply online at for your child’s place at secondary school, closing date 31st October 2017.

Reminder – Karate is only operating as a Breakfast Club this term. We will advise in due course if this is changing next term.

Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.

Our staff are also trained in Team Teach techniques in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone


Diary Dates


Monday 11th 9am Tea & Tissues Reception parents

Magic Maths Clubs starts 3:20 – 4:20pm

Monday 18th 3:30pmInformation meeting for parents in classes

Tuesday 19th 9amInformation meeting for parents in classes

Friday 22ndRowan McCabe Poet visiting school

W/C 25thBook Fair in school all week

Thursday 28thNational Poetry Day


Tuesday 3rdIndividual photographs

Wednesday 4thHarvest Festival in school for children only

Monday 16thParents Evening

Wednesday 18thParents Evening

Thursday 19thYear 1 Family Learning details to follow

Flu vaccination for children

Friday 20thBreak Up for Half Term

Monday 30thReturn to school following Half Term


Thursday 16thReception Family Learning details to follow

Monday 27th EveningAngels of the North Concert (Choir)


Friday 8thClubs End for Year

Wednesday 13th10:30am & 2:30pm Nursery Nativity

Thursday 14th 9AM Year 1 Christmas Production

Christmas Lunch

PM Nursery Party

Friday 15th9AM Year 2 Christmas Production

Reception to Northern Stage

Monday 18th9AMYear 3/4 Christmas Production

AM Nursery Party

PM Year 1/2 Christmas Party *

Tuesday 19th9AM Year 5/6 Christmas Production

PM Year 3/4 Christmas Party*

PM Nursery Northern Stage

Wednesday 20th9AM Reception Christmas Production

PMYear 5/6 Christmas Party*

Thursday 21stKS2 Pantodome

AM Nursery to Northern Stage

PM Reception Christmas Party *

Friday 22ndChurch Carol Service for pupils only

School Closes for Christmas Holidays

*Children will bring their party clothes to school in the morning and remain in school all day. Our staff and Buddies will be here to help them get changed.

We return to school on Monday 8th January.

Family Sharing Assemblies

Parents are warmly welcomed into school for a sharing assembly at 9am. Dates are as follows:

Friday 29th September Year 4

Friday 6th October Year 5

Friday 13th October Year 3

Friday 20th October Year 1

Friday 10th November Reception

Friday 17th November Year 5

Friday 24th November Year 6