


Welcome & Announcements ______, Worship Associate

Prelude John B Hedges, Music Director

(or other musician)

Opening Words (or Call to Worship) name of Speaker

Kindling the Chalice Flame

May the light we now kindle inspire us to use our power to heal with love, to help with compassion, to bless with joy,

to serve the spirit of freedom in the fullness of community.

Hymn{Title} #______

Greeting One Another


Sharing of Sorrows and Joys

Response HymnSpirit of Life #123



Reading Title ~ Author

Musical ReflectionTitle ~ Composer

Sermonor Presentation



We give this offering in the spirit of our shared responsibility

to support this congregation -in compassion and action,

faith and fellowship,hope and wholeness.

We dedicate these gifts as we affirm our lives in community.

Offertory (music - title & composer)


Closing Words

Hymn {Title} # ______

Extinguishing the Chalice

We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth,

the warmth of community or the fire of commitment.

These we carry in our hearts until we are together again. S


As you are comfortable doing so, please join hands with those nearest you as we share these words of sending forth.


Please join us for refreshments and conversation.

If you are new to First Unitarian Church - To learn more about our congregation, Unitarian Universalism or membership at First Unitarian Church, we encourage to introduce yourself to an usher, take some literature, or contact the church office at 215-563-3980, ext. 301.

Our informational gatherings, UU & You, will resume in the fall. Dates and times will be announced in the Beacon, 1st UU's newsletter.


Caring and Concern/Joys and Sorrows: We invite you to celebrate a birth or marriage or achievement,to mourn a death, to request prayers for healing. Write the name of your loved ones and your intention in the journal located on a table at the rear of the Sanctuary. Your milestones will be shared aloud during the Worship Service.

If this is your first time visiting us, please fill out a Visitor’s Form so we can stay in touch. And you can find helpful information about this congregation and Unitarian Universalism at our Welcoming Table.

And if you find yourself in agreement with our principles and values, we invite you to consider becoming a Member of First Unitarian Church. Contact the church office at 215-563-3980, ext. 301, to find out more.

If there is a Pastoral Emergency: Call the church office at (215) 563-3980 for a list of on-call pastors. Our new Minister, Reverend Abbey Tennis, will begin serving this congregation starting in August 2016.

As Unitarian Universalists we affirm and promote:

the inherent worth and dignity of every person;

justice, equity and compassion in human relations;

acceptance of one another and

encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;

respect for the interdependent web of all existence,

of which we are a part.

The First Unitarian Church

of Philadelphia

A Unitarian Universalist Congregation est. 1796

First Unitarian Church is an intentionally diverse

Unitarian Universalist community.

Grateful for the legacy of our historic

urban ministry and building,

we offer a welcoming religious presence

that encourages moral and spiritual growth.

2125 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19103

​(215) 563-3980

Please silence all audible devices, such as cell phones.