PTA Meeting

Lindbergh Elementary

September 10, 2013

I.  Call to order 7:07pm

Welcome and introductions of current board members provided by Sara Beauchamp, Mother VP.

Nomination of PTA President position (vacated by Katie Fox, elected end of last year and unable to fulfill position).

-  Lori Murphy nominated Christine Schobert.

-  This motion seconded by Amy Fradkin.

-  Christine Schobert accepted president nomination.

-  Board appointed Christine Schobert for 2013-2014 PTA President

II.  Minutes from previous meeting unavailable

III.  Statement of the Treasurer & Approval of New Budget

Provided by Treasurer, Amy Fradkin

Currently there is a large amount of funds available in PTA account which is slotted for Smart Boards in the classrooms. We are not able to make that purchase at this time because the PTA is waiting for funds from matching grant to come available.

Families are asked to please sign up annually for Krogers Rewards, Target Rewards and Boxtops Labels.

-  Sara Beauchamp motioned to approve budget

-  Debbie Bowman motioned to approve budget

-  Leslie Drennon seconded motion to approve budget

-  Motion Carries

IV.  Committee Reports

Principal – Pamela Deneen

Specials: Art, gym and music will meet for standardized times this year at 45 minutes each. Classes will attend 2 Gym Classes, 2 Music Classes, 1 Media and 1 Art Class weekly. Media skills will include technology training.

This year there is a new computer lab with 30 new Dell Computers being delivered Wednesday.

Testing: SRI testing will take place this year from 2nd-5th grades in reading and Star Math on the computer. The DRA provide reading levels as a result of this testing.

On-line testing will be done for Science and Social Studies 2nd-5th grades.

Lindbergh was selected to provide the Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA)

The first assembly of the school year is this Friday, 9/13/13: Keys to Character

New Staff Members: Lindbergh welcomes staff members new to the community as well as veteran staff members in new positions this year.

-  Ms. Wilkie is now a serving as a 4th Grade Teacher

-  Ms. Ruselink is the new Young 5 Kindergarten teacher

-  Ms. Ackerman is the new Media Specialist

-  Ms. Carden is the new Media Secretary

Lindbergh has been named a Rewards School. All Dearborn schools have been defined as “yellow” according to the MI.Gov website excluding new charters that are labeled “green” schools.

Mother VP – Sara Beauchamp

September 20th 2:00 Homeroom mom and dad meeting to go over Holiday Boutique and Haunted School

Sara Beauchamp will be co-chairing the Holiday Boutique with Sandra Miller. More help is needed!

Father VP – Jim Thorpe

The Fun Fair this past June was a great success and even brought in a small profit.

This year’s Fun Fair is scheduled for June 6th.


Ms. Polidori and Ms. Partika attended the meeting.

3 allergy-free tables are now in the lunch room.

Help Wanted:

Help is needed for up-coming Book Fair, Holiday Boutique and Haunted School.

Chairs are needed for Boutique Publicity, Publication Center, Relay for Life, Field Day and Reflections.

Please email PTA regarding interest in these positions.

VII. New Business

The math curriculum will undergo changes this year with a workshop approach grouping together students with similar skill sets. Currently only half the math journals needed for the student body have been ordered. Next year it is predicted that the school will not be ordering any journals and MathLinks and HomeLink will be expected to be printed out at home.

Treasurer Amy Fradkin suggested using $3,000 in PTA account to purchase math journals and HomeLinks books. $1,770 is needed for 1st-5th grade math journals and $576 is needed for Kindergarten – 5th HomeLinks.

Ms. Polidori shared that she is using the SmartBoard in her classroom and none of her students are using the journals. The school district is not planning on purchasing any books next year. With a push moving away from books and focused on new technology it was pointed out that we still do not have Study Island for this year with $4,000 needed to purchase that program.

Donna Jernigan motioned to use PTA funds to purchase remaining HomeLinks for the students.

Many of those present seconded motion.

Motion carries.

Information is going home regarding Smart Bond this week. Lindbergh will receive assistance if it passes.

WatchDogs is a new program we are hoping to get started at Lindbergh. 2 fathers have stepped forward expressing interest in making this a reality. Interested male family members (dads, step-dads, grandfathers, uncles) should come to next PTA meeting.

VIII. Announcements

PTA Membership Drive is upon us. Holly Frank shared that a note will be received by families re: joining the PTA. There will also be a table at the Open House to sign up. The cost is $10 a person with ½ of dues going to the state.

Carrie Thorpe and Maria Buffone have volunteered as chairs for Haunted School.

Janet Hughes shared suggestion of continuing use of Sign-Up Genius for volunteers due to its success last year.

Donna Jernigan suggested new fundraisers for this year which include:

-  MI Products Fundraiser

-  Barnes & Noble Fundraiser

-  Pizza Kits

-  Great Lakes Gift Card Program

IX. Adjournment
