John Falkenhagen 2017 – 18 School Year – CVMS

A. Math 7

B. The course is designed to teach the students the critical content of 7th grade math. The student is expected to learn the critical content and perform those skills at the mastery level.

C. The skills students are expected to master by the end of the school year include such topics as simple algebra (solving equations and using integers), computation with decimals and fractions, statistics (mean, median, mode, and frequency tables), proportional reasoning which involves using percents and some basic geometry (angles, polygons, triangles, calculating the area of some quadrilaterals and calculating the volume of some three dimensional objects).

D. Class procedures

1. Every day, students must bring to class their math notebooks (a spiral notebook containing 75 pages or more which is used only for math),a three ring notebook that has one section for keeping math handouts (the other sections can be used for other subjects) and at least three sharpened pencils. Calculators will be used occasionally first semester and used a lot more second semester. (In the past, Walmart has sold simple computation calculators for one dollar.) Students will take notes and enter them into the spiral notebooks. These notes can be referred to when the students are doing the homework.

a. Once the bell rings, students must be working quietly on the sponge.

E. Homework policy

1. Homework

Homework is assigned nearly every time the class meets.

2. Homework requirements

a. Must be done in the spiral notebook when appropriate; sometimes problems will be solved in the math workbook or on a hand out.

b. The original problem must be written down when doing homework in the math notebook.

c. Must show steps or work.

d. Assignment must be done neatly (writing should stay inside the lines of the

paper, steps or work must be organized and readable, etc.)

Homework is worth five points when it is entered. Partially completed homework will receive only partial credit. HOWEVER, only a maximum of one point will be given if only answers are written down. Work needs to be shown. (There are a few times when just the answers are appropriate. The class will be told about these exceptions.) Also, when an assignment involves steps, such as those involved in solving algebraic equations, proportions and several other types of problems, only one point will be given for homework if those proper steps are not shown.

At times homework may be collected and/or graded for accuracy. In these situations, points will be deducted for wrong answers. The amount of points the homework, in these cases, will be worth will vary

3. Extra credit/make-up policy and procedures

a.During first semester. there is no opportunity for extra credit.

i. Second semester, a student may earn extra credit points by showing growth (from the fall MAP test) on the spring MAP test. A maximum of 20 extra credit points may be earned this way.

b. Homework not turned in at the beginning of the period the day it is due cannot be

made up. A score of zero will be recorded. The exception, of course, is if a student

is absent that day.

4. When students are absent they have the number of days they are absent plus one in which to make up their missing work. To find out what they are missing they may ask

another student what the assignment was, check what the homework was on the calendar on my website or look at their grade report on the internet. Make up assignments are to be placed in my hand. If assignments are simply placed on my desk or anywhere in the room or given to a substitute and that assignment is lost, the student will have to re-do the assignment within the allowed time. Tests should generally be made up during lunch or after school tutoring.

F. Testing

A. A test is given generally every two weeks (first semester, it may be every week). Books or help from another person are prohibited. Calculators may be permitted on some tests. Tests range in points from 50 to 250. A student who talks during a test will have his/her grade lowered.

Except for the final, students can take a make up test if they do not like their grade on the original test. The one requirement for retaking a test is that a student must show me a neatly written study guide that has examples of at least half the problems that appear on the test. A study guide is handwritten in the student’s own handwriting on a normal sheet of notebook paper (8 ½ by 11) and the examples are only written on one side of the paper. Nothing can be written on the other side. The study guide must contain examples of at least half of the type of problems that appear on that particular test. These make up tests can only be taken during lunch or during after school tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They must be taken within three weeks of the original test. Only the higher grade (the original test compared with the make up test) will be given.

B. Expect a pop quiz every week (though it may not occur every week). Students may use their books, math notebooks or any notes in order to complete the pop quiz.

Students may retake pop quizzes as many times as they want until the lasttwo weeks of the semester. These make up pop quizzes can only be taken during lunch or during after school tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

PLEASE NOTE: One way for students to prepare for tests is to practice the problems given on the sponge during the week. These sponge problems are review problems for the test and are also posted on my website at the beginning of each week.

G. Major projects

Depending on time there are a few projects assigned each year.

H. Grading

1. The district grading scale is used.

A+ 100% - 98%

A 97% - 92%

A- 91% - 90%

B+ 89% - 88%

B 87% - 82%

B- 81% - 80%

C+ 79% - 78%

C 77% - 72%

C- 71% - 70%

D+ 69% - 68%

D 67% - 62%

D- 61% - 60%

F 59% and below

2. Grade reporting

Progress reports showing grades are mailed home to the students every six weeks by the school. In between those times, if a student has a D or F in class, I will either mail home a progress report for math or call the parents about the low grades.

Grades are updated on the internet several times each week. Students and parents can always check the grades on line.

3. Citizenship

A conduct mark lowers a student’s citizenship grade. Conduct marks are given for:

G = Gum or food

B = Blurting

O = Out of seat without permission

T = Talking without permission

OT = Off task

N = Writing or passing notes

M = Throwing objects

D = any disruptive behavior

Citizenship grades:

E = Exemplary – no conduct marks plus excellent participation

O = Outstanding – no conduct marks plus good participation

S = Satisfactory – 1 to 2 conduct marks

N = Needs to improve – 3 to 4 conduct marks – other possible consequences:

behavior essay, detention, parent notified and/or office referral

U = Unsatisfactory - more than 4 conduct marks – other possible consequences:

behavior essay, detention, parent notified and/or office referral

Students who receive an office referral will receive at least an N in conduct.

I. Class Behavior Expectations

*When the bell rings to enter the class, walk in without pushing your way through other students. Use indoor voices.

* Students must be seated with their sponge sheets and homework on their desks before the tardy bell finishes ringing. (If a student is not seated in his/her assigned seat after the tardy bell finishes ringing, that student will be sent to the office for an unexcused tardy.)

* No running in the classroom. Conduct marks will be given for running. Running in the classroom to avoid being tardy will result in an unexcused tardy.

* Food, gum, sunflower seeds, drinks (except for pure water contained in water bottles) are not allowed in the classroom during class time.

* Please bring a water bottle if you get thirsty a lot.

* The pencil sharpener may not be used during class. Please bring at least three sharpened pencils and a hand sharpener with a top or bring a pen.

* Stay in your seat unless otherwise instructed. (If you are going to be sick, such as you are going to throw up, leave the room to go to the bathroom immediately and explain when you return.)

* Please do not get out of your seat to come up to me to ask me something or tell me something. Stay seated. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

* Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.

* Take care of business during your time, not class time. For example, don’t clean out notebooks in class.

* No spinners allowed.

* No slime allowed.

J. Website

I have a website containing important information about the math class. The calendar shows the topic being studied for the day as well as the homework assignment for that evening. If a student is absent, he/she can look up the homework.

The week’s sponges are posted on the website so students can practice problems similar to those on that week’s test.

Occasionally, there is news on the website, especially due dates and other information given about the major projects which are assigned during the year.

The website can be reached by going to the school’s website and clicking on the staff email link.

K. Parent Contact

Parents/guardians can reach me at the school (782-2265) and leave a message. They can also e-mail me at

E-mailing is the best and fastest way to contact me.