CheppingViewPrimary Academy SCITT

Weekly target setting and feedback sheet for up to 22nd September.

Date:______Name: ______

Target setting must be of the highest quality and Trainees should be given advice for achieving the targets set. Feedback and grade is given the following week and highlighted and dated on the on – going assessment form. Grade 1 – Outstanding; Grade 2 – Good; Grade 3 – Working at minimum level; Grade 4 – Working towards minimum level. Trainees can take responsibility for setting the targets.

Target (refer to teaching standards) / How the target/ grade can be achieved -SMART / Feedback – was target achieved? Grade?
What was the impact?
TS 4(d) Plan and teach well structured lessons – reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching / Complete 2 observations of your class teacher and 3 observations of other teachers in the schools.
For each observation, complete an observation evaluation form – filling in all the sections, reflecting on pupil progress and ideas which you would want to take on board.
Demonstrate that you have tried to take on some of these ideas in teaching a whole or part of a lesson in week 3.
TS4 (e) Contribute to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum within maths or english / Practice using SMART notebook so that you become more confident. Find or develop a maths starter or English starter to use in class on the SMART board using SMART notebook, which will engage the pupils and promote pupil progress.
TS5 (d) Have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with SEN,those of high ability, those with EAL, those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them. / Work with individuals or groups including Higher Ability, SEN, pupil premium, MA, LA, EAL.
Reflect on the needs of these pupils and what teaching approaches engage and support them so that they make progress. Keep records of these notes in your file.
TS6 (d) Give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback / With the advice and help of the class teacher, mark a set of books at least once, using the school’s marking policy. Give children oral feedback when teaching them or working in a group. Give children feedback when marking and encourage children to respond to any oral or written feedback. Try to use next step marking. Find out how marking can assist in planning and how pupil progress can be recorded.
Subject knowledge target
TS3 (a) Have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculm areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject, and address misunderstandings / Choosing either maths or English or both read and become familiar with the NC for the topics which will be covered this term for your year group. Read any medium term/short term plans which are in place, so that you see how the subject(s) develop. Attend your year group planning sessions. Reflect on how the subject matter is differentiated and how it is made accessible to children of all different abilities. Highlight resources used.