Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MEETING- The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9 at the UAW 647 Union Hall, located at 10020 Reading Road, Evendale, Ohio. The 2nd shift will meet at 1:00 PM, 1st and 3rd shifts meet at 3:30 PM.

·  LOCAL CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS- If any of our Members have any suggestions for the Local Contract Negotiations, please feel free to express them to your Steward or Committeeman. We are only as strong as our Membership.

·  RETIREES PROTEST WALK- There will be a Retirees Protest Walk on Monday, June 8 at General Electric. Retirees are being asked to meet at 12:00 Noon at the Fitness Center Entrance( Glendale-Milford Rd.). The purpose of this walk is to draw attention to the needs of our Retirees in the upcoming CBC Contract Negotiations.Please plan to attend and show your solidarity.

·  CBC RALLY IN ERIE PA.- Our Brothers and Sisters in UAW 647 are taking a bus ride to the CBC Rally in Erie Pa. on Saturday, June 13. The bus leaves from the UAW 647 Hall at 6:00AM on the same day as the rally. If you are interested, YOU MUST CALL (513-563-6181) so that you can secure a seat.

·  TRADE HIRINGS- Please remind your family members and friends who are interested in a job at GE, to check gecareers.com regularly for openings. There will be openings for 1 Electrician and 3 Machinists shortly.

·  HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER- If you have to go to the Health and Wellness Center for a job-related issue, do not clock out.

·  PICKET ROSTER- Your Steward has a Picket Roster form for you to add your name to. When completed, the Steward needs to turn the form in to his Committeeman or Eric Kratzer. Eric can be reached at 513-382-5437.

·  FAST TRACK and TPP- Please let your respective legislators know your opposition to Fast Track and TPP. Your Steward has a list of their contact info. Also, their individual websites can be found on our website (www.iamll912.org) under the legislative tab.

“ Which side are you on?” Florence Reese (Wife of Sam Reece, United Mine Workers, Harlan County, Kentucky)

Respectfully Submitted,

Dan Havlin, Communicator

IAM Local Lodge 912

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