16 June

Weekly Prayer Family: The Waldrons

Weekly Prayer Ministry: Good News Jail & Prison Ministries

Weekly Prayer Missionary: Ernest, Tiffany, Cati, Ben, Ana Clark

Weekly Prayer CRE Church:Joost Nixon, Christ Church Spokane, WA

Weekly Prayer Local Church: Forest Lake Bible Church, Jeff Warda

Weekly Health Requests/Families needing meals: Dysh & Pierce


Psalm 32 [tunes: PrysgolVoxDilecti]

10. KAZAKHSTAN:Appeal Court overturned a previous ruling for the destruction of 121 pieces ofChristianliterature,includingBibles, seized from street-evangelist VYACHESLAV CHERKASOV. These were returned; but a further legal case against him is being prepared. Prayfor a favorable outcome to any further hearings; and for God’s blessing on his street ministry.


2 Sam 11.26-12.14

11. ERITREA: More than 2,000 Christians, including several pastors, are currently in prison in Eritrea and are being held without trial in inhumane conditions. Please remember them.


Gal 2.15-3.14

12. INDIA – Uttar Pradesh: Pray for Pastor "CALEB" and his flock. Recently, a group of men attacked him during a worship service, tied him to a tree and beat him mercilessly, breaking his arm. This Church has been threatened in the past, when several Christian families angered villagers by refusing to offer a gift to a Hindu goddess. Pastor "CALEB" continues his ministry.


Luke 7.36-8.3

13. NIGERIA – Borno: Pray for Nigerian Christians in these desperate days. On April 16, twenty-nine were murdered for refusing to renounce Christ. Gunmen stood beside the road, stopping cars, separating Muslims from Christians, killing those who would not renounce Christ.



14. NIGERIA: On April 19, also in Borno, militants destroyed properties belonging to Christians' and killed many (they had previously warned Believers to leave the area or be killed). Please pray for the shocked, grief-stricken families - and for all the Christians who remain in the area.


Hymn: Lord, Keep us Steadfast in Thy Word [Luther’s Hymn]

15.LIBYA: An Egyptian national bookstore owner, SHERIF, and three other foreigners who were arrested in Feb., have now been released. Traumatized in prison, they need our prayers for healing and for God’s direction in what to do next with their lives. SHERIF was accused of importing Christian materials illegally; the others, of proselytizing. Thanks for praying.


Sermon Handout Review Questions

16. BANGLADESH:Praythat the LORD’s hand will be over the anxious political situation in Bangladesh - that He will bring peace where anger and aggression is threatening Christians. Ask for the LORD’s protection for Believers, who are such a small and vulnerable minority.