Thank you all for keeping the traffic/streets (Monroe, Howard and Lincoln)
so safe for the students and for keeping the flow moving; it is very helpful.
REMINDER: Fridays ALL students are immediately picked-up at 2:15 OR else they will go into the After School Program. There are no exceptions to this.
No one is on duty (all are in a meeting) so either your child is leaving the school grounds or s/he must go to the extended care program. They cannot be outside unsupervised. Thank you for your cooperation.
This Week:
Tuesday, Sept. 16 Catholic Women’s League Potluck at 6:00 in Parish Center—all women invited
Wednesday, Sept. 17 RCIA (folks interested in the Catholic faith) at 7:00pm; all are welcome to “come and see”, especially if you have been searching…
Principals’ meeting in Boise (I will be there Wednesday through Friday)
Rummage Sale Friday 5-8pm and Saturday 8-12 at Parish Center
Saturday, Sept. 20 @ 6:30pm Bunko night (see flyer that went home)
Coming Events:
McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) for our 6th graders, Sept. 22-26—great educational time for them!
Wednesday, September 24:Grade 4 are the prayer leaders at Mass and school dress code for Mass is expected for all students.
TRUNK OR TREAT is coming again on October 26. It is a community event sponsored and organized by:
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, St. Mary’s School, Catholic Women League, Boys Scouts of America, Youth and Children’s Ministries, Knight of Columbus, and You. HELP needed for this great event….please email me () if you would be willing to serve on a coordinating committee for this event. First meeting: September 24 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
SACRAMENT of First Reconciliation:
Survey results are in…thank you to the 17 families who took the survey. Please put the following dates on your calendars:
Thursday: Oct. 9, 6:15-7:45 pm
Thursday: Nov. 6, 6:15-7:45 pm:
Thursday: Nov. 13, 6:15-7:45 pm:
Thursday: Nov. 20, 6:15-7:45 pm:
Friday:December 5, 6:30 pm: 1st Reconciliation Service followed reception
Family ideas:
1)Let your child see you praying honestly—in both good and bad times.
2)This weekend at Mass will be the Gospel from Matthew 20: 8-15….good question to ask beforechurch is:
“If a kid joined your team toward the end of the season, would you think it was fair if s/he celebrated the
Championship game with you?” And after Mass ask, “IF God’s message is for everyone, regardless of their
background, what does that tell us about how we are called to treat others?”