Revised August 25, 2015

2016-17Confirmation ProgramDETAILEDSchedule

Weekly Mass attendance/Enrollment in Catholic School or Religious Education



Please Check the Dates Carefully

Confirmation Session #4
  • Lesson 6: Why Be Catholic? (Discovering Church Jesus Founded)
  • Lesson 8: How Do I Get There? (Power & Purpose of Sacraments)
  • “CONFIRMATION COMMITMENT” formand “CONFIRMATION SPONSOR I CHOOSE” sheet both found in RED folder were collected back in April, together with Sponsor’s e-mail. Be sure those have been turned in.
Sunday, September 27th ~ 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (after 9:30 Mass)
DUE BY TODAY: Homework from Lessons 4 & 5 in Chosen Confirmation Books(covered back on April 18th session and listed on your partial Confirmation schedule that you received when you started). If you have homework from any of the previous lessons also not turned in, please be sure to e-mail that in as well.
  • At the April 18th session, the RED “Confirmation Commitment“sheet was collected (Candidate’s signature and Parents’ witnessing); AND the GREEN sheet “Confirmation Sponsor I Chose” (and Sponsor’s e-mail)—both of these were in the Red folders you were given back in February. CHECK YOUR FOLDERS and if you still have either of those, then please turn them in!
HOMEWORK following Sept. session: in CHOSEN Confirmation Books (to be e-mailed or turned in by the Oct. session) - checkoff boxes provided as aide.
READ “Hero of the Week”/COMPLETE “Challenge of the Week” and READ “Taking It Home” from Lesson 6 (pg. 50-54)
Candidates will engage in a discussion with their Confirmation Sponsor: Found in the Sponsor Guide, beginning with pg. 30, share with each other Conversation Starters/Discussions #1 thru #3. If these discussions can be done face to face—great! If not due to distance or time constraints, then try Skype, e-mail, phone calls, social media methods for Sponsors and Candidates to connect with each other. These (3) discussions can be done all at the same time or over the period of the month – it is up to the Candidate and their Sponsor.
READ “Hero of the Week”/COMPLETE “Challenge of the Week” and READ“Taking It Home” from Lesson 8 (pg. 70 - 74)
Continue to engage in Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Confirmation Session #5
  • Lesson 9: When Did My Journey Begin (Baptism – Initation in God’s Family)
  • Lesson 10: Why Tell My Sins to a Priest? (Healing Power of Reconciliation)
(Candidates are required to participate in 3 of the 5 Wider Comm. Projects) / THIS SESSION IS FOR CANDIDATES ONLY with Small Group Leaders
Sunday, October 11th 10:45 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.(after 9:30 Mass)
DUE BY TODAY:Homework from Lessons6 & 8 (see Sept.) in Chosen Confirmation Books
HOMEWORK for Oct.: in Chosen Confirmation Books (to be turned in at Nov. session or e-mailed) - checkoff boxes provided as aide.
READ “Hero of the Week”/COMPLETE “Challenge of the Week” and READ “Taking It Home” from Lesson 9 (pg. 80-84)
READ “Hero of the Week”/COMPLETE“Challenge of the Week” and READ “Taking It Home” from Lesson 10 (pg. 90-94)
Continue to engage in Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Saturday, October 24th – “National Make A Difference Day”
  • Candidates’ Parents drive down to PBJ Outreach service site inn Mexicantown across from Holy Redeemer Parish to meet Julie (Faith Form.Office is no longer able to arrange carpools from SH); parents can arrange their own carpools.
  • Adults are able to serve with the Candidates as well
  • Please RSVP with Faith Formation office so we know an approximate number of who will be helping—we need to give the PBJ Outreach people a number of people.
  • Service project for PBJ Outreach to Homeless will gofrom 7:45 to 9:30 a.m..
  • We will serve food to the homeless in assembly line fashion. Candidates are encouraged to bring individually packaged food items of their own to distribute (i.e., fruit, cookie pkgs., snack bags, trail mix baggies, granola bars, candy, etc.)
  • We will also help distribute men’s & women’s clothing and toiletries.
  • We are usually finished around 9:30 a.m. and will return to Sacred Heart.
The PBJ Outreach is such a worthwhile discipleship event that it was chosen as one of the required discipleship projects for all Confirmation Candidates to participate in. There are 5 required projects and each Candidate needs to engage in 3 of those projects. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS. Youth from other parishes also participating. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you have questions about this group project.
W.I.N.D. Youth Conference
Confirmation Session #6
  • Lesson 12: Who Is The Holy Spirit? (Meeting the Third Person of Trinity)
  • Lesson 13: What Does The Holy Spirit Do For Me? (Gifts for the Journey)
(Candidates are required to participate in 3 of the 5 Wider Comm. Projects) / Saturday, November 7th from 12:30 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Taking place at Our Lady of Hope, St. Clair Shores, MI. Sponsored by C.Y.O. Open to all youth in 6th-8th grades.
  • Separate paperwork and cost for W.I.N.D.
  • Candidates’ Parents drive to W.I.N.D. themselves to meet Julie (we are no longer able to arrange carpools from SH); parents can arrange their own carpools. Possibility of taking a bus from Divine Child. Will let registered Candidates know once that is confirmed.
Sunday, November 15th 10:45 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.(after 9:30 Mass)
DUE BY TODAY: Homework from Lessons 9 & 10 (see Oct.) in Chosen Confirmation Books
HOMEWORK for Nov.: in Chosen Confirmation Books (to be turned in at December Cathedral Mass/Tour or e-mailed) - checkoff boxes provided as aide.
READ “Hero of the Week”/COMPLETE “Challenge of the Week” and READ “Taking It Home” from Lesson 12 (pg. 110-114) - please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
READ “Hero of the Week”/COMPLETE“Challenge of the Week” and READ “Taking It Home”from Lesson 13 (pg. 120-124)– please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
Continue to engage in Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Wednesday, November 25 – Leon’s Thanksgiving Dinner Project to the Hungry
  • Event timing is from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m.
  • Event takes place at Leon’s Restaurant on Michigan Avenue
  • Event involves helping to serve meal to the hungry for Thanksgiving and to help with the serving and the bussing of tables.
This Thanksgiving Dinner Outreach Project is such a worthwhile discipleship event that it was chosen as one of the required discipleship projects for all Confirmation Candidates to participate in. There are 5 required projects and each Candidate needs to engage in 3 of those projects. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS. Youth from other area parishes also participating. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you have questions about this group project.
Group Mass and Tour of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. / Sunday, December 13th@ 11:00 a.m.– CANDIDATES & PARENTS + SPONSORS (if available)
Mass at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral followed by a tour. This field trip will help provide a better understanding of our participation in the larger Church of the Archdiocese of Detroit. It is expected that everyone will be in attendance for this Mass and tour – this is set up specifically for our group.
***There is a Cathedral Quiz sheet in the Candidate RED folders that goes with this Cathedral visit – please bring that with you.***
***Candidates will also be gathering informationfor AND receiving their particular church tour item that will be used the Sacred Heart Communion Family Church Tour that the Confirmation Candidates will lead.***
DUE BY TODAY: Homework from Lessons 12 & 13 (see Nov.) in Chosen Confirmation Books
HOMEWORK for Dec: checkoff boxes provided as aide.
Research of Church Station (picked the day of the Cathedral Visit/Tour in December) you will present when we practice the Church tour in Jan.
Continue to engage in Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Begin work on Saint/Confirmation Name information (5 questions) dueby March 1st.
(Candidates are required to participate in 3 of the 5 Wider Comm. Projects)
Confirmation Session #7
  • Lesson 14: Why Have I Been Chosen? (Sealed and Sent in Confirmation)
  • Lesson 15: Why Do I Have To Go To Mass? (Meeting Jesus in the Eucharist)
Saturday, January 16, 2017 – Archdiocesan “Martin Luther King Teen Service Day”
We meet at Sacred Heart Parish DOWNTOWN by 8:30 A.M.
Candidates need to arrange their own transportation. Adult chaperones will be needed to drive/accompany teens to their various worksites - our numbers will determine what project we are assigned to, which could be an indoor or an outdoor project.
THIS COULD BE OUTDOORS SO DRESS FOR THE WEATHER!! We will engage in any variety of service work and then return to a designated site for lunch (approximately 1pm). We return to Sacred Heart after lunch.
The Martin Luther King Service Day is such a worthwhile discipleship event that it was chosen as one of the required discipleship projects all Confirmation Candidates to participate in. There are 4 required projects and each Candidate needs to engage in 3 of those projects. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you have questions about this group project.
Sunday, January 17, 2017 10:45 a.m. to 12:45p.m. (after 9:30 Mass)
DUE: COME PREPARED WITH YOUR RESEARCH of Church Station/Item(picked the day of the Cathedral Visit/Tour in December) to present as we practice the Church tour. This is concise research—what is the item, what’s it used for, some short history about it, when is it used, why it is important.
DUE: Church station research due to be reviewed and practiced at this session
HOMEWORK for January: in Chosen Confirmation Books (to be turned in at Feb. session or e-mailed) - checkoff boxes provided as aide.
Read “Hero of the Week”/complete “Challenge of the Week” Read “/read Taking It Home”from Lesson 14 (pg. 130-134) – please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
Read “Hero of the Week”/complete “Challenge of the Week”/ Read “Taking It Home” from Lesson 15 (pg. 140-144) – please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
Discussion with your Confirmation Sponsor: In their Sponsor Guide, read pgs. 35-38, share with each other Conversation Starters/Discussions #1 thru #3. If these discussions can be done face to face—great! If not due to distance or time constraints, then try Skype, e-mail, phone calls, social media methods for Sponsors and Candidates to connect with each other. These (4) discussions can be done all at the same time or over the period of the month – it is up to the Candidate and their Sponsor,
Practice your Church Station tour talk so that you feel really confident about it for the tour in Feb.
Continue to engage in Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Begin work on Saint/Confirmation Name information (5 questions) dueby March 1st
(Candidates are required to participate in 3 of the 5 Wider Comm. Projects)
Confirmation Session #8
  • Lesson 18: Are You Talking To Me? (Know God Through Prayer)
Sacred Heart Blessing Meal with Sponsor
Together with
Communion Candidates and Parents + Church Tour / Sunday, February 21st – “Serving Meal to those in Need at St. Charles Borrromeo Parish ”
Timing of event itself is 11:00 to 3:00ish (estimate)
Candidates’ Parents drive down to service site at St. Charles Borromeo (located at 1491 Baldwin Street in Detroit, off E. Grand Blvd.) to meet Julie (Faith Form. Office is no longer able to arrange carpools from SH); parents can arrange their own carpools.
Adults are able to serve with the Candidates as well
Confirmation Candidates and chaperones will prepare the food at St. Charles; will serve those who come to eat meal following their 11:30 Mass (est. 12:30ish); and will provide cleanup after the people have eaten
This is a Confirmation combined event with St. Sebastian and St. Kateri Parishes so other Confirmation students from those parishes will also be participating.
The St. Charles Borromeo Dinner project is such a worthwhile discipleship event that it was chosen as one of the required discipleship projects for all Confirmation Candidates to participate in. There are 5 required projects and each Candidate needs to engage in 3 of those projects. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you have questions about this group project.
THIS SESSION IS FOR CANDIDATES with Confirmation Sponsors (or Parent)
Sunday, February 28th ***please note special times***
11:30 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. (this is special time only for this Session #8)
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors join with Eucharist Candidates and Parents in Family Blessing Meal in preparation for both of their Sacraments of Initiation + Confirm. Candidates will get situated in Church for 1st Communion Family Tour
1:30 p.m. – Confirmation Candidates LEAD Church Tour for 1st Communion Families (about 1 hour)
DUE BY TODAY: Homework from Lesson 14 & 15 (see Jan.) in Chosen Confirmation Books;
HOMEWORK forFebruary:in Chosen Confirmation Books (to be turned in at April session or e-mailed) - checkoff boxes provided as aide.
Read “Hero of the Week”/complete “Challenge of the Week”/Read “Taking It Home” from Lesson 18 (pg. 170-174) – please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
Finalize work on Saint/Confirmation Name information (5 questions) for taped interviews ~ DUE MARCH 1ST
Ongoing Discipleship Opportunities
Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Candidates are required to participate in 3 of the 5 Wider Comm. Projects) / DURING THE SEASON OF LENT Candidates need to engage in discipleship opportunities as an outward commitment to our faith. Please see RED folder and e-mails for various opportunities.
DURING THE SEASON OF LENT Confirmation Candidates need to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (prior to Confirmation). Dates to consider will be announced at a later time.
Saturday, March 12 – “Kids Against Hunger ”
Timing of event itself is 1:30 to 4:00
Candidates’ Parents drive down to service site at St. John Neumann Parish (in Canton) to meet Julie (Faith Form. is no longer able to arrange carpools from SH); parents can arrange their own carpools.
During a KAH event, kids package meals that are then shipped around the world (even to communities here in the US). More information about the organization can be found on their website at Adults who attend as chaperones will be given jobs as a packaging station leader, supply chief, hygiene station leader, dishwasher.
This is a West Wayne Vicariate sponsored event so middle school youth from other parishes will also be participating. There will be a cap on the number of youth who can participate so that everyone has a job to do.
The Kids Against Hunger project is such a worthwhile discipleship event that it was chosen as one of the required discipleship projects for all Confirmation Candidates to participate in. There are 5 required projects and each Candidate needs to engage in 3 of those projects. MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THIS. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you have questions about this group project.
Confirmation Session #9 Topic:
  • Lesson 21: Do I Have What It Takes? (Building Virtue-Spiritual Workout)
  • Lesson 23: How Do I Build Up The Kingdom? (Say ‘Yes’ To The Mission of Christ)
Tuesday, March 1st– Saint/Confirmation Name information (5 questions) is NOW DUE! E-mail to Faith Formation Office ()
Week of March 7th, 2017–Videotaped Confirmation saint name interviews will take place, during school and during Religious Ed. class.
Sunday, March 13th 12:45 a.m. to 2:45 the Garrison Bldg.,Classroom
DUE: Homework from Lessons 18 (see Feb.) in Chosen Confirmation Books;
HOMEWORK forApril:in Chosen Confirmation Books (to be turned in at Confirmation Vigil or e-mailed) - checkoff boxes provided as aide.
Read “Hero of the Week”/complete “Challenge of the Week”/Read “Taking It Home” from Lesson 21 (pg. 200-204) – please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
Continue to engage in Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Read “Hero of the Week”/complete “Challenge of the Week”/Read “Taking It Home” from Lesson 23 (pg. 220-224) – please type or e-mail to Faith Formation office ()
Discussion with your Confirmation Sponsor: In their Sponsor Guide, read pgs. 41-44, share with each other Conversation Starters/Discussions #1 thru #3. These (3) discussions can be done all at the same time but prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation – it is up to the Candidate and their Sponsor. Nothing needs to be turned in from these discussions.
Continue to engage in Lenten Discipleship Opportunities (Home, Parish, School, & Wider Community)
Collect baby items for the Wee Care Baby Gift Bags that everyone will make at the Confirmation Retreat (Mar.18/19) for Wee Care of Right to Life/Lifespan New Mother program. New or Gently used clothing up to 9 months are both acceptable; other items need to be new. Ask family members and friends.
Confirmation Retreat
(located on Rotunda Drive in Dearborn) / Friday, March 18th, 2016 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 -
RETREAT IS FOR CANDIDATES ONLY! 6 Parent chaperones/small group leaders and 2 volunteers for dinner help ARE needed for this event. POSSIBLE 2nd Retreat may also be offered on Saturday, March 19, 2017TBD.
Retreat includes dinner (on Friday) or lunch (on Saturday if scheduled)
Attendance at the retreat is a required part of theConfirmation Process – for conflicts, please call the Rel. Ed. office. Candidates still need to register for one of these (possible) two dates; changes in attendance will NOT be accepted last minute. If unable to attend Confirmation Retreat, Candidate will need to attend another Confirmation Retreat. Other parishes are also participating in this retreat with us.
Confirmation “Special Presentation” - Parents and Sponsors only; Candidates will be attending their retreat. Archdiocesan representative will be making presentation on “Will Our Kids Have Faith & Keeping The Faith”—a chance for parents (and Sponsors) to hear first hand the critical role you play in the faith lives of these Confirmation Candidates and how parents can better inspire faith for their future. We will also specifically go over the “Rite of Welcome” taking place with the Candidates and look at the rest of the CHOSEN Confirmation schedule.
Friday, March 18th at 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at St. Kateri’s
Rite of Commitment before Parish Community
Confirmation Vigil and Rehearsal
Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation / For Candidates, Parents (and Sponsors if possible)
Sun., April 10th at 9:30 MassGroup Mass Rite of Commitment to Confirmation (w/parents and/or sponsors). Candidates will be making their final Commitment to the Sacrament before the Assembly.
DUE: Homework from Lesson 21 and 23 (see Mar.) in Chosen Confirmation Books;
Friday, April 15th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm. In the Church – CANDIDATES ONLY! Candidates will view the Saint/Confirmation Name video and practice for Sunday’s celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Sunday, APRIL 17 at 2:30 p.m. Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Michael Byrnes. Candidates and Sponsors report to the Parish Hall by 2:00 p.m.; Parents and other guests should go directly to the church. Hospitality will take place after Mass in the Parish Hall and Bishop Byrnes will be available for photos as well at that time.
Post-Confirmation Session
  • Lesson 24: Where Do I Go From Here? (The Journey Continues)
  • Testimonies from Teens & Young Adults who took that “the next step”
Sunday, May1st (10:45–12:45 p.m.)(after 9:30 Mass)
Sponsor Guides and Parent Guides should be returned to Faith Formation today..
Hear from other teens and young adults who once stood contemplating the same decisions you now have before you: “Now that I’m Confirmed, What Now?” You will have presented to you opportunities available as a fully-initiated member of the Sacred Heart Parish community to which you can make a commitment

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