Week of: Theme/Farming/Community/Planting Teacher: _Brenda Knowles
Dramatic PlayEQ –. What are ways we can express your feelings to others? 2. How can we make choices?
Pumpkins and gourds
Measuring cups and spoons
Pie plates aprons / Art
EQ – Can we make a pattern with our pumpkins?
Knuckle pumpkin prints
Plate pumpkins
Pumpkin play dough mats
Five Little Pumpkins book
Pumpkin painting
Jack-o-Lantern faces / Sand and Water
EQ –What does sink mean?
What does float mean?
gourds/pumpkins and a variety of classroom objects for sink and float activity
Texture tables
Washing pumpkins
Pumpkin exploration (pulp, seeds ,flesh)
Pumpkin eruption (baking soda and vinegar)
Pumpkin slime (orange color, corn starch)
(texture table and sink/float activity used over several days)
EQ –Where do pumpkins come from?
Add gourds, leaves and small pumpkins to area
Wrap some blocks in orange paper to symbolize pumpkins / Manipulatives
pumpkin sorting (size)
Line up pumpkins from smallest to largest
How many pumpkins tall are you?
/ Library & Writing
EQ –What information can we learn from songs, nursery rhymes and books?
Make a pumpkin predictable chart: Our pumpkin is…
Growing Pumpkins
Silly Scarecrow
Pumpkins, Pumpkins
Orange Pumpkin, Orange Pumpkin
5 Little Pumpkins
Pumpkin Countdown
I Like Pumpkins
Patty’s Pumpkin Patch
From Seed to Pumpkin
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Eye
Where’s My Mummy
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat
Skeleton Hiccups
Science & Math
EQ- What are ways we can measure?
What body parts can we use to explore our environment? (5 senses)
pumpkins for children to use to measure each other
pumpkin examination with magnifying glasses (inside and out)
Favorite pumpkin jack-o-lantern face graph
Make pumpkin life cycle plate
Follow recipe to measure ingredients to make pumpkin pudding
Use all senses to describe a pumpkin by asking children what do you see/feel/smell/taste/ and record responses.
Sort pumpkins by size
Play dough and pumpkin patch counting mats / Music & Movement
Pumpkin Dance
Freeze Dance
Body Part Hokey Pokey / Computers (Classroom)
EQ –
5 Little Pumpkins (promethean board)
(promethean board)
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Morning Meeting
9:30-9:45 / Morning Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Weather and graph
Linear calendar
Add caterpillar piece
Freeze Dance / Morning Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Weather and graph
Linear calendar
Add caterpillar piece
Freeze Dance / Morning Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Weather and graph
Linear calendar
Add caterpillar piece
Freeze Dance / Morning Greeting
Pledge of Allegiance
Weather and graph
Linear calendar
Add caterpillar piece
Freeze Dance / No school for students
Whole Group Activities
Time(s): / 9:30 morning meeting
2:30 afternoon meeting / 9:30 morning meeting
2:30 afternoon meeting / 9:30 morning meeting
2:30 afternoon meeting / 9:30 morning meeting
2:30 afternoon meeting / 9:30 morning meeting
2:30 afternoon meeting
Small Group Activities
2:30-2:45 / AM Groups:
Activity- : Make pumpkin life cycle plate
Read From Seed to Pumpkin
Assistant 1:
Activity play dough
(pumpkin counting mats)
Assistants 2:
Activity work on pumpkin book
PM Groups:
Teacher afternoon group
Activity- Go over what we have done today
Story Pumpkin Soup
Assistant 1:
Activity- Pumpkin sorting
Assistants 2:
Line up pumpkins from smallest to largest
- / AM Groups:
Activity-small pumpkin washing
Assistant 1:
Activity- handprint ghosts
Assistants 2:
Activity work on pumpkin book
PM Groups:
Teacher afternoon group
Talk about what we did today.
Activity Shake Dem Halloween Bones
Assistant 1:
Make orange jack-o- lanterns for party
Assistants 2:
Play dough and pumpkin counting mats
- / AM Groups:
PM Groups:
Teacher afternoon group
Talk about what we did today.
Activity : Make pumpkin life cycle plate
Assistant 1:
Activity- pumpkin sorting
Assistants 2:
Activity- story
Growing Pumpkins
PM Groups:
Teacher afternoon group
Talk about what we did today.
Activity The Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything
Assistant 1:
Activity: pumpkin exploration with horticulture
Assistants 2:
Activity- / AM Groups:
Activity : There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat
Assistant 1:
Activity- fingerprint spiders
Assistants 2:
Activity- glue spider webs
PM Groups:
Class party
Teacher afternoon group
Talk about what we did today.
Assistant 1:
Activity- making spooky goop
Assistants 2:
Activity- ABC Mouse / AM Groups:
Assistant 1:
Assistants 2:
PM Groups:
Teacher afternoon group
Talk about what we did today.
Assistant 1:
Assistants 2:
Time(s): / Sensory tables
All centers are open for the substantial portion of the day. / Sensory tables
All centers are open for the substantial portion of the day. / Sensory tables
All centers are open for the substantial portion of the day. / Sensory tables
All centers are open for the substantial portion of the day. / Sensory tables
All centers are open for the substantial portion of the day.
Gross Motor/ Outdoor
Time: / Practice kicking a ball / Pumpkin hunt / Practice kicking a ball / Outside to the garden for costume walk and trick or treat activity
Read Aloud
Time: / Skeleton Hiccups / Where’s My Mummy / 5 Little Pumpkins / Pumpkin Eye
Promethean Board
Time: / 10:40-11:00
Spooky Walk (John Givens)
Students have a fifteen minute window / 10:40-11:00
Spooky Walk
IEP Goals
Time(s): / 1.JT will demonstrate understanding of preschool skills that include naming colors, counting 1-10, recognize some letters and participation.
2.JB will participate in structures as well as unstructured classroom activities.
3.SF Sarah will demonstrate an understanding of preschool concepts by taking part in classroom activities containing fine motor and social skills.
4.MR will complete non-preferred as well as preferred classroom activities with minimal prompting.
5.SS will demonstrate an understanding of preschool concepts by participating and completing classroom activities.
Special Activities/
New Vocabulary Words for the
week: / Apple, Pumpkins (jack o lantern), gourds, autumn (fall), leaves, Pies/Colors relating to fall, big/little, counting, orchard, patch
Things needed to complete the Theme/ Study for the Week
Parent/Family Involvement Activities / Parents are providing apples, gourds and small pumpkins for classroom activities.
Reminders for the Week:
Adapted from Teaching Strategies