WEEK SIX - Acts 6

Acts 6:3-4

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry

of the word.


I COR. 10:31

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Acts 6:1-6

Examine -

1. What was happening to the church?

2. What arose?

3. Who was it between?

4. What was the complaint?

5. What should the apostles not do?

6. For how many men will they look?

7. What were the qualifications for these men?

8. What are these men commonly called today?

9. What two things would the apostles do?

10. List the men here! * The rest of the next two weeks will deal with Stephen.

11. What did the apostles do to start their ministries?


There were 3 things these men were known for. Are you known for these things? Ask God to help you develop these things.

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Acts 6:7-13

Examine -

1. The decision of the church that we learned about yesterday resulted in what?

2. What specific group does he mention being saved here?

3. Of what was Stephen full?

4. What did he do?

5. What was a synagogue?

6. What were they doing with Stephen?

7. What were they not able to resist?

8. Define Suborned -

9. What was the accusation?

10. Where did they bring him?

11. What did they set up against him?

12. Was it possible that Stephen was preaching against the law?

Apply -

Stephen is a deacon who is doing so much for God that he is brought before the council for trial. Is there enough evidence to convict you of living for Christ, if you were brought to trial? List some evidences below.

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Acts 6:14-7:4

Examine -

1. Was most of verse 14 true?

Bonus: How many were on council? (Call Pastor Ogle with answer)

2. What did they notice about Stephen?

3. Who speaks next?

Note: Stephen now starts a lengthy review of Old Testament history in a sermon.

4. With whom does he start?

5. Where did he live at the time?

6. God gave 3 commands. What were they?

7. What is Charran?

8. What event happened next?

9. Where did he go then?


Stephen didn't defend himself, he preached. When is the last time you preached (shared) the Gospel?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Acts 7:5-11

Examine -

1. Did Abraham actually get land?

2. What did God do?

3. What was unusual about this?

4. What would then happen to his seed?

5. How long were they there?

6. What country is this?

7. What did God do to this nation?

8. What sealed the covenant?

9. Abraham begat and he begat and he begat .

10. What did the patriarchs do?

11. Who was with him?

12. What did Joseph eventually become?

13. What came on the land?

14. Did the patriarchs have food?

Apply -

Could it be said that God is with you? How would it change your actions today?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Acts 7:12-18

Examine -

1. Where was there corn?

2. What did Jacob do?

3. What happened the second trip?

4. What did Joseph do for his dad?

5. How many people came to Egypt?

6. What happened to Jacob and all the patriarchs?

7. Where were they buried?

8. What did the people do in Egypt?

9. What was significant about this other king?

Apply -

So far he has given an overview of the book of Genesis! God promised Abraham something and he fulfilled it. Can you list at least four promises God has made to you?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Acts 7:19-23

Examine -

1. How did they deal with them?

2. Define subtilly -

3. What did they ask them to do to the children?

4. Who was born in this time?

5. How long was Moses nourished?

6. Who found him?

7. So he became to the throne.

8. In what was he learned?

9. He was mighty in & .

10. How old was he when he visited the children of Israel?

11. Did he know they were his people?

Apply -

Notice how he is hitting the main characters of their religion. Stephen knew a lot of Bible. Do you?

Could you share this information with someone?

We need to know the Bible because it changes our lives.

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Acts 6:3-4 Time spent in prayer

Read - Review

See if you can go back and match the O.T. passage with the story


Abraham leaves home

Abraham receives promise

Abraham begat Isaac

Isaac begat Jacob

Jacob begat the 12

Joseph sold

Joseph becomes leader

Famine in the land

Joseph is made known

Jacob comes down

Killing of babies

Pharaoh's daughter gets Moses


Apply -

Of the above stories, what speaks to your heart and how do you need to change this area?

Praise -

Pray -