WEEK SEVEN - Titus 2
Titus 2:11-12
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
I COR. 10:31
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 15-16
Read - Titus 2:1-2
Examine -
1. Look at the last few verses of chapter 1. Paul contrasts the bad with what Titus should do. What should he speak?
2. Look up the following verses and see if a pair of words is the same as in verse 1.
I Tim. 1:10 -
II Tim. 4:3 -
Titus 1:9 -
3. All these books are addressed to whom (churches, area pastors?)
4. What is the first group of people he should teach?
5. What six things should he teach them? Define each of these terms.
Apply -
List two of these qualities you are weak in and tell how you can improve them.
Praise -
Pray -
Mission trip
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 17-18
Read - Titus 2:3-5
Examine -
1. Who is the second group he is to teach?
2. How should their behavior be?
3. What 2 things should they "not" be?
4. What should they teach?
5. Who is "they" in verse 4?
6. So who are they to teach?
7. What right things are they to be?
8. What do you think it means to be "keepers at home"?
9. To whom should they be obedient? (2 words)
10. Why should you do these things?
Apply -
If you are a young lady, are you learning all these things?
Are you learning home making skills to use in the future?
You should. God commands it! Guys are you preparing to be the right husband?
One major thing for you is to become the Spiritual leader you need to be for her.
Praise -
Pray -
Mission Trip
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 19-20
Read - Titus 2:6-8
Examine -
1. With whom is he to deal with next?
2. What is he to exhort them to do?
3. What does this mean?
4. What should they be showing?
5. What 4 things should they show in reference to doctrine?
6. Why should they have these things?
7. We are doing this for which "part"?
8. These people will be what?
9. What will they not have to say of you?
10. True or False – We are to be different than the world even in the way we act as teens.
Over the last few days he exhorts people to act a right way for the same reason. What is it?
How is your testimony?
Praise -
Pray -
Mission Trip
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse -Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 21-22
Read - Titus 2:9-10
Examine -
1. Who is the next group?
2. How are they to respond to there masters?
3. What do you think the last phrase of verse 9 means?
4. Define Purloining -
5. What should they be showing?
6. Define Fidelity -
7. What will they be showing (adorning)?
Apply -
By doing your job with a right attitude, not stealing (not even stealing time) and going about doing your job, you are a walking testimony to your boss. If I went to your boss or teacher, what would they say about you?
Praise -
Pray -
Mission Trip
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 23-24
Read - Titus 2:11-13
Examine -
1. Salvation has appeared to whom?
2. What brought salvation?
3. What did it teach us to deny?
4. How should we live? (3 things) Define them:
5. When should we do this?
6. For what should we look?
7. Does the writer see God and Jesus as one in the same?
8. What adjective does he give to God?
9. List one way this is true for you.
Apply -
How are you living?
Are you looking for Him to come?
Praise -
Pray -
Mission Trip
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 25-26
Read - Titus 2:14-15
Examine -
1. What did God give?
2. For whom?
3. Define Redeem -
4. Talk to Pastor Ogle and tell him which one of these definitions means the most to you.
5. From what was he redeeming us?
6. What was he purifying?
7. Define Peculiar -
8. Define Zealous -
9. Of what are they to be zealous?
10. What 3 things is he to do with all these things?
11. What should he not let anyone do?
Apply -
Are you peculiar?
I mean in a good way. Do people know you're redeemed?
Are you eager to do good works?
Praise -
Pray -
Mission Trip
Date: Time:
Weekly memory verse - Titus 2:11-12
Read through the Bible – Proverbs 27-28
Read - Review
Examine and Apply,
Go back to the list of things you are to work on (whether girl or guy) and list them here. Put a check by those you are good at and a circle around those you are working on and highlight the ones you are not working on. Then list ways you can begin working on them today.
Praise -
Pray -