Week/Date: May 23, 2016Grade/Subject SciencePrepared by: Eaton and Ruff
Learning Goal:Students will explore why we should recycle. / Daily Objective: Recognize a problem in the environment that affects our health such as pollution.Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
SPECIAL NOTES / Unit 9 Health / Unit 9 Health / Unit 9 Health / Unit 9 Health / Unit 9 Health
Bell Ringer / Describe a way to prevent illness. / Why is trash collection necessary? / Name 5 items that are dangerous to recycle. / Why is a clean water supply important? / How can trash affect out water supply?
Procedure / I Do: Pick an item to be recycled.
You Do: In small group investigate how the item can be recycled.
We Do: Share information with other groups. / I Do: Pick an item to be recycled.
You Do: In small group investigate how the item can be recycled.
We Do: Share information with other groups. / I Do: Pick an item to be recycled.
You Do: In small group investigate how the item can be recycled.
We Do: Share information with other groups. / I Do: Pick an item to be recycled.
You Do: In small group investigate how the item can be recycled.
We Do: Share information with other groups. / I Do: Pick an item to be recycled.
You Do: In small group investigate how the item can be recycled.
We Do: Share information with other groups.
Question / How do environmental factors affect our personal health? / How do environmental factors affect our personal health? / How do environmental factors affect our personal health? / How do environmental factors affect our personal health? / How do environmental factors affect our personal health?
Assessment / Create a list of items to be recycled. / Create a list of items to be recycled. / Create a list of common health issues / What items cannot be recycled? / Create a list of items that cannot be recycled.
Materials / Superteacher worksheets, Bill Nye films, EdHelper worksheets Safari Montage / Superteacher worksheets, Bill Nye films, EdHelper worksheets / Superteacher worksheets, Bill Nye films, EdHelper worksheets Safari Montage / Superteacher worksheets, Bill Nye films, EdHelperworksheets Safari Montage. / Superteacher worksheets, Bill Nye films, EdHelper worksheets
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s.
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted/Modified Assignments
Multimedia Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction/Small group Preferential Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids/Manipulatives
Alternative Assessments Strategies, extended time / Key Vocabulary: Medications Body systems
Environmental factors