Week 16Language and power

Section 1Vocabulary activity (at home)

  • Two words in each row are similar. Cross out the odd word.
  • Use a dictionary and thesaurus to help you.

A / B / C
1 / phonetic / written as it sounds / standard English
2 / jump to conclusions / prejudge / wait
3 / neat / untidy / scruffy
4 / perfect English / accent / spoken inflection
5 / dialect / choice of words / standard English

Section 2Reading activity

Tom Leonard was born in Glasgow and still lives there. Although his passport stateshe is a British citizen, Tom Leonard sees himself as Scottish.

Almost all his poetry is written in his own Glaswegian dialect. His aim has always been to write poetry in his own ‘working-classScotland speech.'

  • The poem seems to be spoken by a BBC newsreader.
  • The newsreader explains that people will not take the news seriously if it is read in non-standard English.
  • The poem is written in phonetic spelling so you can hear the accent.(How words sound.)
  • The poem is written in a Scottish dialect.(Choice of words.)
  • There is almost no punctuation.

this is thi______
six a clock______
news thi______
man said n______
thi reason______
a talk wia______
BBC accent______
iz coz yi______
widny wahnt______
mi ti talk______
aboot thi______
trooth wia______
voice lik______
wanna yoo______
scruff. if______
a toktaboot______
thi trooth______
lik wanna yoo______
scruff yi______
widny thingk______
it wuz troo.______
jist wanna yoo______
scruff tokn.______
thirza right______
way ti spell______
ana right way______
to tok it. this______
is me tokn yir______
right way a______
spellin. this______
is ma trooth.______
yooz doant no______
thi trooth______
yirsellz cawz______
yi canny talk______
right. this is______
the six a clock______
nyooz. belt up.______

Section 3 - Please answer these questions before coming to class .

1.)What is meant by phonetic spelling? Give an example word from the poem or from the Yorkshire accent.

2.)What is meant by dialect? Give an example sentence from the poem or from the Yorkshire vocabulary.

3.)How many different types of regional English are spoken in Britain? Which type is represented in the media?

4.)In the poem, how is truth related to voice and accent? Think about newsreaders, radio and politicians?

5.)In the poem, how is power related to spoken and written language? Think of the word ‘scruff’ repeated three times.

6.)If you have a regional accent and dialect how might people prejudge and exclude you?

7.)If you have a foreign accent how might people prejudge and exclude you?

8.)Is the poem funny, serious or both? And why?

9.)Does trying to change your accent or dialect change your cultural identity?

10.)What is the overall purpose of the poem?


Unit 7: Website Creation


You work for English Poetry which specialises in regional poetry. You have been asked to create a website which will be hosted by the company.

All of the text and graphics for each of the pages have been prepared in advance by a designer. You must download these from Week 16 –

Note: You will need to download 3 text files (.txt) and 5 images files (.gif/.jpg) and 1 spreadsheet file saved in .csv format and 1 audio file.

You are not required to produce any printouts for this assignment.

Website map


In this task you will download and store all the files for your website.

1a)In your working area create a folder for your website called

Dialect(your initials) e.g. DialectSW

b)Within this folder create a sub-folder calledimages.

All image files for your website must be contained within the

images sub-folder. All other files must be contained within the

website folder, Dialect(your initials).

2 a) Locate the web page Week 16 –

b) Download the following four files and place them in your website

folder Dialect(your initials).

One_16 / .txt
Two_16 / .txt
Three_16 / .txt
Table_16 / .csv
Tom_audio / .wma

c)Download the following five files and place them in the images

sub-folder that you created at Step 1b.

home / .gif
information / .gif
thoughts / .gif
email / .gif
tom / .jpg


In this task you will create a master page/template that you will use to create your web pages to ensure they have a consistent style.

All links to files and images on the website must be relative, not absolute

1 a) Load software that will enable you to create web pages.

b)Create a new web page.

c)Save this web page in your website folder Dialect(your initials) using the filename DialectMast

d)Set the page properties as follows:

title / as specified for each page
background colour / #000000
text colour / #FFFFFF
link colour / #CCFF00
visited link colour / #660066

2 Create the following META tags and insert the information shown:

keywords / Dialect, Tom, Leonard, Truth, Scotland
author / your name and centre number
description / (as specified for each page)



3 You will now create a table to align the contents of your page. A layout guide is shown below:

Blank / Heading area
Body text area
Blank / Copyright notice

a) Create a table of 2 columns and 6 rows.

b) Set the table properties as follows.

width / 750 pixels
table alignment / left
border / 0
cell padding / 2
cell spacing / 2

c) Set the cell properties as follows:

Column / Width / Horizontal
alignment / Vertical alignment
1st column / 120 pixels / centre / middle
2nd column / 628 pixels / left / top

4 a) In the 2nd column only merge the cells in rows 2, 3, 4 and 5.



5 Create a navigation table in the 1st column of your table.

a) All images have a height of 60 pixels and a width of 116 pixels which should be retained. The images must be inserted and formatted as follows:

Position in column 1 / Image / Alt text / Link to
Row 2 / home.gif / home / index.htm
Row 3 / information.gif / more reading / information.htm
Row 4 / thoughts.gif / what you think / thoughts.htm
Row 5 / email.gif / email us / your email address

b)Check to ensure all links are relative

6 You will now create a style sheet that must be applied to the appropriate areas

of each web page (see layout guide shown in Step 3, page 4).

a) Create a style sheet as follows

Name / Font face / Size / Emphasis / Alignment
heading / Courier New / 30 pt / strong
(bold) / centre
body / Courier New / 16 pt / none / left

b) Save your style sheet as appropriate to your software

7The copyright notice needs to be displayed at the bottom of each page

a)In the last (bottom) row of column 2 key in the following text:

Copyright © Your Name 2013

b)Link this text to

c) Format this in the body text style

8Save your master page/template in your website folder Dialect(your initials) retaining the filename DialectMast


1 a) Open a copy of the master page/templateDialectMast

b) Save this in your website folder Dialect(your initials) using filename index.htm

c) Title the page: Home

d) In the description META tag enter the following description:

Unrelated Incidents

2 In the Heading area key in the text:

Unrelated Incidents

3a) Insert the text file One_16 and place it in the body text area

following the outline shown below:

b) Insert the audio file tom_audio at the top of the page.

Go to Insert, Media, Plugin. Browse to find tom_audio.

Resize the Plugin to be 350 wide and 50 high.

c)Format the final four lines as bullets

4Save your web page in your folder retaining the filename index.htm


In this task you will need to insert several files.

1 a) Open a copy of the master page/template DialectMast

b)Save this in your website folder Dialect(your initials) using the filename information.htm

c) Title the page Truth

d) In the description META tag enter the following description:

Truth BBC

2In the Heading area key in the text:

Why the poem was written

3a)Insert the text file Two_16, the image file tom and the table from

the file Table_16 placing them in the body text area, following the ` outline shown below:

b)Make sure the file Table_16 is displayed in two columns.

c)Ensure that the style sheet has been applied to the appropriate

parts of the text. The body text style should also be applied to

the Table_16 table.

4Apply the following formatting to the image tom

a)Flip the image horizontally

b)Reduce the resolution

c)Centre the image

d)Set the image attributes as follows:

width / 120 pixels
height / 150 pixels
alt text / Tom Leonard

5Save your web page in your website folder Dialectyour initials)

retaining the filename information.htm


1 a) Open a copy of the master page/template DialectMast

b) Save this in your website folder Dialect(your initials) using the filename thoughts.htm

c) Title the page your feedback

d) In the description META tag enter the following description:

tell us what you think

2In the Heading area key in the text:

Please answer this survey


3 You are going to create an interactive form. An outline of the form is below:

a) Insert the text file Three_16 in the body text area, following the outline above.

b) Ensure the style sheet has been applied to the appropriate parts of the text.


4 a)Create an interactive form as follows:

start of form / before the text: What do you think?
end of form / after the text: Thank your for completing this form
form method / POST
form action /
target / blank

5Add form items according to the following table, placing them where shown in the outline on the previous page.

The field settings for radio buttons and drop down selection may be

selected or not selected.

Type / Name / Value and Field settings
hidden field / emailto / your email address
hidden field / password / emailthis
hidden field / emailsubject / Your Dialect
single line text field / name / width = 20
Check box / dialect / value = regional
Check box / dialect / value = none
Check box / dialect / value = foreign
Check box / dialect / value = London
drop down selection / English / options
Very good
Could be better
Need to improve a lot
text area / country / 8 lines of 40 characters, scrolling
single line text field / emailfrom / width = 40
submit button / submit / Label = send
reset button / reset / Label = reset


6 Save your web page in your website folder Dialect(your initials)

retaining the filename thoughts.htm

7Test the interactive form to ensure it correctly sends the information to

the recipient.

8Save and close your website and exit the software.

9Load your website in a browser and check that all:

a)pages load correctly

b)links function properly

c)page content and images(s) are displayed

d)links to other pages and images in the website are relative

NOT absolute

e)pages have been formatted accurately

f)pages are free from spelling errors

Save or copy all files to the disk, drive or network location specified by your tutor.

No printouts should be submitted for this assignment,

Section 4Video activity

Watch the video unrelated incidents. Listen to the poem again and what Tom Leonard says. Try to answer the questions below.

Timeline 22.34 – 25.00

  1. Is it easier to understand the poem spoken than when it is written?
  1. Why is the poem written in non-standard English?
  1. Why does Tom Leonard believe some poems are excluded and others are included?

Timeline 25.00 – 27.30

  1. What drives Tom Leonard to write poetry?
  1. How are people identified by their voice?
  1. What is meant by low-status language and high-status language?

Timeline 27.30 – 29.00

  1. What is the connection between voice and seriousness?
  1. How is the form of the poem different to standard written English, how it appears on the page?

Section 5Create a website on language

You need to create a website with four pages.

  1. Copy thefolder called tomfrom the tutor machine.
  1. Open the tomfolder in Dreamweaver as a New Site.
  1. Create a table as below and save as the master page.

index / students / thoughts / video
Body text area
copyright notice (linked to your email)

name of pagewhat to do

indexYour first page will have the audio poemby Tom Leonard, the writing and an image. You will need the filestom.jpeg and incidents.txt and tom_audio.mp3.

studentsThe second page will have an audio file of students talking about the poem; including the script. You will need the files students_speaking.mp3 and students.txt.

thoughtsMy Thoughts. Write a few words. What do you think about the poem? What do you think about the Scottish dialect and accent?

videoYour fourth page will have an interactive form asking people to watch a video and answer questions. You will need the video poem.wvm and the text filequestions.txt.

Create an interactive form as shown on the next page.

Then upload the TOM folder to your website.

An outline of the form is below:

start of form / before the text: Watch the video unrelated incidents.
end of form / after the: submit and reset buttons
form method / POST
form action /
target / blank

Add form items according to the following table, placing them where shown in the outline on the previous page.

Type / Name / Value and Field settings
hidden field / emailto / your email address
hidden field / password / emailthis
hidden field / emailsubject / Video answers
single line text field / question 1 / width = 100
single line text field / question 2 / width = 100
single line text field / question 3 / width = 100
single line text field / question 4 / width = 100
single line text field / question 5 / width = 100
single line text field / question 6 / width = 100
single line text field / question 7 / width = 100
single line text field / question 8 / width = 100
single line text field / name / width = 40
single line text field / emailfrom / width = 40
submit button / send / Label = send
reset button / clear / Label = reset

When you have finished please upload the TOM folder to your website.

Section 6Writing activity(at home) Choose one option to write about.

1.Did you feel powerless when you first came to this country because of low level of English? In what ways? How did it feel?

2.Look at Tom Leonard's poem and write about some of the issues. You could include short paragraphs on:

  • The argument about language and power which the poem puts forward.
  • The style of English in which the poem is written, the dialect, accent and the importance of this.
  • What the poem helped you to think about.

3.Re-write the poem phonetically e.g. in your own accent and dialect.

4.Write about literacy and power. Which jobs in this country require you to have very good writing skills? Which jobs don’t require good writing skills? What about in your first country?

5.Re-write the poem in perfect English.

  1. Choose your own subject.


S. Woulds

Week 16Language and power

word / syllables / 1st try / 2nd try / 3rd try / 4th try


S. Woulds

Week 16Language and power

Section 8Crossword activity to develop English (at home)

Answers to Section 8


S. Woulds