Week 15 Vocabulary

1. abeyance (n): a temporary suspension of an activity; a state of being put aside for future action

2. discrepancy (n): an inconsistency; a contradiction; a difference

3. sumptuous (adj): costly; magnificent; luxurious; lavish

4. illicit (adj): forbidden by law; improper; unauthorized

5. inscrutable (adj): mysterious or obscure; hard to grasp; not easily understood

6. perfidious (adj): deliberately faithless; treacherous

7. inundate (v): to cover by overflowing; to flood; to overwhelm (as if by flood)

8. homogeneous (adj): of the same kind or nature; composed of similar or identical parts or elements; uniform

9. primordial (adj): from earliest times; primitive; fundamental; original

10. pervade (v): to extend all over; to spread or be diffused throughout

11. interference

12. susceptible

13. hereditary

14. permissible

15. accompaniment

16. undoubtedly

17. detrimental

18. reminiscent

19. temperament

20. bureaucrat


1. David Livingstone (1813-1873), a(n) ______Scottish missionary and physician, explored the interior of Africa. His original reason for going to South Africa in 1840 was to be a medical missionary, but his goals were sometimes hard to understand.

2. Livingstone must have been fascinated by the ______landscape of Africa. It seemed to have been unchanged for thousands of years.

3. He explored many lakes and rivers, as well as areas that were sometimes ______after heavy rains.

4. Livingstone saw that the groups he visited were not always ______. They had quite different characteristics.

5. While exploring Africa, Livingstone did not stay in ______houses. The tents and huts he lived in were quite simple.

6. Livingstone became distressed by the African slave trade. Slave trading, he discovered, was ______in some countries but legal in others.

7. He called, not for a mere ______of the slave trade, but for a permanent stop to it.

8. Some articles contain ______in facts about Livingstone, and these variances can be confusing.

9. All contact with Livingstone was lost for several years. Fellow explorer Henry Stanley, sent to find Livingstone in 1869, finally succeeded in 1871. Stanley proved himself to be a loyal, not ______, friend by carrying on Livingstone’s work after the Scottish explorer’s death.

10. The African explorations of Stanley and Livingstone helped make possible the imperialism that eventually ______Africa. One wonders what the two men would have thought of the consequences of their explorations.

Sentence Patterns Practice

Write a sentence demonstrating each of the following patterns.

  1. S—Modifier, Modifier, Modifier—V
  1. SV Word: Appositive

Determine whether each sentence is correct or incorrect.

  1. All teachers have one wish for their students: success.
  1. Mrs. Smith—kind, helpful, teacher—she helped me through high school.
  1. Sally—conscientious, fun, diligent—will be successful.

Vocabulary 15 Answer Key


  1. inscrutable
  2. primordial
  3. inundated
  4. homogenous
  5. sumptuous
  6. illicit
  7. abeyance
  8. discrepancies
  9. perfidious
  10. pervaded
  11. S—Modifier, Modifier, Modifier—V
  12. SV Word: Appositive
  13. correct
  14. incorrect
  15. correct