Art IV

Week 1- Slideshow presentation of the elements and principles (review).

-Sketchbook assignments. (Paper switch. Drawing with rulers and distance.)

-Baseline Still-life

- Surreal moments. Write down a dream you had in a notebook or typed up. Add details. Then sketch a moment from this dream. Your illustration should be an example of a well thought out composition.

Week 2- Art Movement Obelisk. Instructions will be delivered in class.

From this point on you are to select 4 of the following lessons and complete them with in the first 9 weeks. This will require you to pace yourself which is an important aspect of being an artist. Evidence of planning for each assignment should be in your sketchbook and is a weekly grade.

Semester 1: Choose 4 works from below to add in your portfolio.

Midterm: Power point critique. Bring in your art. You are to create a slideshow presentation of your work. You will present your work. Explain the media chosen and what you learned during each work. What was the mood or emotion you were trying to capture? What was successful? What would you do differently? You are to have a minimum of 8 slides with an artwork on each. Turn in your portfolio for a grade.

Semester 2: Choose 4 different works from below to add in your portfolio.

Final Exam: Power point critique. Add in the additional works of art completed this semester. You will present your work. Explain the media chosen and what you learned during each work. What was the mood or emotion you were trying to capture? What was successful? What would you do differently? You are to have a minimum of 8 slides with an artwork on each. Turn in your portfolio for a grade.


Reflective Portraits- draw your reflection in a spoon, CD, car, window, etc. Be watchful of high contrast areas (MAJOR darks and lights) and distorted areas.

Chuck Close Portraits- RESEARCH AND REVIEW CHUCK CLOSE’S WORK FIRST! Use the digital camera and computer to capture your face. Print it out and grid it. (Get permission prior to printing) Then create an enlargement on paper/canvas/etc… and paint with circle or dot like figures in each box (see me for demo). Be sure to look for value.

Non Figurative Sculpture- Bring in an orange juice carton and mold the plaster. The following day the plaster should be hard. Using a sculpting tool create a sculpture in the round by carving the block of plaster. Be sure that you have your ideas sketched out and that your sculpture is nothing specific as it should be “non figurative”.

George Segal Pop Art Sculptures- As a group, have one student model and create plaster casts using the live model, saran wrap and plaster craft. Cut the plaster off CAREFULLY! Then reassemble using plaster.

Collage Painting- Create a photomontage in your sketchbook. Grid then paint on a canvas/board/etc. Be sure to look for gradients and values.

Balance in Nature- Find something interesting from nature. Enlarge to cover the entire paper then paint paying attention to value changes and balance. (Think Georgia O’Keefe here people.)

Metamorphic Self-Portraits- Think of a metaphor for yourself/personality. Are you a sheep, a lion, a cloud, river, thunderstorm? Are you restless like an animal in a cage? Do you have someone living in your head? Use mixed media to create your portrait.

Cut It Out- Create a work of art such as a portrait, or self portrait that imitates the work of a famous artist. Cut it up in various sizes and shapes then rearrange the shapes. Put on finishing touches for a well balanced composition.