Wednesday 28th January 2009 Kells Civic Offices


Cllr. Bryan Reilly


Cllr. E. Cassidy, Cllr. L. McCormack, Cllr. M. Gallagher, Cllr M. Lynch, Cllr J. V. Farrelly, Cllr. B. Collins.

Officials: Mr. Shane Carroll, A/Area Engineer, Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, Ms. E. Tunney, Assistant Staff Officer, Mr. B. McGrath, Director of Services, Ms Wendy Bagnall, Senior Planner,

In Attendence: School Principals, Dermot Carney, Kells Community School, Sinead Cannon, Our Lady of Mercy National School and Mr Brendan McCabe.

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the Area Council meeting held on the 24th November 2008 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. M. Gallagher seconded by Cllr M. Lynch.

2. Reports

Housing Report

Mr J. Flanagan, Town Clerk, submitted the Housing Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr J. Flanagan.

  • Headfort Grove is on schedule, dates still on target.
  • Flooding at Senator Farrelly avenue
  • As part of Pre- Tenancy forms for electoral register will be sent out.

Roadwork’s Report

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer submitted the Roads Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

The following issues were raised by the members and noted by Mr. S. Carroll.

Mr S. Carroll, Area Engineer, informed members its time of year for potholes. They seem to appear overnight. Currently doing the best with our resources.

Mr S. Carroll, Area Engineer, present winter gritting programme for Kells Area.

"Meath County Council carries out an extensive road gritting programme across the county targeting the busiest and most heavily trafficked routes. The Council salts 461km of road in the county each time icy roads are predicted. The Icecast weather prediction system takes weather information from Met Eireann and from a number of weather stations in each county to provide a location-specific weather forecast each day. This forecast at each station includes detailed temperature and road condition data. The duty engineer downloads this information onto a laptop in mid-afternoon each day and makes a decision as to whether road salting is needed. When required, pre-salting takes place just before freezing temperatures occur in order to prevent moisture freezing on the road. It is important to point out that while this weather prediction system generally has a high degree of accuracy, it is not foolproof an unforeseen road conditions can occur.

Specific funding is provided for the National Road network only by the NRA. We also salt approximately half of the regional routes which comes from the Council’s own maintenance funds. In exceptional circumstances other stretches may be salted when assessed on a case by case basis. To salt the entire road network of some 3000 km would be physically impossible and financially unsustainable.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly – Road from Kingscourt to Moytown Cross number of cars hit the ditch due to ice on road.

Mgr – informs members winter gritting comes out of maintenance budget. It is not sufficient to cover challenges. If more money is put to winter gritting we are left with less to fill potholes.

Cllr. L. McCormack – informs members she finds Athboy to Kells road particularly bad and wants to know how much extra it would cost to grit.

Cllr. M. Lynch - informs members there is a serious problem with road maintenance.

Cllr. Eugene Cassidy – Informs members of the state of roads in the county – should members go to full council.

Cllr. Brian Collins – Agree with Cllr. Cassidy. The effects of this winter is perfect for potholes, problem occurs when you switch from good to bad roads. In America they use bigger salts to grit road, salts are laid and roads become self gritting.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly – Kilmanham Lane is destroyed with potholes. Can an engineer give us an update on Kilmanhamwood next month.

Cllr. B. Reilly – informs members potholes on Kilmanham Lane is a disgrace.

Cllr. L. McCormack – would like a cost on the works done in Frayne.

Mgr – infoms members that we have come through tough budgeting process. Focus 2009 on maintaining existing roads. Given the current climate is going to be more difficult. Try to maintain what we have done. Its going to be a difficult year.

Manager also informs members Kells Electoral Area has 1/3 of the total road network of CountyMeath.

S. Carroll – informs members the road mileage is 1100km in Kells Area.

Sanitary Report

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Area Engineer submitted the Roads Report to the meeting, copy previously circulated.

Shane informs members he will invite David Keyes, Senior Executive Engineer, Infrastructure to the next Area Meeting to update members on works in Athboy.

Item 3 – To receive a draft report from McMahon Design and Management Ltd on the carpark at the Swimming Pool & Schools in Kells.

Mr S. Carroll, informs members as a result of issues with safety of pedestrians and parking issues at the above Kells Town Council and Area Council engaged in the servies of MDM to do a Traffic Management Study.

Mr Tom McMahon and Eoin Archer from MDM submitted presentation to the members. Study was carried out in 2008.

Principal – B. McCabe – informs MDM that there is insufficient parking at peak times. Paid parking will do away with long term parking.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly – Bus drop off – no bus can turn due to overflow of cars.

Cllr. Eugene Cassidy – as many people parking on footpath as in carpark.

Eoin MDM – informed members during survey it showed few people willing to go to swimming pool to park.

S. Carroll – informs members we need to make changes to achieve objectives, recommendation that paid parking would be used. Once parked on footpaths can issue tickets once bye laws are in place.

Principal D. Carney – suggest installing a railing along path as this will stop parents opening car doors.

Mgr – Can’t confirm that traffic warden will be available, not feasible as we only have one traffic warden to cover town of Kells.

Cllr. Brian Collins – Have to look at this from child safety point of view, can envisage the situation to get worse if we put paid parking across the road. Railings is a key and enforcement is a key part of it.

Principal D. Carney – informs members under Disability Act – number of children in wheelchairs footpaths must be accessible to them.

Mgr – Bye – laws take a number of months. Local Authorities can only enforce under our bye-laws others have to be enforced by Gardai.

Cllr. B. Reilly – Thanks Principals and MDM for coming informs chamber he wants us all to work together on this plan.

Item 4 – To receive a report on taking in charge of estates.

Report submitted to members.

Areas marked in green is ready for go-ahead – proposed by Cllr J. Farrelly and seconded by Cllr. E. Cassidy.

Cllr. L.McCormack – definitely a request for Ardan to be taken in charge, Gandon Court and WindyHarbour.

Reports given to members and will be discussed at next Area Meeting.

Item 5 – Notice of motion: “That Meath County Council, as a matter of urgency agree to install a pedestrian crossing on the public road at St Oliver’ s School, Cavan Road, Oldcastle” –Cllr M. Lynch.

Agreed to defer until next Area Meeting.

Item 6 – Any other business raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach.

NRA requested that members go to Dublin to discuss any national roads issues in the Kells Area.

Mgr – meeting is to discuss role of NRA in economics. Informs members of the refusals to planning in South Meath contrary to Planning Guidelines. Same thing is for us in North Meath –

Whats their view on landbank for Lloyd back of ClavinsBridge.

Its more relevant down here due to disadvantages of this area. Only way we can help ourselves is for industry to come to North Meath.

Development corridor is Navan, Trim, Kells this is still heart of the development Plan. The M3 is coming into the heart of that triangle.

What is the point in one arm of government investing in water and wastewater and the NRA is only saying we can develop only in Navan.

Dublin and Cavan Road is earmarked for further industrial development. Its logistical placed. Motorway Halt on M3 should be in Kells – Kells is ideal location.

Cllr. Brian Collins – from zoning point of view park and ride near Clonee.

Cllr. M. Gallagher – Query placement of tolls

Mgr – Wants to look at signage of M3 – will be asking NRA to come to Kells Council.

Cllr. Eugene Cassidy – Would it be practical to talk to the Minister.

Cllr. L. McCormack – access audit can we have a presentation.

Item 7. – To receive a briefing on the following Draft Local Area Plans:

  • Oldcastle
  • Athboy

Wendy Bagnall, Senior Planner submitted report to the members on Oldcastle.

2009 – 2015 – will be the duration of the plan.

From 2nd Feb to 16th March the plan will be on display.

Managers report presented to Meath County Council will be at April Meeting.

Members will have six weeks to consider reports usual practice to meet with Area Members in this.

Athboy – The draft Athboy LAP is being worked on currently and I planners have committed to bringing it to the area committee as soon as it is ready in February.

Cllr. J. V. Farrelly – when its ready special meeting will be called and plan will be put on display asap.

Gibbstown and Rathcairn reports - SEA report done will not be ready until end of February.

Cllr. B. Reilly – did Chamber of Commerce make a submission.

Wendy Bagnall, Senior Planner = Yes

On display

Cllr. M. Lynch – proposed

Cllr. E. Cassidy – seconded

This concluded the business of the meeting.

SIGNED: ______

An Cathaoirleach

June Meeting.docPage 1 of 6

Kells Town Council and Area Office, Unit S(C), Lloyd Business Park, Cavan Road, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, Email: , web: