WECC Interchange Tool (WIT) Checkout Confirmation


Document name / WECC Interchange Tool (WIT) Checkout Confirmation
WECC Regional Criterion
Regional Criterion
Category / WECC Regional Criterion
Document date
Adopted/approved by
Date adopted/approved
Custodian (entity responsible for maintenance and upkeep) / Standards
Stored/filed / Approved Regional Criteria
Previous name/number / On September 5, 2012, the WECC Board of Directors (Board) changed the designation from “CRT” to “RBP.”
On June 25, 2014, the Board changed the designation from “RBP” to “CRT.”
Status / ( ) Draft

Version Control

Version / Date / Action / Change
1 / 7/14/2011 / OC Approved / Initial
1 / 9/22/2011 / WECCBoard of Directors / Initial
1.1 / 10/4/2011 / Errata / WM2“BalancingArea”corrected toread“eachBalancing Authority.”
1.1 / 9/5/2012 / WECC Board changed designation from “CRT” to “RBP”. / Designation change
1.2 / 12/13/2011 / Errata / “InterchangeAuthority”wasremoved fromtheApplicabilitysectionas thereareno assignedtasksand theentity isnotanapproved entity undertheNERC FunctionalModel,Version5. InWM2 and WM3, InterchangeAuthoritywasreplacedwiththe properterm Interchange Coordinator,approved undertheNERC FunctionalModel,Version 5.
1.3 / 1/16/2013 / Errata / The term “Western” in the Title was corrected to “WECC.” The “Number” was corrected from the project number of WECC-0064 to document number INT-021-WECC-RBP-1.3. Fn 1 added to explain Effective Dates. Conformed to RBP Template.
1.3 / 6/25/2014 / WECC Board of Directors (Board) designated this document as a Regional Criterion. / Designation change

Project Roadmap

This section is maintained by the drafting team and is subject to change.

Completed Actions / Completion Date
  1. SAR Filed
/ 7-25-2014
  1. WSC approved the SAR
/ 8-5-2014
  1. DT solicitation notice dispatched
/ 8-15-2014
  1. Notice of DT Assignment
/ 9-29-2014
  1. Posting 1 Comments Open
/ 12-5-2014
  1. Posting 1 Comments Closed (45-day)
/ 1-19-2015
  1. DT Meets to answer Comments
/ 1-27-2015
  1. Posting 2 Comments Open
/ 1-28-2015
  1. Posting 2 Comments Closed (30-day)
/ 2-27-2015
  1. DT Meets to answer Comments
/ 3-2-2015
  1. Posting 3 Comments Open
/ 3-5-2015
  1. Posting 3 Comments Closed (30-day)
/ 4-6-2015
  1. DT Meets to answer Comments
/ 4-9-0215
  1. WSC approves for ballot

  1. Standards Briefing – Notice

  1. Close Ballot Pool

  1. Standards Briefing

  1. Open Ballot

  1. Ballot Closed

  1. WSC Meets

  1. Notice to WECC Board of Directors

  1. Board


Currently, there is no single uniform process for scheduling and checkout between Balancing Authorities (BAs) using the WECC Interchange Tool (WIT).

This Standards Authorization Request (SAR) would clarify that process by modifying INT-021-WECC-CRT-1.3, WECC Interchange Tool (WIT) Checkout Confirmation, a WECC Regional Criterion (CRT).

Implementation Plan

The drafting team does not foresee any concerns with implementing the document as proposed as of the first day of the second quarter following WECC Board of Director approval. The document as proposed: 1) requires no new training, 2) simplifies existing processes, and 3) should result in a streamlined procedure. Finally, there are no contemplated changes to the WECC Interchange Tool software.

Definitions of Terms Used in the Standard

There are no new defined terms proposed. For clarification only, the use of the term “common” is explained in the Guidance section of this document.


This document will be reformatted after final disposition.


1. Title:WECC InterchangeTool(WIT) Checkout Confirmation

WECC Regional Criterion

2. Number: INT-021-WECC-CRT-2

3. Purpose:ToprovideWECCBalancingAuthoritieswithanauditable meansofconfirmingNetScheduledInterchange(NSI) and Net Actual Interchange(NAI).TheWECCInterchangeTool (WIT) or successor electronicconfirmationtool will serveas theprimarymeansfor confirmationandwill betreatedasthe final record of NSI andNAIundernormaloperating conditions.

4. Applicability:


5. EffectiveDate:The first day of the second quarter after approval by the WECC Board of Directors.


WR1.EachBalancingAuthorityshall usetheWECC Interchange Tool (WIT), or its successor, astheprimarymeansto confirmcommon Net Scheduled Interchange (NSI) and Net Actual Interchange (NAI), except when the tool is not available.

WM1.Each Balancing Authority will have evidence that it used the WIT, or its successor, as the Balancing Authority’s primary means of common NSI and NAI confirmation, except when the tool is not available, as required in Requirement WR1.

WR2. EachBalancingAuthorityshall confirm its common NSI with each Adjacent Balancing Authority at the following time periods:

1)Prior to implementing the energy profile of the aggregated Confirmed Interchange (and)

2)After making any changes.

WM2.Each Balancing Authority will have evidence that it confirmed its common NSI with each Adjacent Balancing Authority at the times required in Requirement WR2. Evidence may includebut is not limited tothe confirmation audit log provided by the WITor its successor. Bullet 2 is not to be interpreted to conflict with the allowance of after-the-fact settlement

WR3.EachBalancingAuthorityshall providehourlyNAI data, equal in magnitude and opposite in sign or direction,totheelectronicconfirmation toolfor eachofitsAdjacent Balancing Authoritiesbeforethestartofthenextclockhourandonmutually agreedtochanges.

WM3.EachBalancingAuthoritywill have evidencethathourly NAI datawassubmittedtotheelectronicconfirmationtoolfor each ofitsAdjacent BalancingAuthoritiesbeforethestart of thenextclockhour andonmutuallyagreedtochanges, as required in WR3. Evidence may include but is not limited to the data submittal audit log provided by the WIT, or its successor.

Guidance Section

This Criterion is in support of BAL-006-2, Inadvertent Interchange.

For purposes of INT-021-WECC-CRT-2, the word common means that Net Scheduled Interchange (NSI) or Net Actual Interchange (NAI) between only two Adjacent Balancing Authorities (BA) as opposed to the aggregate NSI or NAI with all BAs.

Developed as WECC-0108; Previously WECC-00064Page 1