WebSmart System Configuration Worksheet - Finance

District Level Questions

District Name:

County District Number:

Superintendent Name:



Business Office Name:



Payroll Contact Name:



Peims Contact Name:



Sp Ed Contact Name:



WebSmart Administrator Name:



Facilities: List each building for your district:

Shared Services Arrangements if applicable

TypeFiscal Agent

TypeFiscal Agent

TypeFiscal Agent

Business Office Questions

Federal Tax Number (EIN or FEIN)

State Retirement Plan # (4 digit TRS number)

State Unemployment Account # (TWC Account#)______

State Unemployment County

State Unemployment Rate ______or Reimbursable______

Workers Comp. Vendor______Please attach a copy of the policy page that includes the employee classes, rates for each class and policy period.

How do you pay your workers comp policy, monthly, quarterly, or annually?

Service Record County

Service Center Region

Overtime Factor

Payroll Schedule/s

Leave Unit of Measure:DAYS Please describe or attach a copy of your district leave policy.

Email Address for non-deliverable pay stubs

System will notify this person of a direct deposit pay stub that had an incorrect or non-deliverable email address.

Check Sequence #s:Approximately what check number would you like to start the new system with for each checking account?

Bank Names/Routing/Account: Please include a copy of the first page of any bank account or investment that you receive a bank statement or earnings statement for. ______

Do you have a cafeteria (C125) plan?

If yes, who is provider______

Please attach a copy of the provider’s current invoice. The invoice should include employee name, amount of pre-tax and/or after tax monthly deductions.

District contribution to each employees health insurance?

Do you have administrators who receive a different amount or extra pay if they do not participate in the district health plan? If yes, who and how much?

Do you participate in the TRS ActiveCare health insurance program?

What other benefits do you offer your employees? Ex. Dental Select, Pre-Paid Legal… Please attach a current copy of each of their invoices including TRS ActiveCare if they are your provider.

List all Contract Types:ex. 187 days, 190 days, 226 days

Do you get paid in August for August Days or Do you get paid in September for August Days?

Do you use a pay scale?

Please attach a copy of the most current payroll journal. If you pay some employees bi-monthly and some monthly we would like a copy of each.

Do you have a copy of your 10-11 Budget in excel?

Do you have the salary amounts and hourly amounts for the upcoming school year?

Does it include how they should be coded ?

We will need reports from your system that we can verify employee information against such as name, address, degree, ethnicity, date of birth, social security numbers, salary, # of days worked, % of day worked, contract type, trs eligible, etc..

Please send a copy of your Charter documents.

Please send a copy of any policy and procedures you may have adopted.

User Configurations

Use this template to indicate initial users to be added to system. This should include anyone responsible for reviewing converted data for accuracy. Additional users will be added to system by districts WebSmart administrator.

Name / User Name / General Area/Title / Campus / Specific Duties