Your Name/Partner Names______

Answer each of the following questions with thought and be thorough. Before you attempt to complete this form, you need to visit with the appropriate faculty member in your discipline (listed below) about a possible topic for the WebQuest. Be sure to explain what course you are in, and briefly describe the assignment when discussing possible topic with the faculty person.

Subject AreaFaculty Person

Music EdAnn Pesavento / Doug Nimmo

Art EdLois Peterson / Rita Curtin (adjunct)

Social StudiesCarolyn O'Grady / Chris Gilbert

MathCarolyn Dobler / Steve Jones (adjunct)

Language/Com ArtsBecky Fermo / Deb Pitton

Life ScienceCindy Johnson-Groh / John Clementson

Please ask the faculty member to sign this form indicating that you discussed your WebQuest topic with him or her.

Faculty Signature______

Be SURE to thank this person for the help you received!

You are now ready to complete this form!

1. What is the age or grade level for this WebQuest?

2. What is the content area you have chosen for this WebQuest? What is the TITLE of this project?

3. Now review the MN Academic Standards for your discipline and then identify the specific Strand, Sub-Strand, and Benchmark to be addressed within this WebQuest.

4. Which specific TASK based on our discussion of WebQuest Taskonomy will you address in this project? (See WebQuest instructions on EDU 241 homepage, under Assignments if you need to further review the possible tasks.)

5. What is the end result of the student’s activities in this WebQuest?

For example, identify the problem to be solved OR the decision to be made OR the product to be created. BE very specific…do NOT say “the student will learn…”

6. Briefly describe the process you anticipate for students. Here is where you describe how students will get to the end result you identified in #5. Include at least 3 of the websites you plan to have students use.

7. Describe how higher order thinking will be required of students. This could involve comparing, contrasting, combining, classifying, solving, analyzing, making a case, drawing conclusions, etc. Explain how this higher order thinking will be required in your task.

8. How do you anticipate evaluating student performance on the WebQuest? Be specific and give some detail. If using a rubric, tell what will be included in the rubric.