WebQuest Planning Sheet*

Place WebQuest Title Here

By Your Name Here

Write a brief paragraph to introduce your WebQuest topic. Describe a role or scenario with which your students will work (e.g., "You are a world famous biologist trying to prevent an ecological catastrophe.").


Describe the specific results of the students' activities. What will the students produce? Describe the type of task your students will perform based on the WebQuest Taskonomy page ( Retelling is the only type of task that is NOT appropriate for this assignment. The task should go beyond simply having students research a topic and prepare some kind of report or presentation that presents the facts they located.


Use this space to list five Internet resources that will assist you as you begin the design of your WebQuest.

  1. Name of the Web Site
  2. Name of the Web Site
  3. Name of the Web Site
  4. Name of the Web Site
  5. Name of the Web Site

The Process

Summarize the steps your students will go through in order to complete the task described above.

Learning Objectives

Using the ASSURE model (use the ABCD sections for each), write 3-5 learning objectives for the WebQuest. These objectives should be based directly on the state standards you provide below. When the WebQuest is completed, what should your students be able to do as a result?

State Standards

This is where you can relate your WebQuest learning objectives with the state curriculum standards to provide guidelines for student achievement. List the Tennessee state curriculum standards on which your objectives are based. These standards should align directly with your learning objectives.


If you are going to justify the time, effort, and energy required for designing and using the WebQuest, you should to be able to clearly measure the results. Since the learning objectives should reach for the top of Bloom's Taxonomy (application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation), you cannot measure this higher order thinking with a multiple-choice test or other traditional assessment method. An evaluation rubric is required for this project. Provide a list of the main categories that will appear on your rubric. See the sample projects in Blackboard for sample rubrics. Also, see Creating a Rubric for a Specific Task.


Put a couple of sentences here that summarize what students will have accomplished when they complete this WebQuest. You should include a statement that will encourage students to extend their thinking into related areas. Provide one URL for a Web site to which students can go for further exploration of the topic.

* Students must complete this planning sheet and submit it to the instructor for approval on the date shown on the course schedule. No completed WebQuest will be accepted without this prior approval. Before beginning this planning sheet, review the WebQuest materials provided in Blackboard (Assignments) and on the course Web site.