Which other famous monument can you visit nearby ?

How do you get to Ellis Island from Manhattan ?

Opening hours: from to

Number of immigrants who went through Ellis Island: .


Ouvre ce lien puis observe les légendes lorsque tu survoles les numéros. Pour chaque rubrique, tu peux cliquer sur l’onglet ‘photos’ qui te permettra d’associer les photos ci-dessous avec le lieu correspondant.

Interactive tour of Ellis Island

/ The dining hall  the dormitories 
the great hall  the baggage room 
/ The dining hall  the great hall 
The dormitories  the hearing room 
/ The dormitories  the great hall 
the hearing room  The dining hall 

3. Major facts about Ellis island: Clickhere, read the page and complete the grid.

Facts / Dates (en lettre)
Ellis Island is acquired by the Dutch and is called ‘Oyster Island’
Official opening of Ellis Island / Exact date:
Ellis Island is used as a hospital for the US Army
Literacy tests:
From 1917 to …………………. / The tests were for people under 16  over 16 
Which ethnic group was almost entirely banned :
First immigration quotas
Ellis Island is officially closed
Ellis Island opens as a museum

4.Let’s start the visit:dictionary

Il faut utiliser les différents onglets sur les pages (story, photos, audio, vidéo) pour répondre aux questions.

The trip ( à lire uniquement)

The arrival:

What did the immigrants first see when they reached New York Harbour? Why was it symbolic?

Did all passengers have to go to Ellis Island?

Who was the first immigrant to arrive in Ellis island ? Give as many details as you can (age, nationality...).

Watch the video and answer the questions (onglet video)

Was it a sailing ship?

What’s the name of the ferryboat ?

Who shot the film ? When was it shot ?

The Baggage room


Why is it called the baggage room ?
Where is it located?
In your opinion, what were the numbered identity tags used for?
Where did they go after ? / to the bunker room  the hearing room  the great hall 

The stairways to the Great Hall

Who stood at the top of these stairs?

Explain what the six-second physical test was and its aim :

Chalk marks were put on healthy people  on those who were ill or disabled 

Use the links above and find this medical chart :

Choose or write the right symbols corresponding to these disease or disabilities:

What did that X sign mean ?
Neck : / Senility: / Eyes: / Feet :

How long did the immigration process usually take? Explain why.

What happened to medical detainees?

What happened to those who suffered from contagious disease or couldn’t be cured? How many immigrants were concerned by that measure?

The Great hall

How wide is the Great hall ?
How long is it ?
What’s the atmosphere in the room like?
Explain what the Legal inspection was. What did Immigration Officers check?

A typical meal at Ellis Island

What sort of food could immigrants usually have at Ellis Island?

Could they sit anywhere in the dining-room?


RIGHT OR WRONG : read the following statement and correct the wrong ones.

statements / Right/ wrong / answer
1. Immigrants were given a card on their arrival.
2. While they were waiting, doctors checked their heart.
3. Immigrants were lined according to their nationalities and their names.
4.They hardly ever felt amazed by what they heard or saw.
5. Immigrants had to have some money to be allowed into the USA but dollars only were accepted.
6. They had to write a short sentence to prove their literacy.
7.Most immigrants were accepted and could reunite with their relatives.
8. Immigrants could spend from 3 hours to several years before getting the 'admitted' stamp on their identity card.
9. It was called the Isle of Tears because the immigrants were so happy to meet their relatives that they often cried.

The final step

After the medical and legal inspections, the immigrants arrived at the top of another staircase at the other end of the Great Hall.

If they wanted to travel to New York or North which stairs did immigrants took:

If they wanted to travel West or South which stairs did immigrants took:

If they were detained due to medical or legal problems which stairs did immigrants took:

What did they get here?

Welcome to America

Find two groups (nationalities) of immigrants who had the highest return rate to their native country and find two other groups with the lowest return rate:

Why did women tend to stay in America?

What was the name and nationality of the last immigrant who went through the station in 1954 ?

5. Let's listen to a family story.

Listen to the recording : ellisisland(source banquoutils)

The main characters are a teenage girl and her father  her grandfather  her great-grandfather 

They are talking about her :

The first thing he saw when the steamboat approached Ellis Island was :

Where did he come From ? when was it ? Why did he decide to emigrate ?

What can you read on the Wall of Honour:

Interesting video about Ellis island: