Web site information of Personnel depTt. of SBP divn.

a. The particulars of its organization, functions and duties:

The Personnel Department in SBP Division is headed by one DPO in Sr. Scale assisted by one APO in Jr. Scale. DPO is the in-charge of Personnel branch. The functions and duties of Personnel department includes various matters like, recruitment, training, job-analysis & grading, manpower planning, transfer, promotion, disciplinary matters, demotions, discharges, industrial peace, welfare measures, residential accommodation, disbursement of payments/wages to the employees working in the division, financial aids, well being and settlement of staff, legal matters, privileges, workmen compensation payment, incentives, HOER, etc.

b.The powers and duties of its officers and employees:

The DPO as Branch Officer of Personnel Department exercises full control over the entire establishment of Personnel matters as indicated at item-I above with the assistance of APO for its implementation through different tiers of its workforce consisting of Ch.OS/OS/HC/UDC/LDCs within the frame work of rules under various schedules of powers delegated by the General Manager from time to time.

c. The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability:

All the establishment matters as stated above are initiated by the concerned dealers of each individual sections are routed through the ChOS/OSs are finally examined at the level of APO and DPO and appropriate orders passed in the files as per the schedule of powers.

d. The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions:

All the functions of Personnel Department are based on the rules and procedures embodied in Railway Establishment codes, Manuals, Rules on Personnel matters in other railway codes, Labour laws & rules issued in connection with and the instructions emanated from Zonal Hqrs. from time to time.

e. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions:

The personnel department functions are based on the rules and procedures embodied in Indian Railway Establishment codes-I & II, Indian Railway Establishment Manuals-I & II, Discipline & Appeal Rules, Hours of Employment Regulations, Labour Laws, Pension Rules, Pass Rules, Establishment Serials issued by Zonal Hqrs. and various other instructions issued by Zonal Hqrs. time to time.

f. A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control:

  1. Service Records of individual employees along with their personal files.
  2. Record of payment of salaries/wages/incentives/allowances/Bonus, Abstract muster rolls, leave applications, Sick certificates etc.
  3. Employee’s index.
  4. Settlement documents.
  5. Recruitment matters.
  6. Office Orders for promotions/discharge/removal/demotions/transfers etc.
  7. Cadre positions.
  8. Creation of staff proposals.
  9. Files related to transfers/promotions/removals/discharge/demotions.
  10. Selection proceedings.
  11. Annual Confidential Reports.
  12. Files related to Welfare activities.
  13. Legal matters.
  14. Workmen compensation matters.
  15. Pass/PTO/Duty Card Passes/Compl. Card Passes/Metal Passes/Spl. Passes.
  16. Stores related files.
  17. Matters related to Territorial Army.
  18. Awards.
  19. Grievances documents.
  20. Files related to various Advances, like, HBA, Scooter/Bicycle, Festival etc
  21. Budget.
  22. PCDO
  23. RRB Indents.
  24. Vacancy positions
  25. Trade Union matters, staff associations etc.
  26. Reservation Rosters.
  1. The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof:

No such arrangement exists.

  1. A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible to public:

Two Trade Unions namely, ECoRSC and ECoRSU are functioning in the division headed by respective Divisional Coordinators along with 12 official members in each union. Besides there are five branches functioning at different locations in the division with same number of members for each branch of ECoRSC and ECoRSU. At the same time three more associations are functioning, viz. AISCSTREA, AIOBCREA and AIRPFA.

PNM meetings are held at every two months with both the trade unions of ECoRSC & ECoRSU headed by DRM/ADRM along with all branch officers in order to discuss/redress various issues. Similarly PREM is also held quarterly along with the members of ECoRSC, ECoRSU, AIRPFA, FROA, PROA along with all branch officers headed by DRM/ADRM. Necessary minutes are drawn against all such meetings, but the minutes are not accessible to public, since it contains only matters related to different areas of railway working. Besides, informal meetings are also held with ECoRSC, ECoRSU, AISCSTREA, and AIOBCREA time to time to sort out various problems in the day to day working of the railways.


  1. Department wise employees position in SBP division:

Department / Sanction / Operated
Gr.C / Gr.D / Total / Gr.C / Gr.D / Total
Genl.Admn. / 52 / 0 / 52 / 47 / 0 / 47
Engineering / 2989 / 1 / 2990 / 1974 / 13 / 1987
Mechanical / 1174 / 4 / 1178 / 940 / 6 / 946
Operating / 1303 / 18 / 1321 / 1077 / 10 / 1087
Commercial / 284 / 3 / 287 / 252 / 0 / 252
Signal & Tele / 400 / 0 / 400 / 373 / 0 / 373
Electrical / 202 / 1 / 203 / 185 / 1 / 186
Medical / 140 / 3 / 143 / 124 / 3 / 127
Personnel / 89 / 0 / 89 / 82 / 0 / 82
Stores / 13 / 0 / 13 / 10 / 0 / 10
Security / 401 / 0 / 401 / 341 / 0 / 341
Education / 5 / 0 / 5 / 2 / 0 / 2
Canteen / 6 / 0 / 6 / 5 / 0 / 5
Accounts / 78 / 0 / 78 / 63 / 0 / 63
Total / 7136 / 30 / 7166 / 5475 / 33 / 5508
  1. The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations:

All the officers and its employees are received their monthly remuneration by way of salary &

allowances drawn in accordance with the pay scales authorized by the VI Central Pay Commission.

  1. The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made:

To be furnished by Sr.DFM/SBP.

  1. The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes:


  1. Particulars of receipt ants of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it:


Items for which application Forms/Proformas and Laws, Rules and Procedures governing them should be posted on the Website – Position of Personnel Deptt./ Sambalpur Division. (Ref: Sr.Dy. General Manager/ ECoR’s Lr.No. GM/V/ECoR/Web page/56, dtd.10.04.07).