Web Report Pro User Manual

  1. Go to click on “Member Login,” and enter your username and password.
  2. You will be taken to the main page.
  1. Retrieving and Uploading Voice Files
  • With the recorder on, connect it to the computer via the USB cable.
  • A new window will open – close this window
  • Verify that the recorder is displaying “Remote.” If it does not say “Remote,” make sure the power is on and check the USB cable connections.
  • Click on the “Dictation” tab and choose the appropriate recorder type.
  • If prompted to allow an ActiveX control interaction, choose “Yes”
  • The “Retrieve and Upload” window will open.
  • Click the “Retrieve and Upload” button, select the Care Provider ID, practice location if applicable, and then click “OK.” You will be asked to confirm your selection one more time.
  • You will see the voice files populating on the screen and the “Retrieved” and “Uploaded” fields progressing to 100%.
  • After the upload has been complete you will get a message in the “Status” window indicating the total amount of voice files uploaded.
  • It is now safe to remove the recorder.
  1. Marking a File as STAT
  • If you are not already on the “Pending Reports” page, click on the “Documents” tab.
  • Choose “Yes” if prompted to allow an ActiveX control and wait a moment for the new page to load.
  • If you get a “No Result Found” message, click on “OK.” The “Transcribed Reports” page will be blank when it opens.
  • Change the “Report Type” field to “Pending” and click “Go”
  • Right click on the voice file and choose “Play” to verify the patient name. You can also double click on the voice file or highlight the file and choose “Play” from the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
  • Right click on the voice file and click on “Rename/STAT”
  • A new dialogue box will open
  • Check “Mark as STAT”
  • Choose the appropriate “STAT’ level and click “OK.”
  • You will get a confirmation window stating “File/s renamed successfully.” Click “OK.”
  • If you are unable to change the status, you will have to call 215-355-9060
  1. Changing the Care Provider ID/Location
  • If you are not already on the “Pending Reports” page, click on the “Documents” tab.
  • Choose “Yes” if prompted to allow an ActiveX control and wait a moment for the new page to load.
  • If you get a “No Result Found” message, click on “OK.” The “Transcribed Reports” page will be blank when it opens.
  • Change the “Report Type” field to “Pending” and click “Go”
  • Right click on the voice file and choose “Rename/STAT.”
  • Check “Change Care Provider ID.” Using the drop down arrow choose the Care Provider ID and/or location, and then click “OK.”
  • You will get a confirmation window stating “File/s renamed successfully.” Click “OK.”
  • If you are unable to change the ID or location, you will have to call CBay Technical Support @ 215-355-9060
  1. Viewing/EditingDictations:
  • Click on the “Documents” tab or change the “Report Type” field to “Transcribed” and click “Go”.
  • Choose “Yes” if prompted to allow an ActiveX control and wait a moment for the new page to load.
  • If you get a “No Result Found” message, click on “OK.” The “Transcribed Reports” page will be blank. By default, Report Pro will only display the last 7 days of dictations. If you have not had any dictations transcribed within the last 7 days you will need to adjust the date range to view your dictations.
  • You can view all files, or sort thefiles by Care Provider ID, location, and/or date range by using the drop down arrows for the appropriate fields, making your selection, and clicking “Go.”
  • You can sort the order of the files by clicking on various column headers. Example: Sort alphabetically by patients’ last name. If you click the column header again, it will sort in reverse order.
  • To open a dictation you can double click on the filename, highlight the filename - right click - then choose open, or highlight the filename and click on the “Open” tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once the dictation has opened you can make any necessary edits. To save your changes or to close the dictation, click on the red X in Microsoft Word (located at the top right hand corner). Click “Yes” if prompted to save the changes.
  • You will be back at the “Transcribed” reports page and the dictation you were working on will be highlighted.If you have made any edits, the dictation will briefly open and close. In the bottom left corner of the screen you will see “Please wait, request in progress…” The document is resyncing the changes to our server.
  • Wait for the “Please wait, request in progress…” message before attempting to open the next dictation.
  1. Editing Demographics.
  • Right click on the file and choose “Edit Demographics.”
  • Click on the demographic that you wish to edit.
  • Make your edits in the “Set Value” field and click “Set Value.”
  • If you need to edit multiple demographics, click on the additional demographic, make your edits, and then choose “Set Value.”
  • When you have finished editing, click “Set Demographics to document.” This will also place the corrected demographics in the body of the dictation.
  • Word will briefly open and then close. You will receive a “Demographics edited successfully” message. Click “OK”
  1. E-Signing a Dictation
  • Dictations can only be E-Signed by a dictator while logged in with their Care Provider ID.
  • Open the dictation for review and make any necessary changes.
  • Close the dictation by clicking on the red X located in the top right corner of Microsoft Word. Click “Yes” if prompted to save the changes.
  • You will be back at the “Transcribed” reports page and the dictation you were working on will be highlighted.
  • If you have made changes, the dictation will briefly open and close. In the bottom left corner of the screen you will see “Please wait, request in progress…” The document is resyncing the changes to our server.
  • Wait for the “Please wait, request in progress…”messageto disappear.
  • Click on the “E-Sign” tab at the bottom of the page, or right click on the highlighted dictation and click “E-Sign.”
  • The document will open and close in Word. Once complete, you will get a confirmation message that it has been E-Signed successfully.
  • Wait for the “Document Updated” message before attempting to open the next dictation.
  • If the dictator opens the E-Signed dictation again, they will get a message stating that an addendum will be added if it is edited and saved.
  • The addendum statement will appear in the body of the dictation below the original E-Signature.
  • You can only E-sign one document at a time. Batch E-Signing is not permitted.
  1. Printing Dictations
  • You can print a single dictation or a batch of dictations.
  • To print a batch of dictations is succession, single click on the first file that you want to print, hold down the “Shift” key, then click on the last file that you want to print. The entire group will be highlighted.
  • To selectively batch print documents, single click on the first file and hold down the “CTRL” key, and click on the other files that you would like to print.
  • To print, either right click on a highlighted file and choose “Print”, or click the “Print” button at the bottom of the page.
  1. Document Management Features
  • Once you open print, fax, forward or E-Sign a dictation, a green dot
    will appear to indicate actions taken.

  1. Searching for a Dictation
  2. From the “Transcribed” reports page, click the “Search” tab at the bottom of the page. You must have dictations displaying in order to use this feature. If you do not see any dictations you will need to adjust your date range at the top of the page.
  3. Use the drop down arrows to choose a demographic to search by.
  4. In the “Search text” field, fill in the information that you are searching for. The name you are searching for must match the name the way it is spelled in Report Pro. For your convenience, you can search by just the first initial and it will bring up all patients names beginning with that initial.
  5. Click on “Other Care Providers” and choose “All” or an individual Care Provider ID.
  6. You do not have to enter the date.
  7. Click “Search” and wait for the page to refresh. The dictations will appear on the screen.
  1. Listening to Voice Files for Transcribed Dictations
  2. You are only able to listen to voice files for 30 days from the date the file was uploaded.
  3. From the “Transcribed” reports page right click on the dictation that you want to listen to and choose “Play.” You can also highlight the file name and choose “Play” from the bottom toolbar.
  1. Faxing Dictations
  • Please note you must first enter in the recipients of the fax into the address book before you can fax.
  • From the “Transcribed” reports page right click on the dictation that you want to fax
  • Click on fax at the bottom
  • Check the recipients you would like the fax to go to and click on fax.