/ Dana Holding Corporation – Power Technologies Group
Web Registration User Guide Updated: 15/06/15

Web Registration Introduction

Power Technologies Group provides the Web Registration Application as a means for its suppliers to self- manage their own users and to assign approved applications to those users, manage passwords, and to add & remove users as needed.

You will use your email address and password to access the site. In cases, where a supplier has a common email address shared amongst several people at your company, these will either need to be reduced to a single generic login user name and the common email address. PTG would recommend that contacts still be registered with unique user names and emails as the best approach to maintaining access.

A supplier is responsible for the security of the contacts in its company. A generic email and password is more difficult to maintain in the event of changes in staff responsibilities, or turnover.

The Supplier Administrator is responsible for removing users that are no longer employed with the company.

Power Technologies Group’s Website

The PTG web site is located at:

PTG Login Screen

Enter your login credentials and press “Enter” or press the Login Button.

If the credentials are not authenticated, the screen message will indicate the failure and allows you to try again. The browser can be configured to remember entries on fields.

After a successful Login, the person is redirected back to the main page of the PTG Web Site.

Web Registration Overview

The Web Registration application has two primary data screens. A Company Information form and a Contact Information form.

Security for a supplier company is divided into two responsibilities:

  1. Administrator Role
  2. The Administrator is responsible for creating and maintaining the contacts at the supplier’s organization.
  3. The Administrator can assign / un-assign applications to specific users at the company.
  4. Can send passwords to users as reminders
  5. Can change passwords for users
  6. Can delete Contact Information profiles
  7. Administrators can create other administrators
  1. User Role
  2. Can edit their own Contact Information profile, including updating their name, password, email address (which is also the USERNAME for login purposes).
  3. Cannot change certain key information such as the applications assigned
  4. Cannot delete their profile from the system. A request to the administrator for the company is required.
  5. By default,will be navigated to their profile when logging in.
  6. Can navigate to the Company Information profile via the “Go To Company” in the button bar.
  7. Can view company information for that company
  8. Can see a list of registered contacts at the company but cannot open the profiles
  9. Can navigate back to their profile for further edits.

Company Information Profile

This is an example of how the Administrator at a supplier company sees the Company Information profile. The Menu Bar will allow the supplier to SAVE DATA, ADD CONTACT, and to ABORT CHANGES.

The Administrator can update all fields except the Company Name, Company Key and to modify the Applications Assigned fields. These changes need to be requested from the PTG Web Registration Administrators as they must match other data in other systems. Please see the Contact Us page for how to reach the required support persons.

Contact Information Profile

Adding a Contact
From the Company Profile, the Administrator has clicked the “Add Contact” button.
Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk.
In this example, the contact is being assigned the Administrator responsibility that will allow them all the privileges for that role. It is recommended that an organization have two Administrators assigned;a primary and a backup person. An Administrator is usually an IT / HR / Owner responsibility. These job functions understand what people do at the organization to help maintain the quality of the contact information.

In this example we click “SAVE DATA” and will log out and re-login as the new administrator contact in this example.

An email is sent to the new Contact to confirm there login information as seen in this example:



From: DANA PTG Web Registration

Dear John Smith,
Your Username and Password are being sent to you as a new user or because a change was made to your account.
User Name (your email address):
Password: password

Sent from DANA Holding Corporation - Power Technologies Group

After using these credentials to login, navigate to the Company Profile.At the bottom of the Company Information profile, a new line will appear in the Contact Information list.




The Contact Information profile as seen by the Administrator role

The Contact Information profile as seen by the User role when looking at their own profile

For this example, the Administrator has created a new Contact Profile for a User (Jane Doe). This example shows Jane Doe logged in and viewing her own profile.

Common Administrative Tasks

  1. Staff Responsibilities Change: If a staff member is re-assigned or leaves the company, the Administrator should come to the Web Registration application and remove a contact or change the applications that are assigned to the contact.
  2. A person cannot remember their username as their email address and or is having trouble with the Forgot Password link. An administrator can go to the Contact Information profile for that person and click the Send Password link to email that current password to the email listed in the contact.
  3. A contact is requesting to change their password. Contacts typically manage their passwords, but a password can be changed by the Administrator if desired. It should be a matter of policy to change passwords regularly. An Administrator needs to stress to their staff not to share their passwords with others.

Language Preferences

On the top of the page there are flags representing the different languages that the form labels can be switched to. Currently, English, French and Hungarian are supported. The preference is stored in a cookie on the browser the person is using. This may need to be deliberately set on initial use.

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