It is important for the SMS Community to have an awareness and understanding of the effect of their actions upon the environment in which they live, work and relax. In order to do this we need to take responsibilities for our own actions and we need to have a sense of duty and care for the world in which we live. The ways in which we will strive towards this goal is to Reduce the amount of material we use and waste we produce, Re-Use materials wherever possible, Restore what is deemed to have been destroyed and Respect our neighbours and our environment.



·  We will switch off lights when they are not in use.

·  We will keep outside doors shut in cold weather.

·  The eco-club will audit the amount of energy used.

·  The eco-club will appoint class monitors to ensure these recommendations are carried out.

·  One small bio-gas plant should be set up in our school as it is a renewable form of energy.

·  During winters or in favorable weather conditions fewer generators can be used to save Diesel.

·  In all the classes CFL that consume 40% less electricity should be used.

·  Few lights to be connected with solar panel to reduce electricity bill.

·  Usage of generators can be reduced during the months of September –



We will reduce the amount of paper we use in our classrooms by:-

·  The eco-club will make sure that students do not throw paper in their classes.

·  Recycling paper.

·  Filing photocopies for use at a later date.

·  The eco-club will investigate the possibility of sending information electronically.

·  Writing and printing on both the sides of paper.


·  We will continue to promote the school bus.

·  We will continue to take part in cycling proficiency scheme to encourage safe cycling.

·  We will encourage staff to share transport while going to the workplace.



·  Children should bring their own fruit. We will endeavor to compost the remains of the fruit.


·  Gardening waste will we put into the school aerobic compost plant and vermin-composting.

·  Waste material can be used to make best out of them.


·  Paper will be re-used within the classroom. Each class will have a box of partially used paper that can be used again.

·  Display paper will be taken down carefully and re-used whenever possible.

·  Paper will be used on both sides wherever possible.


·  Outdated or unwanted equipment will be offered those who might have a use for it.

·  Good condition uniform including football boots and trainers, will be collected, washed and sold or given to children.


We recycle a range of material on a regular basis. We have a paper recycling unit.

·  Aluminum cans and silver foils will be collected in labeled plastics bins.

·  Cartridges from computer ink will be collected in a box should be sold to recycling units.

·  Bins made of paper mesh should be used.

·  Grey water recycling should be done.

·  Rain water harvesting should also be done.

The eco- club will continue to evaluate our recycling schemes and add to materials for recycling.


·  School habitats such as the medicinal gardens, kitchen gardens, ponds etc. can be used by the children to study flora and fauna and their habitat. Children will be encouraged to return all living creature to their original habitat.

·  Children will be encouraged to treat all school equipment with respect. Books and their equipments will be repaired whenever possible.

·  Trees with tree guards to be planted.

·  Flowerpots should be placed on the paved areas.

·  Plants should be placed on the roof of our school.


·  Our first and most important school rule is that we will respect one another. The rule will permeate all we do weather it is discussing global issues, welcoming people of different races, faiths, abilities, or dealing on a daily basis with each other.

·  We will extends this respect to environment and all living creatures.

·  Bouquets should not be given instead a small potted plant should be given.


·  Our school is hoping to gain an ECO-SCHOOL award as a result of some of the above ideas.

·  Our annual parents’ survey will have relevant question as will the staff and children’s survey.

·  Observations of particular children and around the school will be good indication of the success of some of these strategies.

·  Events such as assemblies and the children’s work will be another way measuring the effectiveness of this policy.

·  Students can be sensitized by the groups of eco-club in charges for the above issues in their zero periods.

·  Sweepers and related staff to be sensitized by regular meetings with the eco-club in charges of the groups in zero-periods.