We will reimagine and redesign all aspects of student scheduling, use of facilities and administrative structures to guarantee alignment with mission.
Deliverable 7.1
Create a daily and weekly schedule and an annual calendar to allow for intense academic study, experiential learning, and community-based activities.
Action Items
7.1 1 Adopt a schedule for High School, Middle School, and all Elementary Schools that meets the following criteria: Provides for longer course periods for deeper learning, interdisciplinary coursework, project based learning, and schedule flexibility. Enables flexibility for students to access Option 2 credit opportunities. Allows for programs for academic intervention and enrichment. Permits consistent recurring professional learning communities, team / building meetings, and teacher planning time for teachers and building administrators. Rotates subject timing -- when feasible -- such that each subject is taught at different times of the days for elementary grade levels. Provides seminar/advisory for age-appropriate study skills, online safety, stress management, relaxation and meditation, time management, organizational skills, social and emotional development, community projects, and communication skills for all grades.
7.1.2 Central Office, with input from stakeholders, identifies an annual calendar which meets the following criteria: Creates student schedule that permits additional and recurring professional development for teachers and building administrators (5 days). Shifts the academic calendar such that the students start on the Monday preceding Labor Day. Aligns with the scientific research that reflects that school start time should become later as students age to optimize student performance.
We will reimagine and redesign all aspects of student scheduling, use of facilities and administrative structures to guarantee alignment with mission.
Deliverable 7.2
Configure learning areas with furniture, tools, equipment and technology to accommodate fluid, learner-centered exploration and cross disciplinary instruction.
Action Items
7.2.1 Develop a District-wide vision for facilities that incorporates multiple seating and sensory options for classrooms and a District-wide vision for technology including a plan to acquire the necessary infrastructure to enable collaborative work and cloud based learning.
7.2.2 Provide Principals the authority to allocate time, space and budget to meet facility and technology goals.
7.2.3 Dedicate space in all buildings to support STEAM and project-based learning. Allocate space in the schools for STEAM classes and clubs to meet the increasing demand for tech electives and extracurricular activities. Transform the libraries into learning commons that incorporate makerspaces and flexible meeting spaces that are available to teachers and students during and after school.
7.2.4 Decorate and design spaces with inspirational murals and student-designed art to reflect the diversity of activities that will occur in the spaces as well as the diversity of our community including
7.2.5 Create virtual spaces for students and teachers to create, share and collaborate through various media such as podcasts, blogs and on-line art shows.
We will reimagine and redesign all aspects of student scheduling, use of facilities and administrative structures to guarantee alignment with mission.
Deliverable 7.3
Create a plan for district/school facilities to allow for greater capacity and modern working environments.
Action Items
7.3.1 Adopt a facilities plan based on the findings from the headcount study to adequately meet projected enrollments for High School, Middle School, and all Elementary Schools that meets the following criteria: Provide sufficient bandwidth to support 1:1 computing. Assign classroom locations by subject matter and/or grade level to maximize collaboration. Create space that facilitates faculty to faculty contact and collaboration. Create space for learning labs to encourage accessibility to faculty by students. Ensure each building has unassigned space available that can be reserved by administrators, faculty and students. Create common student meeting areas for collaborative work outside of the classroom. Address storage and custodial space to avoid co-opting classroom space (old furniture / paper products). Evaluate underutilized existing spaces in the community including non-district buildings. Explore community partnerships,eg universities, to increase space availability.
We will reimagine and redesign all aspects of student scheduling, use of facilities and administrative structures to guarantee alignment with mission.
Deliverable 7.4
Create and communicate structures and processes that allow for multiple pathways for all learners to access a rigorous and relevant education
Action steps
7.4.1 Create a course catalogue that explains and offers multiple pathways to fulfill credit requirements
7.4.2 Establish an Option 2 Committee to create a policy for original and recovery credit and to: Identify content areas that can be served under Option 2 Communicate policy and process to all stakeholders Identify activities to fulfill Option 2 requirements (e.g. on-line or computer-based courses, independent study, college courses, internships, out-of-school extra-curricular activities, etc.) Determine number of credits that can be used under Option 2
7.4.3 Identify opportunities to fulfill core requirements by testing out (non credit earning)
7.4.4 Create opportunities to supplement traditional seat time with online and blended learning to increase subject capacity and access
7.4.5 Form partnerships with local community members, employers, etc to create internship opportunities
7.4.6 Create pathways for college credit bearing opportunities in diverse topics and increase the quantity of college credit-bearing opportunities equal to or greater than what is currently provided via AP courses Seek partnerships with universities for dual credit opportunities Develop faculty capacity to offer college credit-bearing courses on CHS campus