We take the Women of Wales on a career journey! Can You?

Our Learning Development Partnersplay a key role in delivering the learning and skills elements of the Agile Nation 2 Career Development Programme for women. The programme supports employed women to build the skills and confidence to take their first steps into leadership.

You will be delivering a suite of Institute of Leadership & Management accredited training as well as a series of inspiring and motivating short learning modules through face to face sessions, webinars and online learning sessions. If you are passionate about delivering aspirational learning opportunities and helping people reach their full potential, as well as taking responsibility for achieving project outcomes, then this role is for you.

2 x Learning Development Partner (1 x based in Llanelli, 1 x based in Colwyn Bay)

Salary: £29,462per annum

Working hours: 35 hours per week

Closing Date: 12 noon 12th April 2018

Interviews:Colwyn Bay - 24th and 25th April

Llanelli – 26th April

Psst …You may think we just recruit women but we definitely don’t. We pride ourselves in ChwaraeTeg on being an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from anyone excited by and experienced for this role.

To be successful in this role you will already have proven experience in delivering, facilitating and assessing accredited trainingwithin the field of leadership & management. You’ll also draw on your own management experience to enrich the learning experience and provide inspiring and effective learning to support women to broaden their horizons and build confidence.

You’llbe joining a dynamic and forward thinking charitythat is ambitious and relentless in its goal to create a Wales where women achieve and prosper.As you would expect, we’re looking for a team player withexcellent communication skills, who takes personal responsibility for achieving their objectives.

Naturally, we offer a competitive benefits package (more about that later) and more importantly, you’ll get a great buzz from contributing to our vision every day whilst working with a talented team of people.

Apply Now

Visit our website to apply

Want to know more?Give Gemma a call on 07950 492 103

Find out more about the Women Programme visit

Want to grow with us? Register to receive updates about future vacancies

Rydymni’nmynd â MenywodCymruardaithdatblygugyrfa!Allwch chi?

Mae ein Partneriaid Datblygu Gyrfa yn chwarae rôl allweddol wrth ddarparu elfennau dysgu a sgiliau Rhaglen Datblygu Gyrfa Cenedl Hyblyg 2 i fenywod. Mae’r rhaglen hon yn cefnogi menywod cyflogedig i ddatblygu’r sgiliau a’r hyder sy’n ofynnol er mwyn cymryd eu camau cyntaf mewn arweinyddiaeth.

Byddwch yn darparu pecyn o hyfforddiant sydd wedi’i achredu gan y Sefydliad Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth yn ogystal â chyfres o fodiwlau dysgu ysbrydoledig a llawn cymhelliant trwy sesiynau wyneb i wyneb, gweminarau a sesiynau dysgu ar lein. Os ydych chi’n frwdfrydig dros ddarparu cyfleoedd dysgu uchelgeisiol a chynorthwyo pobl i gyflawni eu potensial yn llawn, yn ogystal â chymryd cyfrifoldeb dros gyflawni deilliannau prosiect, mae’r rôl yma’n addas ar eich cyfer chi.

2 Bartner Datblygu Dysgu (1 yn Llanelli, 1 ym Mae Colwyn)

Cyflog: £29,462 y flwyddyn pro rata

Oriau gwaith: 35 awr yr wythnos

Dyddiad cau: 12 hanner dydd 12 Ebrill 2018

Cyfweliadau: Colwyn Bay - 24 a 25 Ebrill

Llanelli – 26 Ebrill

Psst …Efallaieich bod chi’ncredumai dim ondmenywodrydynni’neurecriwtioonddydyhynnyddimynwir. YnChwaraeTeg, rydymynymfalchïoein bod yngyflogwrcyflecyfartal ac yncroesawuceisiadauganunrhywunsy’nawyddus ac ynfrwdfrydigiwneud y gwaithhwn.

Er mwyn llwyddo yn y rôl hon, bydd gennych brofiad blaenorol o ddarparu, hwyluso ac asesu hyfforddiant achrededig o fewn maes arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth.Byddwchyndefnyddio’chprofiadrheolieichhunhefydigyfoethogi’chprofiaddysgu ac yndarparuhyfforddiantysbrydoledig ac effeithioligefnogimenywodiehangueugorwelion a maguhyder.

Byddwchynymunoagelusenddeinamig a blaengarsy’nuchelgeisiol ac yngweithio’nddiflinoigyflawniei nod o greuCymrulle gall menywodgyflawni a ffynnu. Felbyddechchi’ndisgwyl, rydymynchwilio am unigolynsy’ngallugweithio’nddamewntîmgydasgiliaucyfathreburhagorol, sy’ncymrydcyfrifoldeb am gyflawnieuhamcanion.

Ynnaturiol, rydymyncynnigpecynbuddioncystadleuol (mwy am hynnyeto) ac ynbwysicach, byddwchyncaelboddhadmawr o gyfrannu at eingweledigaeth bob dyddwrthweithiogydathîm o bobldalentog.



Am wybodmwy? Ffoniwch Gemma ar 07950 492 103

I wybodmwy am y RhaglenMenywodewchi

Am dyfugydani? Cofrestrwchidderbyn y diweddaraf am einswyddigwag