
We look forward to a rewarding school year and many exciting events!

We also extend a warm welcome to any new families who have joined our school community.

Please don’t forget to check out our Floraville smartphone app for the latest dates and info!


English: Literacy is generally taught in the morning session from 9am to 11am. Modelled, guided and independent reading and writing experiences take place as well as speaking and listening activities. Students will read a variety of texts and develop their comprehension strategies. Students learn to write well-structured sentences and use a variety of grammatical features effectively. They learn about how to construct and interpret a range of literary and factual texts. Handwriting lessons will continue to focus on writing in a fluent, legible style. Spelling is structured to ensure students develop their spelling knowledge and strategies. After completing their spelling pre-test, students are allocated to a spelling list that contains words with various sounds and combinations. Some students will add more challenging words to the list to extend their learning.

Mathematics: Mathematics is usually taught in the middle session between 11:30am and 1:30pm. Students will learn concepts and processes from the new NSW Mathematics Syllabus. Explicit teaching and differentiated activities are key components of daily learning experiences in Maths. Problem solving skills and strategies are embedded into the learning experiences. Grade-based assessments occur throughout each term using the A-E assessment range. Students are grouped into graded mathematics groups.

Science: In accordance with the new NSW Science Syllabus, students in Stage 3 will learn about:

Term 1: Biology
Marvellous Micro-organisms / Term 2: Chemistry
Change Detectives / Term 3: Physics
It’s Electrifying / Term 4: Earth & Space
Earthquake Explorers

History - HSIE: In accordance with the new History syllabus, Students in Stage 3 will learn about:

Term 1: Australia as a Nation / Term 2: Culture and change / Term 3: Social Systems - Government / Term 4: Environment - Rainforests

PD/H/PE: In accordance with the NSW PDHPE Syllabus, students in Stage 3 will learn about:

Term 1:
PD/H: Program Achieve
PE: Fundamental Movement Skills / Term 2:
PD/H: Drug Education
PE: Games & Sports / Term 3:
PD/H: Child Protection
PE: Dance / Term 4:
PD/H: Water, Sun & Road Safety
PE: Games and Sports

Creative Arts: In accordance with the NSW Creative Arts Syllabus, students in Stage 3 will learn through Visual Arts, Drama, Dance and Music lessons. Music and Art lessons are taught by RFF staff.

Reports & Communication

Stage 3 will be holding a Parent Information Evening at the beginning of the year and Parent-Teacher Interviews later in Term 1 (Week 7 and 8). School Reports will be issued at the end of Term 2 and the end of Term 4. We encourage parent-teacher communication so if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to call our school office and arrange a time to talk to your child’s teacher as the first contact.


Homework is handed out each Monday and needs to be returned by Friday. Each homework sheet will give students the opportunity to practise concepts learnt the week prior in class. Our maths homework involves set tasks on www.mathletics.com.au that complement the mathematics content taught in class. Please inform your child’s teacher if your child does not have access to the internet so we can make other arrangements. Additional online learning tools include www.spellingcity.com , www.readingeggs.com.au and ‘Literacy Pro’ (this was formally known as ‘Lexile’ and log-in details will be confirmed in coming weeks). The ‘Tools for Learning’ bookpack includes a 1-year licence to use Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Encouraging reading at home is an invaluable tool for improving students’ vocabulary and reading skills. Our library has an excellent range of books that your child can borrow during library lessons. Floraville Public School is participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge again this year. The Challenge aims to encourage in students a love of reading for leisure and pleasure, and to enable students to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more, and to read more widely.

Extra Curricula Opportunities

This year we are again offering a number of extra curricula activities. Please listen carefully at assemblies and to the daily messages for more information or see the organising teachers. Some opportunities include:

School Band/music lessons / Landcare Group / Sporting teams and events
Year 5 Enrichment Program at Belmont High / Choir/ Boys’ Vocal Group / Aerobics teams
Debating teams

Expected Expenses

The following is an estimate of the expenses that may occur during 2016. Please note these are only estimates and payment is not required (except for ‘Tools for Learning’), until a note is sent home regarding the excursion or activity. All payments must be paid by the due date, which will be indicated on each note. Please ensure your child has adequate stationery items in their pencil case as the year progresses, such as lead pencils, an eraser, red pens, blue pens (if required), and a ruler. This will save you child valuable time when starting an activity.

Term 1 / Estimated Cost
Bookpacks (‘Tools for Learning’) / $60
Term 1 Sport / Various options from $0 to $130
Swimming Carnival / $6.50
Sports Trials Day / $2
Cross Country Carnival / $2
School Photos / Various packages from approx $20-$35
Literacy Pro Reading Program (for new students) / $12 (cost is only for students new to the program)
Term 2
Athletics Carnival / $8.50
ICAS Competitions (optional) / Various exams from $6 to $15
Term 3
NAIDOC Day / Donation
Year 6 Camp / $360
Term 4
Term 4 Sport / Various options from $0 to $130
Year 5 Camp / $265
Year 6 Fun Day / From $2 to $5.00
End of Year Party Day / Approximately $60 Year 6, $25 Year 5
Human Sexuality (Year 6) / Approximately $10
Other Activities during the year
Various charity days / Gold coin donation
Book Fair / Terms 1 & 3
Discos / Dates to be advised
P&C Fundraising
Book Club / Twice per term
Easter Raffle & Donations / Term 1
Mother’s Day Stall / Term 2
Father’s Day Stall / Term 3
Calendar Art / Term 4 (Cost of items vary)
Xmas Raffle & Donations / Term 4
Canteen Red Days / 1 per term (usually the last Wednesday of term)