We hope this term will be exciting and productive, as we prepare the children for the move into Year 6.
If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, after school is the best time of day. If there are pressing situations that might affect your child that day, please write a brief note or ask the office staff to pass on a message.
Homework will remain the same this term with class teachers expecting that children will be regularly learning at home:-
Multiplication tables
Please continue to discuss with your child the book they are reading. This helps them to develop good analytical and comprehension skills. Please write a brief comment in their Reading Record and sign each day. Children should hand their Reading Record in at school daily and bring it home each afternoon.
In Year 5 children will be given one piece each of Maths and English homework (Education City) each week, and spellings to learn. Children should place their completed homework in the homework tray in the classroom on the morning that it is due in (or earlier).
- Maths homework will be given out on a Wednesday to be completed byMonday.
- English homework will be given out on a Wednesday to be completed byMonday.
- Spelling tests will be onFriday. Children will also get their spelling list for the following week on Friday.
Hot weather
Please ensure that your child has a sun hat to wear at break times to protect them from the effects of the sun. It may be advisable to apply suncream to exposed areas before school, if the weather forecast indicates strong sun.
Water Bottles
We encourage every child to bring a plastic water bottle to school with their name clearly labelled on it. Research shows that good hydration helps children to concentrate in lessons. This is especially important now we are in the summer months. Please ensure that only pure water is sent to school. Squash, fruit juice or soft drinks are not acceptable.
As part of a healthy, balanced diet, it is desirable that children eat a pieceof fruit or vegetable as a break time snack. Please encourage your child to bring in an item of fruit each dayto be eaten at break time.
PE Kit
Children must have their full PE kit in school all week. They need to take it home on Fridays to be washed and return it on Mondays so that they are prepared for lessons. Trainers are an essential part of the P.E. kit and should be in school at all times. If your child cannot take part in P.E. for any medical reason, please inform us in writing.
In Year 5 it is important that children are becoming independent learners. They need to become responsible for their own belongings. They need to have all necessary stationery equipment with them in school at all times.
This includes; Blue handwriting pen (no biros), HB Pencil, Ruler-30cm (preferably rigid), Rubber, Glue stick, Coloured pencils, Whiteboard pen
We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that children should not bring any kind of toy or game into school. This includes items such as trading cards, which have recently caused disruption to children’s learning.
Regular Newsletters will keep you up to date with news from school. You can also find information about Iver Heath Junior School on our website at
Iver Heath Junior School
Year 5
Subject / Your children will learn...English / Innovation
In English we will be focusing our ideas around the theme of innovation. We will investigate stimuli such as extracts from stories, short stories, film trailers, animation, poetry, pictures, adverts and soundscapes. From these, children will develop ideas for writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Writing will be created by the children across a wide range of curriculum areas in preparation for teacher assessment towards their end of year attainment.
Maths / In maths children will further develop their skills using a combination of Singapore maths and traditional maths to prepare them for their move to secondary school.
This term the children will focus on:
Shape: including properties of shape, movement, translation and angles
Number: including decimals and percentages
Measure: including length, area, volume and time
Problem solving using a wide range of skills
Science / Life Cycles of Animals and Plants
They will be learning about germination, seed dispersal and fertilisation in the life cycle of a plant as well as comparing life cycles of a range of animals
DT / Emergency Vehicles
In Design and Technology the children will learnhow todesign andmakeabatterypoweredemergencyvehicle. They will use research and a given criteria to develop their design and use annotated sketches and prototypes to explain their ideas.
Computing / Game Developers
In Computing the children willexplore a range of software which uses coding and use this to design and develop our own games.
Geography / Environments
Children will be locating different environments around the world and comparing geographical features.
History / Mayans
They will be identifying where and when the Mayans lived and investigating their culture.
RE / Holy Books – considering the importance of holy texts and their relevance today
Rites of Passage – learning about significant milestones and celebrations throughout the lives of religious people
PE / Athletics
In preparation for sports day children will develop their skills in a range of track and field events.
PSHCE / Changes- tackling positive and negative responses to different types of change; learning to understand and manage the feelings associated with change.
Relationships –exploring families and friendships; dealing with emotional difficulties faced in everyday life.