SCHOOL MATTERS – 11th November 2016


Dear Parents

I was very proud of all the children this morning as they showed great respect during the two minutes silence for Remembrance today. I am also pleased to say that Jasmine, Molly and Bernie will be representing the school at the Remembrance Service at All Hallows on Sunday.

I am sure you would be pleased to know that we have a lovely new pond thanks to Roy Herbert and family who have renovated the old one. We will look forward to lots of pond dipping in the future.

We heard some exciting sporting news this week:

On Friday Joshua in Year 5 competed at the British Gymnastics National Finals in Birmingham against teams from all over Great Britain. He was representing Team South, who came 4th overall. Joshua individually came 4th on the parallel bars and 5th on floor out of 63 of the top boys from all over Great Britain.

Also, Thomas in Year 4 had some fabulous news regarding his cricketing skills. Tom plays cricket for Andover U9 and having had a successful season with both his batting and bowling he was invited for trials. We are delighted to say that as a result of these trials Tom was selected for the Hampshire Cricket Regional Performance Centre winter training programme.

A very big well done to both of them.

Mrs Dunwell and Mr Payne took a team to a mini rugby tournament as part of the Tag Rugby league at Overton this week. Although not victorious in their matches, they showed great team spirit on a very cold day! We now look forward to the next round of matches in the new year.

This Week in School

Year R have enjoyed showing their parents around and taking part in activities with them. We all hope they enjoyed their visits!

Year 1 have been working on ‘time’ this week. Next week we are learning about Penguins.

Year 2 have enjoyed learning about The Fire of London and writing diaries.

Year 3 have been investigating light in science. We found out that it only travels in straight lines.

Year 4 enjoyed their first session of forest schools – thank you Mrs Lamb! We have also compared the Arctic and Antarctic as part of our topic work.

Year 5 have finished reading the Hampshire Illustrated Books and have reviewed their favourites ready to vote. Reminder: Wednesday 16th is the Iron Age Day – children can wear clothes suitable for outdoors including wellies and waterproof coats. We need 2-3 parent helpers to help with afternoon for warrior training outdoors. Please let Mrs Boxall know if you can help. Thank you.

Year 6 have learn about Greek myths. The children have read a variety of myths and have been recreating the story of Theseus and the Minotaur through drama.

Tidy Classroom Award: Panthers

Best Lunchtime Award: Dolphins

Leading Learners

Pelicans Holly Panthers Maisie

Penguins Finley Tigers Ryan

Turtles Shaun Lions Noah

Seahorses Oscar Doves Gruffydd

Starfish Imogen Kingfishers Iris

Seals William Eagles Jessica

Dolphins Alice Kestrels Morgan

Jaguars Owen

Roll of Honour

·  Isobel (Year 6) – Isla from Penguins has said she is the best buddy in the world. Always saying hello when she sees Isla and always helpful. Well done Izzy!

·  Thank you for Mr Cruickshank for helping Mrs Wersby and Mrs Lamb with the forest school homework.

·  Morgan for helping a less confident child in class.

·  Olly for helping classmates by sharing his vast knowledge of animals.

·  Heidi for intuitively helping other children when they need it.

·  Mrs Vale was very impressed with William and Gavin for their enthusiastic singing and mature attitude in worship.

·  Leon for showing the best manners.

·  Jasmine for always being so enthusiastic about learning.

·  Amelie and Eva for really helping Miss Haighton this week by being so organised.

·  Zac for always offering to help and being incredibly polite.


The best classes last week in KS1 were Turtles with 97.08% and in KS2 were Doves with 99.09%.

House Point winners this week are Endeavour, well done children!

Mrs Steven

Head Teacher

*** Please return flu forms for Years 1-3 by Wednesday 16th November ***
Bling your Bauble!
Please remember to buy your bauble – 50p each – from either playground after school on Monday and Tuesday. To be ‘blinged’ ready to return by Thursday 24th November. For further information see FOWPS News below.
Thank you.

Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancies

We are seeking people to join our friendly and hard working lunchtime team. We are looking for calm, caring and enthusiastic people who enjoy working with children to ensure they are happy, healthy and safe during this important part of the day. Duties will include supervising eating, playing with the children and administering minor first aid.

Hours are Monday to Friday 12.00 midday to 1.30pm, term time only.

If you are unable to work 5 days we also have some part time positions available.

Please contact Johanne Scotland (01256 892755) for an application for, or call into the school office.

Forthcoming Church Dates

All Hallow's Christingle service will be held on Sunday 27th November at 6pm. Celebrate the beginning of Advent!

Christmas trees

Emma Davies, a former pupil of the school, is raising money to visit Mityana with Testbourne School and has come up with a brilliant idea to sell Christmas Trees. Please see the flyer at the end of this newsletter. If you wish to order, please send details directly to Emma. Thank you.

Lantern Parade

Lantern making classes for children and parents, Saturday 19th November and Saturday 26th November from 10am-2pm at the Silk Mill. You can bring your lanterns along to the Christmas lights switch on, on Thursday 1st December.

Bag 2 School
Don't forget to keep your unwantedsoft toys/clothes and shoes for bag 2 school on Tuesday 22nd November. Bags will be coming home next week. Please don't leave any donations at school before the 22nd November as we have no storage.

Raffle Tickets

Raffle tickets should have come home this week. Please support our Christmas fair fundraiser by selling tickets to friends/grandparents/work colleagues or buying them yourself! If you need extra tickets, we have spare books of tickets in the office. If you are unable to use the raffle tickets please return them to the FOWPS box, which will be in the lobby from Friday.

Christmas Fair

Please note the change of time for the Christmas fair - this is now 1-4pm on 3rd December. We are in need of volunteers to help on the various stalls on the day. If you have a talent for face painting, would be happy to man the tombola or serve up mulled wine and cake then please get in touch. We need volunteers for the two shifts
1-2.30pm and 2.30-4pm in addition to anyone who can help clear up after 4pm. If you would like to get involved then

Bling Your Bauble

This competition is open to all the children and prizes will be awarded to the best decorated Christmas bauble in each school year group. On Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th November, baubles will be for sale in both playgrounds after school for 50p each.

Blinged Baubles should be returned to class by Thursday 24th November, labelled with child’s name and class. All of the decorated baubles will be on display in the school hall on giant Christmas wreaths, ready for all of your family and friends to see at the school fair on Saturday 3rd December.

Last year’s entries were fabulous. So pull out the glitter, glue and shiney things and be creative! Prizes for the best Blinged Bauble.


Facebook: FOWPS, Whitchurch, Hampshire

Letters sent this week

Year 5 Iron Age Day reminders (Wednesday 16th November) – helpers required – see Year 5 news above.

Future School Dates (added or amended this week are in bold)

Thursday 15th December Year 3/4 Christmas Carol Service 4pm and 5.45pm

Tuesday 22nd November Bag 2 School (please bring only on this day collection due at 9.00am)

Friday 25th November Mufti Day – children in own clothes in return for donations for FOWPS Christmas tombola

Tuesday 29th November Year 6 and Year 5 Choir Vocal Festival

Saturday 3rd December FOWPS Christmas Fair (1.00pm-4.00pm)

Monday 5th December Years 1-3 flu vaccinations

Tuesday 6th December Year R Christmas performance (Pelicans acting, Penguins choir) 2.15pm

Tuesday 6th December Year 1/2 Christmas performance 9.30am

Wednesday 7th December Year R Christmas performance (Penguins acting, Pelicans choir) 9.30am

Wednesday 7th December Year 1/2 Christmas performance 2.15pm

Monday 23rd January 2017 Inset Day

Friday 10th February FOWPS Parents Quiz and Pudding Night

16th-17th February Year 4 PGL residential

Friday 17th March 2017 Inset Day

Friday 24th March Whole School Spring Disco

Tuesday 4th April FOWPS After school Easter egg hunt

Monday 5th June 2017 Inset Day

Saturday 17th June FOWPS Summer Fair

Friday 21st July Whole School Summer Disco

Christmas Trees for Sale

Get a quality Christmas tree delivered to your door (within 5 miles of Whitchurch only)

All proceeds towards the Testbourne school trip to Mityana, Uganda in 2017

A limited stock of 5-6 or 6-7 foot Nordmann Fir (non drop) trees available

Delivery is free! If you want to put your tree up at a later date, just keep it in the garden in water until you want to bring it inside

Payment in advance only please

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