Dear FHS Staff,
We have a quick and easy fundraising opportunity for your programs.
The FHS Booster Club is offering you the opportunity to participate in the Casino Night Ticket Fundraising Program. Using Social media and emails your organization can sell tickets (online) and your organization will earn money for each ticket sold.
DETAILS /- Fundraiser runs until December 31st.
- To participate you must return the registration form or reply to this email ()
- A draft letter with all info and links will be provided.
- Your organizations parents are to be encouraged to distribute the letter and send out it out via social media.
- When a ticket is purchased online the purchaser designates their affiliation with your program
- After the Super Saturday Casino Night is over and all the expenses paid. A per ticket value will be calculated. And you will get that amount for every ticket purchased in affiliation with your program.
- A minimum number of tickets must be sold by your organization.
- Minimum = 50% of your student membership
- Ex. FBLA has 50 students they must sell a minimum of 25 tickets
- Ex. Golf has 10 students they must sell a minimum of 5 tickets.
- There is no maximum number of tickets per group, but there are only 300 tickets total to sell.
- It is the responsibility of the purchaser to designate your organization
- Only one organization can be designated per ticket.
- There are no refunds.
- Tickets are transferrable.
FOR MORE INFO / Contact the Booster President at
Casino Night Ticket Fundraiser
Registration Form
FHS Group or Organization:______
Your Name______
Your Role/Position:______
(i.e. parent, coach, liaison, leader etc.)
Total number of FHS students involved in your program:______
Person you would like us to send the electronic email to and all fundraiser status and updates: