St Mary’s Church,
Haverhill & Withersfield Benefice
Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich
Date of Meeting:Wednesday 27th September
Tracey Aubury, Colin Brown, Jane Eccleston (Churchwarden), The Rev Canon Ian Finn (Rector), The Rev Canon Graham Owen (Assistant Priest), Capt Andrew Payne (Chair)
Diana Allin, Jean Lange, Tracy Sevenoaks, Daniel Summers, Carl West-Meads (Withersfield)
David Bone (Churchwarden), Jan Bone, Gemma Payne, Paula Rowling, Rosie Wenham (Withersfield)
The meeting opened with prayer. It was agreed that because of so many people being unable to make this meeting that we would briefly review existing actions, and end this particular GiG session. We would then arrange another meeting in order to go back to the original document. This would allow input from the Rector, having now resumed duties, as well as opportunity to see other issues that may have arisen in the past few years. It would also be circulated that this was an open meeting and that input and attendance would be encouraged from anyone who wished. Andrew would hand over Chairing the group to Ian following the next meeting.
To explore at least two regular Home Groups, with one being with teenagers (possibly linking ecumenically and/or with Haverhill & District Youth For Christ (HDYFC)). To encourage another ecumenical Lent Course.
a. Illuminate, the HDYFC ecumenical group for teenagers had been on hold during Youth Worker vacancy but will resume in September once the new worker starts. Daniel Summers had offered to be part of the team to join Andrew Payne and this would be encouraged as our youth ‘home group’
HDYFC Youth would had been appointed and a weekly youth group was being run at the Methodist Church under HDYFC. Daniel and Andrew helped and some youth from Elevenses were attending. ACTION: COMPLETE & ONGOING
b. It was agreed to start a study group in mid-September. Andrew will lead initially and then someone else would take over after Christmas. Initially to be held at Haverhill Church so people can walk there and to be reviewed in the new year.
This started but attendance was very low and the group had stopped meeting in the summer. Ian Finn had started a Mass, Lunch and Much at the Rectory every Thursday and this would be the beginning of a second group to replace an evening Bible Study.
c. A second Lent course with the Methodist had happened and another is planned for 2017. (A new minister at Methodist Church starts in February 2017).
This was run and was deemed popular. It was hoped that this would happen again in 2018 and be a regular part of our Lenten discipline. ACTION: ANDREW/IAN/METHODISTS
To offer a Benefice Quiet Day and/or Workshop locally and to be open to sharing ecumenically or perhaps encourage a Haverhill & District Churches Together (HDCT) Quiet Day.
a. Quiet Days had been offered through the deanery but had had no takers and the last one was cancelled. Graham has someone willing to lead one so it was agreed to hold a Quiet Afternoon one Saturday in October (date to be finalized depending on person availability). Venue to use Withersfield Community Centre. People to meet at Haverhill Church and lifts to be offered.
This happened and was successful. To be suggested to the PCC that another one be organized for Spring 2018, with the idea of a Benefice Pilgrimage in 2019. A planning group to be organized.
Explore how we can be a church community in the new housing areas of Hanchett Village (including the Arboretum) and especially Great Wilsey Park when developing starts, possibly through a Café open regularly and certainly as a Fresh Expression in one or both areas. To engage with landowner, planners, developers and with appropriate diocesan personnel and interested ecumenical partners to ensure a future Mission Post (which should include investment and funding discussions).
a. This remained ongoing. Hanchet End was discussed and Withersfield church had thought about leafleting the area (much of which is Withersfield parish) and thought about meeting in the Flying Shuttle pub. This remains something for the discussion. Engaging with Wilsey Park landowner, planners etc is ongoing. ACTION: ONGOING/ANDREW
Leafleting has not happened and the general consensus was that it would probably not be viable. Wilsey Park and North West Haverhill developments still ongoing and diocese aware and involved (NOTE that these are NOT in our Benefice) ACTION: ANDREW
To work on having better information about church activities through display areas and producing information booklets with contacts, prayer and activities. These to be freely available and given to all baptism, funeral families and visitors and to ensure good use of social media which is kept up to date
a. Information Leaflets are being produced with Hospice, liaising with Graham, regarding bereavement
counseling. Daniel to work on information pack and present to PCC. This would include fliers from various
church activities including Bowls, Bell Ringers, Choir, Elevenses.
Not done but again consensus was that it would be better producing one leaflet with all information.
Could also be left in library/Arts Centre as well as given out (not a general leaflet drop) ACTION: PCC
b. Use of social media now much better as church has a facebook page plus a Children’s and Families page
which has been used to advertise holiday clubs, Battle of the Somme events and others. Andrew oversees
facebook and John Eccleston (Treasurer) oversees website which is also used. Also Tracy leading team with
Pokemon Go lure event using facebook page but also as a modern technology event.
Ian now running website, Martyn editing magazine, Diana/Lizzie running Children & Families
Facebook page. Andrew has lead on Parish facebook page and someone needs to take this
on. Tracey offered to help Diana with social media.ACTION:ANDREW/PCC/NAMED
To have a discussion among the congregation, and others in the community where appropriate, regarding our times and style of services, with particular focus on Sunday worship. Remaining true to our tradition but considering a later start in Haverhill; possibly a family/all-age monthly service; and a regular weekly service in Withersfield.
a. Having a questionnaire had been discussed at PCC but nothing had arisen since. However it was agreed that the better way forward may be to consider a second service every week at 11am which could include a youth/children’s choir (building on work in schools with Richard), and would be based on an Elevenses/Messy Church/Café Church style. It was recognized that while our traditional eucharist service would not generally appeal to younger or non-church people, those who attended it were committed and liked it and so to perhaps change it in any way at this time could be detrimental. Children’s Ministry people, with Churchwarden and Director of Music, are meeting in September to consider a weekly service and will liaise and feed back to PCC. Withersfield service pattern had changed slightly and resulted in a 15% increase in congregation.
Elevenses now running weekly. Ian discussed his idea to have joint Eucharistic services and this is something to be discussed when Diana, who is now leading Elevenses, is around and at PCC, and as part of the next meeting going back to the original GiG document.
b. Discussion took place about making the current service booklets more ‘user friendly’ for services where lots of non-church people may come, eg Midnight Mass, Easter. Maybe putting in explanatory lines for parts of the service like been done with previous family services would be helpful.
This has happened.ACTION:COMPLETE
Explore closer links with diocesan Link Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania. Possibly explore sending a member of the church to visit on one of the diocesan exchange trips.
a. Daniel expressed an interest in possibly going to Kagera. Andrew to put him in touch with Jean Daltry,
Chair of diocesan link. Daniel could then be link person for the Benefice. If he was able to visit Kagera
then the church would want to support him through fundraising events.
Daniel made initial links and organized speaker for 9.30 and Elevenses. Very well received and money
raised for Lent appeal this year. Daniel no longer link so need to find new person.
Use Fair Trade items in church, and have a table, at least occasionally, for Traidcraft. Explore if other churches use fair trade and perhaps buy and/or share together ecumenically.
a. The Traidcraft table had been set up for a number of weeks but it was fairly poorly used. Considering this we felt it may be better to aim to become a Fair Trade kitchen instead, by using tea, coffee, sugar. The cost would be greater than currently and this would be raised again at PCC.
This continues to happen, and the kitchen is now a Fair Trade kitchen.
b. Graham suggested that Clare Church had a link and a regular stall so it was considered that we could explore buying items from them and/or asking someone to set up an occasional table in the Benefice with prior notice.
c. It was felt that we could focus more on supporting organisations like Christian Aid (which was well supported this year through Big Breakfast and raised over £300). Also depending on progress with diocesan link in INFLUENCE 1a above where we may be able to support our link diocese directly.
This continues and thanks to Diana who organizes.ACTION:COMPLETE & ONGOING
Build on Elevenses and opportunities through Baptisms. Find bigger Elevenses leadership team that could make something weekly (on Sunday/different day if appropriate). Stronger encouragement for baptism families to attend Elevenses. (If on a different day/time it may have to change its name).
a. Following Holiday club and 37 children being signed up, the leaders have planned a meeting for
September, to include Churchwarden and Director of Music, to think about building on Elevenses team and
maybe a weekly service.
Holiday Club happened and hopefully will again in 2018 with enough helpers. Elevenses now small
team led by Diana and runs weekly in church.ACTION:COMPLETE & ONGOING
b. The link with baptism families still not strong. Graham says he encourages families to come but only one
has done so recently. He is uncomfortable in the suggestion to ‘force’ families to come. Leaflets and cards
are printed will be more freely available and given out by Tracy when booking baptisms. It was noted
though that the number of baptisms this year have been very low compared to recent years. It was also
suggested about sending birthday/anniversary cards to families on their third birthdays when Elevenses may
be more engaging for them.
This is moving forward. Baptism families are now asked to attend Elevenses and receive their
certificates and candle at the Elevenses after. So far it seems to be working and one new family has
already seemed to be more regular at Elevenses but early days.
Build stronger links and support for Haverhill and District Youth for Christ. Try to add another church member onto a committee and to help with youth events and have HDYFC share in church more often.
a. Daniel is joining team for Illuminate as mentioned in DEPTH 1a above. Tracy offered to join HDYFC Council of Reference chaired by Andrew and that was agreed.
Explore a church school on new Wilsey Park development.
a. This is to remain on the agenda as tied in with NUMBER 1a above. Jane on diocesan committee.
a.Noted that Richard now regularly visits Westfield and Clements to run children’s choirs. This could possibly tie in with new services under NUMBER 3a and YOUNGER 1a above
Need to ask Richard if he’s still doing this.ACTION:RICHARD
b.Possibility of a Christmas Tree Festival to follow on from Stars produced by Castle Partnership last year to be discussed at Fundraising Committee.
This was done and was well received. Maybe another in 2019
The Screen and projectors are up and running in the church and community area thanks to grants to cover all the costs. This project is being used well, but we need to remember that the grants were offered for community use so we need to explore more community engagement (History Group already in line to use regularly) and a film club (which was part of the original applications) with someone from the church/PCC taking leadership.
Growing in God - Haverhill & Withersfield Benefice - REVIEW 2 part 1 – SEPTEMBER 2017
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