We can give without loving, but we can not love without giving. Stewardship is about giving you in love to others.
Stewardship is the least understood, most neglected, and the most underestimated possibility in our community.
Stewardship requires us as members to consider the unique gifts and talents God gave us and commit to use those gifts and talents to serve others even when it is inconvenient and consecrate that effort, that service, to the greater glory of God. Consider, Commit, Consecrate. We are the Stewards of our God-given gifts and talents; we are not the owners. Stewarding your gifts and talents in service to others can have a powerful impact on you and the lives of others. And if you are waiting for a block of time to begin, remember: none of us has the guarantee of another breath. The time is now.
There are several ministries from which to choose and you will receive a request to sign up for a ministry that interests you and fits your gifts and talents.
We want to mention just a few ministries:
· The ministry of greeting. There are four Masses on Sunday and three doors where two people stand to greet people in order to welcome them to our community, where great things happen because of the people in our community. This is a blast.
· The ministry of proclaiming the word of God. Once again, there are four Masses where two people are needed every week to proclaim the word of God. This is a sacred privilege.
· Becoming a Eucharistic Minister. I said I am not worthy but I showed up and learned no one is worthy and to remember Jesus is still a friend of sinners. This sacred privilege allows us to offer the Eucharist to people at Mass, in hospitals, the homebound, those in nursing homes and those in need.
· St. Vincent de Paul. This ministry serves the less fortunate every week
Your life is God’s gift to you. You loving and serving others is your gift to God. That is stewardship.
-- Edith C. Varley, St. Anselm Conference, St. Louis, Stewardship Sunday, September 9, 2007