President’s Message

Hello Tampa!!!!

We are on our way to having a very busy year!!!

First on our list is Lunafest!!! Ms. Trish & Ms. Mindy have been working very hard to make this fundraising event a success.

We all need to jump on board and send out the information & advertisements to all our friends, through email, text, or Facebook, we don’t have a lot of time. Through all of you doing your part in getting this information out, I know it will be a success.

Our next meeting will be very busy with committees, dates, planning anddiscussions. Ms. Ruth and Ms. Kathy will be bringing snacks.

The next issue to be considering is District I & II meeting in Stuart, come on Tampa, let’s support our two NewBoard Members and Show Southern Region Tampa is there!!!!

Tampa is and will always be my club (we say that sarcastically) because this club is not divided, it’s “Our Club”.

Cathy and BJ

UNiTE to End Violence Against Women

Your Tampa Board has determined that to do our part in raising awareness to end violence against women and girls, we will wear orange on the 25th of each month. To bring awareness to the community, we will hold board meetings on the 25th of each month. The board meeting will begin at 5:30pm followed by a social hour. All members are encouraged to attend!

Join us for LunaFest

In 2000, LUNA Bar created LUNAFEST - a traveling film festival celebrating, showcasing and championing women in film. On September 22nd, Tampa will be promoting the LunaFest movement by Be a member of the LUNAFEST movement by hosting a festival screening beginning at 12:00 at The Portico Cafe, 1001 N Florida Ave, Tampa FL 33602.

There are nine films in the festival package. They are truly inspiring and entertaining. They fit in perfectly with our club's mission. If you'd like to read more about the films, please click on the following link:

Lunafest Tampa has a presence on Twitter Facebook If you have a Twitter account, please like our page and retweet our posts. Likewise, please share our Facebook event to your page and invite your friends.
Tickets can be purchased online, through the Eventbrite link on We will also be selling tickets at the door, but advance ticket sales will help us to better prepare for the event. ($10 - Students/Military/65+ and $20 - General Admission). Ticket price includes a reception with light snacks.

Our venue, The Portico, is truly an asset to the Tampa community. You can read about their missionhere:

Live Your Dream Update

Congratulations to LYD Winner, Christine Haulk. She will be graduation on September 21, 2018 and fulfilling her dream of becoming a law enforcement officer. Her favorite verse is "Fear not, for I am with you", Isaiah 41:10. She says, “It is inspirational to me because no matter the struggle or the pain, God is always on our side and present with us in spirit.” SI Tampa celebrates with you. Go forth and live the dream!!!

Photos courtesy of Michelle Strawser

International Convention Delegate Report

2 days of travel, 3 for meetings, 2 days to play

From Tampa to Yokohama, Japan 7249 miles away

We rode cars, buses and planes,

Took a taxi to the hotel after getting off the train

We met Soroptimists from California, Ohio, the Philippines and Taiwan,

Learned the title of respect after your name is “San”

Toured Tokyo and Kamakura in a day and a half,

Part of our visit, you do the math

Ate who knows what with lots of rice

Being with Soroptimists from Southern Region was really nice

Meetings discussed the Soroptimist mission and honored three International Live Your Dream Winners

Went to TGIF and had familiar dinners

Fans, pens, and cards galore, my poor luggage couldn’t hold anymore

If you get the chance to go to an international convention,

Don’t forget that the SIA “President's Appeal” has to be mentioned

Clean water is precious and should not be wasted

Many women and girls in other countries were happy just to taste it

The time went by so fast, it was quite a whirl

Still the journey was about women and girls.

Honored to be your delegate and willing to share and answer questions.

Lorraine Lindy,

District II Director

Lorraine Lundy September4th

Glenda Williams September 7th

Barbara Jean Scott September 17th

Rosetta Peacock September 28th

Soroptimist International of Tampa Officers for 2018-2019


Cathy Strawser


Barbara Scott

Vice President

Teri Matlach

Recording Secretary

Trish Wild

Corresponding Secretary

Mindy Richards


Glenda Williams


Rosetta Peacock

Fran DeLuccia


September 13, 2018 @ 5:00PM

General Club Meeting –

1002 East Palm Ave, Tampa

September 14, 2018 @ 8:00AM

Sex Trafficking in Florida’s Schools

One Day Symposium

Click for more info

September 22, 2018 @ 12:00PM

LunaFest Fundraiser

Save the Dates…

October 11, 2018 @ 5:00pm

General Club Meeting –

1002 East Palm Ave, Tampa

November 3, 2018

50th Anniversary Celebration of SI Pinellas County

Click here for more information on the District I & II Meeting

From: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

To Begin with the End in Mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Contact us at

or write to

SI Tampa

P.O. Box 271774

Tampa, FL 33688

Web Address: