Important Dates To Remember
Wednesday 19th June / Excursion – Grade Prep – 1 to Animal Land Children’s Farm.
Wednesday 19th June / NO Prep Assembly
Wednesday 26th June / Prep Assembly @ 2.45 pm
Friday 28th June / Last Day of Term 2 – Students dismissed at 2.10 pm
Monday 15th July / First Day of Term 3
Tuesday 30th July / Students dismissed at 1.30 pm.


We are now in the last two weeks of Term 2. It is a very busy time at school at the moment.

Our senior school students have been undertaking mid- year exams and teachers right across the College are busy preparing mid -year reports for all students. At this point in time we are aiming to send home reports on the second last day of term, Thursday 27th June.

School finishes for Term 2 at 2.10 pm on Friday 28th June.


When families receive their children’s mid-year report theywill notice that it includes the number of ‘Days Absent’ for the first half of year is recorded on the report. This is important information to take notice of. There is strong evidence of a link between school attendance and good progress at school.

The following is a guideas to the impact of students being absent from school in a semester (2 Terms ) and what the absence translates into if it is continued over a long period of time.

0-6 Days absence: This is within normal range. A child with this level of absence is able to take full advantage of the learning opportunities available to them.

7-10 Days absence: This attendance is below average. A child with this level of absence could miss over one year of learning between Prep and Year 10. Their progress may not be as good as expected.

11-20 Days absence: This is a poor attendance rate. A child with this level of absence could miss up to two

years of school between Prep and Year 10 and their progress be considerably behind that of other students with good attendance.

20+ Days of absence: This is very poor attendance with very significant impact on a student’s ability to successfully progress at each year level.

Some important points to consider that go with this information are:

  1. Students must attend school regularly with a minimum number of days absent to make the most of the educational opportunities and to reach their full potential.
  2. There is a direct link between school attendance and achievement later in life.
  3. Poor patterns of attendance in the early years of schooling lead to poor patterns of attendance in later years.
  4. When young people are in school every day, they are safer and less likely to be victims of crime, or become involved in crime.

At Year 11 and Year 12 the V.C.A.A. has mandated attendance requirements for students to meet to pass their VCE.

At all other year levels our College examines student absence records when assessing whether a student is eligible for promotion to the next year level. In line with our College belief that student attendance is important for students to be successful in their learning we monitor student absence on a daily basis. When students are absent, the administrative staff in each Learning Community phone families to find out why a student is not at school.

Sometimes a student’s absence is due to the family having a problem in getting their son or daughter to school. If this is the case, please let us know at school and our welfare staff will be available to assist.


Thank you to those families who have updated their family and emergency contact details since our last Newsletter was published. Please remember to advise us anytime your contact details change, especially phone numbers.

If you need to update any phone numbers, etc, please fill out the form in the Newsletter and return it to school’s main office.


This week we are having a visit by ‘Cyber’ Specialist Susan McLean. We have invited Ms McLean to our College to discuss with students from Year 4 up to Year 12 the importance of being responsible in their use of social media, such as Facebook. As we discussed in the last Newsletter, our College is finding that issues on Facebook are causing regular disputes between students at school. We want our students to enjoy social media but not allow it to affect their relationships and friendships and definitely not affect their learning at school. We hope to be able to provide families with some advice and suggestions in upcoming Newsletters about how they can support their sons and daughters in responsible use of Facebook in the home and out of school.


In our last Newsletter we reminded students about wearing correct College Uniform to school at all times. The one item not mentioned last time and the one which is causing most concern is wearing of ‘hoodies’. Regardless of whether they are college colours or not, hoodies are banned from being worn at school.


In our last Newsletter we included our new Laverton College Bus Policy. This policy includes a Student Bus Code, which details behaviours expected of all students whilst travelling on a bus. This relates to the school’s mini bus, excursion buses or public buses on which students travel to and from school. At school students are being reminded about the Student Bus Code which has been introduced so that all students understand the behaviours expected of them to ensure their safety as well as the safety of all other bus travellers. If a student is not following the expected behaviour on a public bus then the bus company contacts our College and our College staff, follow up the matter. If we get a report of inappropriate behaviour on a public bus our staff will make contact with the family of the student concerned to discuss the matter. Our expectations are that students behave to the same standard on the bus as is expected at school.

On our College website we now have the maps for the college bus routes. You can view the maps by clicking on the ‘Useful Links’ section of the website and look for Bus Maps. The Laverton College Bus Policy is in the Policies and Information Section of the website.

Have a great week,

Neil Sproal

College Principal


The Laverton College Winter Concert will be held in the final week of Term 2 and will include performances by the following groups:

- Voice, guitar and drums students

- String Ensemble

- Choir

- Year 10 Music elective students

The concert will be held on Wednesday 26 June, 2013 from 3.40 until 4.30pm in the Performing Arts Centre.

All staff, students, family and friends are warmly invited to attend.


What is impetigo?

Impetigo is a contagious skin infection usually caused bacteria - either Staphylococcus or Streptococcus. It is most commonly found in children although it may also occur in adults.

Impetigo may affect:

  • The skin anywhere on the body but commonly occurs in the area around the nose and mouth.
  • It first appears as a small itchy, inflamed area of skin which blisters. The blisters rupture, release a yellow fluid and develop honey-coloured crusts and form scabs. New blisters develop in the same area or in different parts of the body and may ooze fluid which is highly contagious.

How is impetigo spread?

  • Impetigo is extremely contagious. It can be spread from one person to another through touch or shared items such as clothes and towels.
  • Children are most at risk of developing impetigo.

How is impetigo treated?

  • Impetigo is most often treated with antibiotics. It is important to follow the recommended treatment and complete the course of antibiotics.
  • Treatment involves washing the sores and crusts every 12 hours or as directed with the prescribed soap or lotion. After each wash pat dry.
  • Healing should begin within 3 days and the infection gone in 7–10 days.
  • If the sores spread and get worse despite treatment or the child becomes unwell with fever, see your doctor.
  • Cover the sores with an airtight dressing if the child is returning to school in order to reduce the risk of spreading the infection.
  • The child’s clothes, towels and bedclothes should be changed at least once a day.
  • Always remember to wash your hands after touching scabs or sores or handling infected clothing.

If untreated, oozing sores remain infectious.

When can children return to school?

Children can return to school (or younger children attending child care) after treatment has started and the sores are completely covered with a watertight dressing.

For more information you can go to the Victoria Department of Health Website.


In the May 22nd newsletter, I discussed eating meals together as an important time to catch up so if you tried this, how did the aim of having 5 or 6 meals together each week go?

“…it’s through eating and talking together that parents/carers can monitor how young people are going.” (Michael Grose)

Other tips while eating and sharing at meal times that you could try this week are:

  • Talk about three good things from your day then everyone else shares their highlights in turn.
  • Have meal time as ‘no put-downs’ from anyone at the table as put-downs can lower confidence and turn off people from listening.
  • Value everyone’s ideas, thoughts and opinions.
  • Ask questions starting with ‘why’ or ‘how’ or ‘where’.
  • Spend other time together– go for a walk, cook together, chat while in the car – and do lots of listening to each other.

Viv – Secondary School Nurse/ Health Promotion Nurse


Please be vigilant in checking your child’s hair regularly. If you have treated your child’s hair then all eggs need to be combed out as well.

We have had a number of reported cases in the community.


The Prep/Grade 1 excursion is on Wednesday the 19th June. The students will require:

  • Gumboots or extra shoes and socks
  • A bag for dirty shoes
  • Waterproof coat or a warm coat
  • Lunch and snacks in a disposable bag
  • Drink bottle


Last Wednesday the 12th June, the Grade 2’s went on an excursion to Animal Land Farm in Diggers Rest. We had an amazing day, even in the rain! We got to do a variety of activities and made some new friends- some human and some not.

The owners of Animal Land were very impressed with the way the Grade 2’s conducted themselves and all students were awarded a certificate at the end of the day. Thank you to families for sending their children along prepared for a great day.

“It was fun for the whole grade; my favourite part was…everything!”- Phoenix, 2M

“It was fun, my favourite part was feeding the ducks”- Liam, 2M

“We milked the cow called Maggie and rode a Shetland pony called Ginger”- Noah, 2G

“My favourite part was when we went on the tractor and saw the animals”- Kaidyn, 2G

“The baby animals were the best”- Dah, 2M


Congratulations to class 2JM for winning the Attendance Cup for week 6, Grade Prep/1 HJ for week 7 and 2JM for week 8. Well done!

It is pleasing to see how many students are positively engaging in school this year and thank parents for assisting us in this regard.


KayshaWhiu– 2JM- trying her hardest to improve spelling.

Eh Kaw Lah – 2JM – For always trying his best in class

Jesse Lynch – 2JM – for trying his best in maths and reading this week.

Nae Lay Say K’Por – 4MP/AP- trying to have a go at your work and staying positive about it.

TharHtweLay - 4MP/AP – trying in mathematics by practising, focusing and engaging positively.

Luke Whau Whau Clark - 3RB – Excellent performance in shot put coordination

Eh Phla – 3RB – Excellent performance in shot put coordination

Felix Kelekolio – PLP – being brave on Friday when he broke his arm.

Miao Miao Zhang – 3RB – returning to school with great enthusiasm. It’s fantastic to have you back Miao Miao.

AdityaRavindran – 4P -showing excellence in multiplication and division.

Tahereraunui Wilson - 4P – showing respect to all of your peers and teachers.

Gay HtooSoe – 3RB – a beautiful arrangement of the leaves on his rainforest collage.

Hamish Rosie – 3/4CG – Improved behaviour and participation in PE.

Eh Gay – 3/4CG – always on task and well behaved in art and textiles.

Hussein El Haouli – 3/4CG – Improved behaviour

Eh Taw Do – working very well and helping younger students (preps).

HsarTha Dah Paw Hsar – PLP – using at least three first letters when writing unfamiliar words.


As it is getting cold I need to remind everyone that the students should wear plain navy windcheaters and not colourful options. Scarves, gloves, jackets and beanies are also to be plain navy.

Windcheaters with hoods are not part of the school uniform. If purchasing new windcheaters please find options with plain necks. Students will be asked to leave the hoods down while at school as a safety concern and so that students are easily identifiable. If students need to be out of uniform, a uniform pass is obtained from Rhonda at our community office.


Mrs Bethke will be on leave for 3 weeks. This will be the last week of term and the first two weeks of Term 3. Mrs Bethke is travelling overseas and we wish her a safe journey. We look forward to all the stories of her holiday when she returns. For the time Mrs Bethke is away we have organised a replacement teacher who will keep the program within the grade 3 RB flowing.

Ms. Jan Scott

Prep-4 Community Principal


Bullying is a serious problem in most schools, bullying doesn’t only include name calling and teasing, but cyber bullying and sometimes physical bullying may occur as well.

Although, Laverton College are trying to take it step by step to prevent it. The question is how can we prevent bullying within our school?

This year the 5-8 home group ambassadors are encouraging everyone to be proactive against bullying throughout the 5-8 community and our College.

Hopefully next week, we will set up a bullying box, so anyone who is worried or has been bullied lately can anonymously place a note, with their problem in the box, and the teachers will try their best to help as much as they can.

We also ask everyone to assist us in making our school, Laverton P-12 College a bully free environment.

Ocean George

On behalf of 5- 8 home group ambassadors.


Early last month, Zengpu Zhang demonstrated the strengths of bravery and courage.

His little sister Miao Miao was hit by a car on the way to school. However Zengpu was able to pull her back and prevented her from suffering the full impact of the collision.

His quick thinking and action saved his little sister from being very badly hurt.

Zheng we are very proud of you.

Your family is very proud of you.

A well-deserved award!


It is now a requirement by the DEECD that we hold a copy of the students Birth Certificate. Over the last few weeks, letters have been sent home with students asking for the Birth Certificate to be bought to school, which we will copy and send straight home with the student (or yourself). If a Birth Certificate is not available a passport will be acceptable. Letters were sent home only to students not holding a copy on file. These documents are to ensure all details of the students are correct eg name, date of birth.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


Do you have a special story from your life’s journey? Is there a book, an object or a photo that brings a memory to life or tells a story you can share with others?

Celebrate Refugee Week 16th to 22nd June by sharing a story from your culture over morning tea. Come together with others and celebrate the power of storytelling and listen to the beautiful sounds of the Westgate Karen Baptist Church Choir.

When:Wednesday, 19th June

Where:Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre

2 Newham Way

10.00am to 12.00pm

Bookings via library website or Phone 1300 HOB LIB / 1300 462 542


All parents, grandparents, carers and anyone who would like to participate are invited to a Karen and English bi-lingual story time as part of our regular pre-school story time program.

Enjoy stories and songs in Karen and English and have fun joining in a unique craft activity with our special guest storyteller Ida Bright.

When:Wednesday, 3rd July, 2013

Where:Altona Meadows Library and Learning Centre

2 Newham Way

10.30am to 11.15am

Bookings are not required. Enquiries: via library website or phone 1300 HOB LIB / 1300 462 542

NRS users phone 133 677 and quote 03 9932 1168


Calling all past teachers, students and parents! Please come and join us in celebrating our 100th Birthday on Saturday 16th November, 2013.

The organizers are seeking all photos and memorabilia to include in a commemorative book which will be available for purchase and displayed on the day. If you know of anyone who can help with our search, please inform them of our upcoming event.