Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your children and anticipate a successful and productive year together! Here is some information we wanted to share with you.
An important goal of the fifth grade program is to prepare students for middle school by helping them become more independent, responsible, and organized. Throughout the year, they will change classrooms for mathematics, language arts, and social studies. In addition to the core academic subjects, students attend a variety of Specials including science, art, music, physical education, band/orchestra/chorus, health, and worldlanguages. Core subject (math, language arts, social studies) teachers also act as advisors for a group of students as well as the contact person between home and school. Advisory groups are organized heterogeneously and remain the same throughout the year. In September, the children travel to their different classes in their advisories; however,learning groups are reorganized (also heterogeneously) throughout the year so that the students can become more closely acquainted with all of their classmates.
Students may report to the Lower School lobby starting at 7:45am; they are released to their classrooms at 7:50am. At this time, we expect students to put away their belongings, check in with their advisors, and get prepared for their day. These first fifteen minutes set the tone for the day and help students to feel more centered. Any student entering the building after 8:05 must report directly to the LS office for a late slip before going to the classroom. Dismissal for fifth grade isat 3:20pm. Students being picked up by car are released at the side door of the Lower School adjacent to the parking lot area. Please note that we will not allow a student to leave until we see his/her parent or designated pick-up person. Students taking the bus home are escorted to their bus area. For busing information, please contact your school district. If you have any last minute dismissal changes on a given day, please make sure that you contact Gail Lucidi in the Lower School office.
For any questions about the dress code, please refer to the parent handbook which is viewable on the FA website. In general, fifth grade girls need to wear collared shirts, skirts to the knee or longer, or trousers. Boys should wear collared shirts (tucked in) and trousers. Both boys and girls are permitted and encouraged to wear sneakers daily.
All lower school students participate in our school lunch program (all fees are included in tuition.) The fifth graders select their own meals from the main lunchroom. Please refer to the parent portal on the FA website for weekly menu information. You may also contact Ann Marie Tidona at ext. 203 with any questions.
With the exception of textbooks, all supplies and learning materials are provided by the school. We usethree-ring binders in fifth grade and we have found that students like to choose their own. Feel free to purchase one over the summer if you would like, but make sure that it is at least 2”. We also recommend that it either zips or snaps closed. Mead, Case-It, and Five Star are examples of brands that make these types of binders. We will supply one for your child at the beginning of the school year if you are not able to purchase one. For all of our students, textbooks are provided automatically through the Textbook Central program. Parents need not be involved in this process.
On Thursday, August31st,we will host a student orientation for thosefifth grade studentswho are new to Friends Academy. New families should report to the Lower School Library at 9:00am. We will meet the students there and take them on a tour while parents remain in the library for their meeting with Lower School principal, Debby McLean.
The first day of school will be Tuesday, September 5th, and classes will begin promptly at 8:05am. Also in September, parents are invited to our classrooms for our “Back-to-School Night” where we will give you more detailed information on our program and answer any questions you might have. Please check the school calendar for dates, times, and additional information.
Attached please find a brief reading and writing assignment that your child should complete before returning to school in September.
Have a wonderful summer!
Team 5
Jen Fox
Kim Jennings
Sara Weinstein