We also took part in our Easter Hunt which was held on the field.
There were house points up for grabs and these went as follows:
Kestrels – 50, Lapwings – 40, Barn Owls – 40 and Kingfishers – 30.
Parents Evening
Many thanks to all those parents who attended parents evening and filled in our questionnaire. The choir club has proved to be a popular suggestion for our final club this year and the new day we hope will be more convenient for all.
The following children received a certificate for 100% attendance for this half term; Isobel, Grace, Ella, Rhona, Sophie, Jay-Jay, William, Robert,Matty, Beth, Chloe, Amy, Thomas, Noah, Charlie, Archie, Poppy, Josh and Ethan.
We must congratulate the following children who have had 100% attendance for the whole of the Summer term; Sophie, Jay-Jay, William, Robert, Matty, Beth, Thomas, Noah, Charlie, Archie, Poppy, Ethan and Josh.
House Points
At the end of the Spring term the winning house was the Kestrels with 2447 points, Kingfishers – 2353, Barn Owls – 2178 and Lapwings – 2057. Congratulations to the winning team members of Kestrels; Matty, Amelia, Amy, Charlie, Ella, George and William.
Shopping Vouchers
Many thanks to all those who have contributedSainsburys ‘Active Kids’ shopping vouchers, they will be issued until 3rd May, we are very grateful so please keep them coming!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the recent Bags2School collection we raised £41.60.
Our 2 collections this school year 16/17 (Sept 16 and March ’17) have raised a total of £106.80 for school funds.
Friends of St. Hedda’s
Friends of St. Hedda’s held a coffee morning at Ugthorpe on Saturday 18th March. There was a great turnout and this resulted in raising a fantastic £450. A big thank you to Mrs Lucy Brown for organising this successful event, and to parents forstall donationsand help on the day.
At the end of term all children were given the sponsored ‘Matchbox challenge’, we look forward to seeing them after the holidays.
Return: Tues 25th April
May Day: Mon1st May
Half Term: Mon 29th May – Fri 2ndJune
Break up: Fri 21st July
IMPORTANT DATES for the future
KS2 SATs (Y6 pupils) Mon 8th – Thur 11th May
Y5/6 Peat Rigg Residential Mon 15th – Fri 19th May
KS1 SATs will take place during May.
Yr1 phonics test – 12th – 16th Jun
April ‘17 / St. Hedda’s R.C. Primary School
SpringTerm Newsletter - 60
Avery busy half term at St. Hedda’smeant we were all ready for our Easter Holidays!
Our topic work has been largely focused around our enterprise work this half term. We looked into top examples of persuasive adverts, writing our own versions and then adapting to our group’s products. We have continued our work on British Values, learning about the countries of the Commonwealth and beginning to find out more about our country’s history.
Enterprise Fair
This term we held our first ‘Enterprise Fair’ bringing together our topic work from this term into an exciting event for parents and the wider community. Class 2 created their own healthy snack business and went through a full product research, design and making process, ultimately launching their products to the public during the fair.
Class 1 took a similar approach, researching the school’s favourite snack and investigating ways of making it healthier. After costs, the young business teams made more than £80 profit, and demonstrated excellent teamwork and resilience throughout. Watch out Lord Sugar, St. Hedda’s are on their way!
Eskdale Festival
During this half termClass 2 entered the 'Choral Speaking' category of the Eskdale Festival. They worked incredibly hard to learn every line of 'Gran Can You Rap’ and ‘The Babbitt and the Bromide’. The clarity of their speaking and the effort was noted by the adjudicator, and they placed second! We were so proud of their top effort and attitude – well done Class 2!
The following week some pupils who have music lessonswith Miss Hydes also took part in the festival. Our string ensemble did extremely well coming 2ndin their category playing ‘Autumn’ and ‘Rock the Boat’ as did our individuals and duets. A big thank you to parents for transporting the children and to Miss Hydes for coaching them.
World Book Day
On Friday 4th March we celebrated World Book Day in school. Everyone dressed up as a character from a story book and we had a marvellous array of characters!! All the children received a “World Book Day” £1.00 book token, which they can use as payment towards a book of their choice.
Ash Wednesday was on March 1st this year. We attended Ash Wednesday Mass in St. Hedda’s Church where we learned that this day is set aside as the beginning of Lent when we begin to think of the events of Easter. Traditionally we give up something for these weeks so that we can think of what we can do to make us more like Jesus. One thing we do, we continue to put our spare ‘pennies’ in our mission boxes and these will be emptied after Easter and our gifts forwarded to Mission Together to help children in need in Kenya. Our class studies have included the events leading up to Easter with special attention given to the Communion Rite within the Mass. A closer study of this helps to deepen our understanding of the Mass when we go as a school on Friday afternoons. We have also completed and enjoyed our Lent Books, which tell us of Lenten events through various readings and puzzles.
Both classes visited St. Heddda’s church to walk ‘The Stations of the Cross’. As we walked round Fr Guiver explained to us the meaning and significance of each station.
So we look forward to Easter and all it means to our Christian faith.
When we return after our holidays we will be able to say: “Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!”.
Hockey:On Thursday 2nd March Class 2 went to Caedmon Scoresby Site to take part in hockey coaching. The Caedmon sports leaders showed the children many different skills. They moved from one skill to another for a most enjoyable afternoon. Our thanks to Mr Gardner and parents for helping with the transport.
The following week Year 3 and 4 returned for the hockey tournament. The children played in teams of 4. It was a brilliant afternoon with some impressive games. Congratulations to all players as they showed off their skills and had fun taking part.
Quadkids:This term all children have taken part in the Quadkids events at Caedmon College, Scoresby Site. This involved various activities such as; shot putt, howler throwing, relays, space hoppers, skipping, football and tennis to mention a few.
The children really enjoyed taking part and achieved some great results.
Top Readers
In Class 2, we’ve been working really hard with reading this term, with each child working on small group comprehension skills with an adult at least once per week. They’ve worked so hard! On top of this, we’ve celebrated how much they’ve read at home by awarding house points and ‘smiley’ raffle tickets. Isobel was our first grand prize winner this term, and was able to choose a new book as her prize. Well done everybody!
Local Author
Towards the end of term, we were lucky enough to be visited by Anthony Wootten, a successful local author. Throughout the day we joined Egton School to take part in Y5/6 and Y3/4 workshops to learn how an author goes about creating a new story. We enjoyed “daydreaming” about what could happen, and then had fun writing our own limericks and story ideas. It was a real inspiration which has already impacted on the children’s writing.
Decorated Eggs
The decorated egg competition took place during the last week of term. As usual there were lots of wonderful creations! These were judged by our chair of Governors, Mr. Whelan. He had a difficult task on his hands but the winners were as follows:
Year 5/6
Sweetie Shop – Lara
Eggheads – Ewan
Mr Gardeggner and his mini eggs – Chloe
Year 3/4
Ice Cream with eggcellent sprinkles – Grace
Beauty and the Beast – Isobel
My Eggslant Guinea Pig – Poppy
Year 1/2
Joseph – Archie
Josh – Jay-Jay
The Black Panther – Harry
Calving Time at Swang Farm - George
Year Reception
Spiky Spider – Rhona
Pig – William
Prize winners were presented with their certificate and prize at the end of the day.
Parents were invited to come and view the decorated eggs which were on display in the Parish Rooms.