Doc 1
WCMP Stakeholder and Citizen Engagement Group(SCEG)*
10th December 2009
Plas Glyndwr
Blaise Bullimore(BB)Group of European Marine Site Officers
Vivienne Collins(VC)WAG Marine Branch
Alys Edwards(AE) Wales Environment Link
Louise George(LG)WAG Marine Branch
Ann John (AJ)WAG Marine Branch
David Level (DL)Milford Haven Port Authority
Gerry Percy (GP)Welsh Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
Annie Smith (ASm)Wales Environment Link
Alan Storer (ASt)WCMP Officer/ WAG Marine Branch
Lynda Warren(LW)WCMP Chair/SCEG Chair
Julia Williams (JW)WAG Marine Branch
* It was agreed at the meeting that the group should be named the Stakeholder and Citizen Engagement Group
Becky Favager (Environment Agency), David Tudor (The Crown Estate) and Madeleine Havard (Wales Environmental Link)
Item1: Welcome, introductions and apologies
1.1The Chair welcomed the members to the first meeting of the SCEG.
Item 2:Project background
2.1LG presented a paper explaining the MCZ approach and process in Wales. During discussions after the paper the following clarifications were made by WAG Officials:
2.2We are very much at the beginning of the project in Wales and it will be very much a staged, iterative process between the different governance groups, key stakeholders and citizens generally before key stage decisions are made;
2.3As far as practicable the intention is to ‘future proof’ the MPA strategy in Wales;
2.4Social economic data was discussed and it was clarified that the Technical Advisory Group would be considering and making recommendations on when relevant social economic data would be brought into the process;
2.5The differences between the Welsh MCZ process and the process in England were re-confirmed;
2.6It was confirmed that WAG are working closely with CCW as well as other partners, to share data and identify possible data gaps;
2.7It was emphasised that the MPA Strategy, which included the MCZ project, was still out to consultation and the approach may change when the consultation responses were analysed;
2.8It was confirmed that CCW are currently reviewing monitoring arrangements for European sites
Item 3: Steering Group and Technical Advisory Group (TAG), focusing on data and information
3.1LG explained the role of the TAG and gave an outline of the discussion that took place during the first meeting of the TAG on 23rd Nov 2009. A key point was that it was recognised that the MCZ project would be based on the best available evidence and it was not possible to have perfect information or data.
3.2LG explained the role of the Steering Group and noted the first meeting would take place on 15th Jan 2011.
3.3BB and GPadvised that Wales did not have basic sea bed data, although the cost of collating seabed data had fallen due to advances in technology and techniques,and thatit would be risky to base decisions on data modelling.
3.4It was noted that different information would be needed for site selection and then site management.
3.5It was noted that Dr Andrew Woolmer was collecting sea bed data for a fisheries study relating to the scallops.
3.6The need to synthesise data and not just collect it was raised.
- WAG to feed back data concerns to the TAG
- SCEG to perform an initial audit of data and information, checking for gaps and feeding them to the TAG
Item 4: Scoping stakeholder and citizen engagement work programme and timetable
4.1 Concerns regarding the role of the Marine Conservation Society in MCZ citizen engagement in Wales were raised but it was agreed that the SCEG was not the right place to discuss the details. The Chair noted the confusion caused and confirmed the Marine Conservation Society would not be involved in the SCEG.
4.2The current SCEG membership was discussed and it was agreed that there was a need to expand the membership of the SCEG.
- WAG to get a position statement for the SCEG from CCW regarding the Marine conservation society role
- WCMP to update website to reflect and explain SCEG role.
- SCEG members to suggest contacts suitable for inviting onto the SCEG.
- SCEG will participate in an MCZ workshop at the WCMP conference.
Item 5:Agreeing draft Terms of Reference
5.1Terms of reference were discussed. Some points of clarity were raised but the core terms of reference for the SCEG were agreed.
Action: WAG to clarify and send revised draft to members for agreement
Item 6: Any other business
6.1It was agreed the next meeting of the SCEG would be held between 25th Jan and 5th Feb based on members availability.
Action: WAG to e-mail for availability
Doc 1
Summary of Actions
Action / Who / ProgressWAG to feed back data concerns to the TAG / WAG
SCEG to perform an initial audit of data and information, checking for gaps and feeding them to the TAG / SCEG
WAG to get a position statement for the SCEG from CCW regarding the Maine conservation society role / WAG
WCMP to update website to reflect and explain SCEG role / WCMP
SCEG members to suggest contacts suitable for inviting onto the SCEG / SCEG
SCEG will participate in an MCZ workshop at the WCMP conference. / SCEG/WCMP