WCH Board of Directors Minutes

September 26, 2017 3

Washington County Hospital

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Conference Rooms A and B

Members Present: Hospital-Associated Present:

Matt Bierman, Chair Nancy Newby, CEO

Dale Blohm Dave Davenport, HR Director (exited 9:08 p.m.)

Audrey Finke Kim Larkin, CIO (exited 7:40 p.m.)

Eric Ibendahl Lisa Little, CNE (exited 7:40 p.m.)

Bill Manier Alfonso Urdaneta, M.D. (arrived 7:06 p.m.; exited 7:40 p.m.)

Mark McCleary

Dave Niermann Others Present:

Community Members and WCH Employees (list on file)

Called to Order: 7:00 p.m.

Adjourned: 9:10 p.m.

Meeting Agenda

The agenda of the September 26, 2017, meeting of the Washington County Hospital Board of Directors was presented for review and approval.

The following amendments were made:

·  Add IV. E. WCH Board Committees Appointments

·  Add VI. Closed Meeting 2 (C)(1)

On a motion by Audrey Finke and seconded by Bill Manier, the Board unanimously voted to approve the September 26, 2017, meeting agenda with the aforementioned amendments.

Meeting(s) Minutes

The following meeting(s) minutes were presented for review and approval:

·  Board of Directors, August 22, 2017.

·  Finance Committee, July 25, 2017.

On a motion by Bill Manier and seconded by Mark McCleary, the Board unanimously voted to approve the aforementioned meeting minutes.

Financial and Statistical Report

Nancy Newby, CEO, reviewed:

·  Financial and Statistical Report of August 2017.

·  Loss of $122,591 was related to low volume, staffing needs and operating expenses notably above budget.

On a motion by Dave Niermann and seconded by Dale Blohm, the Board unanimously voted to approve the August 2017 Financial and Statistical Report.

Meaningful Use

Kim Larkin, CIO, reported:

·  Hospital MU Dashboard: Reviewed. Patient Portal Usage is below required minimum percentage which impacts Medicare reimbursement. A meeting will be held to address means to improve and maintain compliance.

·  Ambulatory Dashboard: A new dashboard is being drafted with new physician-selected indicators. After physicians’ review and finalization, it will be reported monthly.

WCH Golf Tournament Report

Dave Davenport, HR Director and tournament coordinator, reported on the Friday, September 22, golf event:

·  Netted over $6,600. There was a total of 17 teams; four board members and one former board member participated.

·  Many compliments were received. Appreciation was expressed to all who helped to make it another successful year.

Strategic Planning – On Hold

Affiliation Discussions – On Hold

Executive Committee Meeting Scheduled

A meeting will be scheduled in October.

Joint Conference Committee Meeting Scheduled

A meeting will be scheduled in October.

WCH Board Committee Appointments

Subsequent to Jim Cange’s Board resignation, Matt Bierman made Board Committees appointments (Board Committees amendments on file).

Public Comments

Public comments/concerns regarding:

·  Legal investigation and resulting expenses, overall finances, hospital policy.

·  Employee morale, volatile work environment and cause, future of hospital.

·  Supportive of CEO.

·  Board member duties.

Board responses regarding:

·  Unable to respond due to need to maintain confidentiality of investigation findings and related matters.

·  Board member duties.

Closed Meeting

At 7:40 p.m. on a motion by Bill Manier and seconded Mark McCleary, the Board unanimously approved to enter closed session under Open Meetings Public Act 88-621 Sections 2(C)(1)(21). Bierman AYE, Blohm AYE, Finke AYE, Ibendahl AYE, Manier AYE, McCleary AYE, Niermann AYE. Motion carried.

At 9:08 p.m., on a motion by Audrey Finke and seconded by Mark McCleary, the Board unanimously voted to leave closed session and re-enter open session. Bierman AYE, Blohm AYE, Finke AYE, Ibendahl AYE, Manier AYE, McCleary AYE, Niermann AYE. Motion carried.

Closed Meeting(s) Minutes

The following meeting(s) minutes were presented for review and approval:

·  Board of Directors closed, August 22, 2017.

On a motion by Eric Ibendahl and seconded by Dale Blohm, the Board unanimously voted to approve the aforementioned meeting(s) minutes.


On a motion by Mark McCleary and seconded by Dale Blohm, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Dave Niermann, Secretary

Board of Directors

Washington County Hospital
