Watson Capstone Projects – Project Proposal

Watson Capstone Projects

Project Proposal Form – Industry

Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering
2018-2019 Version

Projects will be undertaken for a sponsorship fee of $2,000 each ($1,000 for nonprofit and Watson School-affiliated small business sponsors), payable during the fall semester. This fee is used to cover the costs of unsponsored student- and faculty-initiated projects. It is also expected that the sponsor will pay for any materials needed in project development (see Section 8, Resources).

Please complete the following to submit a project proposal for a multidisciplinary senior design project team. In order to be guaranteed consideration, submission should be received by July15st. You will be notified when this form is received, and then again in late August to indicate whether or not the project has been approved.

Please submit this form via email to , with an updated filename and email subject line.

  1. Project Title
  1. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address
  1. Contact Names, Phone, Email Address

Sponsor Management Representative:

Sponsor Industry Mentor:

Client Organization and Representative (if applicable):

  1. Project Description

Please start with a 25-50 word summary description.

  1. Project Requirements

These are the project design objectives and describe what the device/program shall do as well as other items such as operating environment, standards, etc. Use the word “shall” for hard requirements that mustbe met and the word “should” for requirements that are desirable but not absolutely necessary (stretch goals). All projects need at least one stretch goal.

Requirements should be unambiguous, verifiable (testable), goal-oriented (desired goal, not how to achieve it), and realistic. Some areas to be considered are performance, functionality, economics, energy, operational environment (e.g. temperature, humidity), environmental impact, health and safety, reliability, maintainability, manufacturability, and usability. Please be as specific as possible.The project team will develop these requirements into a formal project requirements specification.

Projects intended for installation at a client site should include relevant requirements regarding on-site activities and dates. Such projects should also include a small fall-semester update to enhance the functionality, durability, or maintainability of an existing client system (e.g., part of a museum exhibit) to help the team understand the site environment. Also include requirements for user guides, maintenance manuals, and data for buying or creating replacements parts as appropriate.

  1. Technical Knowledge

Please describe the anticipated technical knowledge/experience that the students must possess or learn (e.g., solid mechanics, machine design, vibrations, embedded programming, FPGA programming, high power electronics, electric circuits).

  1. Project Graphic

Please include a system context diagram and/or a system block diagram.

  1. Resources

Once our students begin the project, we will invoice you for the project sponsorship fee. The sponsor is also responsible for the student team's direct material expenses. You may pre-pay those estimated expenses, with any excess payment being a donation, or wait until next summer when we can invoice you for the actual expenses.

Our normal practice is for the students to make all purchases for their projects and then be reimbursed by the university out of the funds you provide. You may provide some or all of the materials they require if you like.

Please describe the funding to be provided for the students’ project expenses, including all major items the students are to purchase as well as an amount for small items, prototyping, rework, and consumables. This funding amount may be refined if necessary during the project, subject to your approval.

Our labs are well equipped with development and test equipment; please indicate if the project would require any unusual lab equipment.

Authorized Funding Limit for Students’ Material Expenses:

  1. Deliverables and Meetings

Please be as specific as possible, especially considering user manuals and installation guides as project appropriate. Describe your expected meeting schedule and locations.

The resulting project system will be delivered to you, if you like, or the non-profit “client” organization, if applicable.

  1. Recommended Team Composition (3-5 students)

Please indicate the desired number of Engineering students from each discipline.

*Industrial Systems Engineering students are usually available, and Biomedical Engineering,and other (e.g., Computer Science)students are occasionally available.

Biomedical* / Computer / Electrical / Mechanical / Systems* / CS, Other*
  1. Citizenship Requirements (if any)

Let us know if students need US citizenship or Green Cards to work on the project, or to visit your facility.

  1. Key Student Personnel (optional)

Indicate the names, majors, and email addresses of the students (if any) that you request be on the project team. There is no guarantee that requested students will be assigned to the team, as their skills may be critically needed elsewhere.

Inclusion here should be earned by student work such as internships, research assistance, service projects, student organization leadership, or developing the project proposal.

2018-2019 Version1/42018-03-05