Meeting of August 27, 2012 - 10:00 a.m.

North Campus, 1st Floor Meeting Room

1106 Clayton Lane - Austin, Texas

Summary of Minutes

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item B., Roll Call and Certification of Quorum. Council members: Lonnie Ball, Rusty Gilmore, Billy Lange, John Pyburn, Ray Reed, Ray Whisenant, Virgil Clark, and David Vasquez were present. Council member Jerry McKinney was absent. A quorum was present.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item C., Approval of Minutes – Meeting of April 12, 2008. Council member, Ray Whisenant, seconded by Rusty Gilmore, made a motion that the minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed with a unanimous vote in favor.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item D., Training for Board Members, Open Meetings, Public Information Act, and Administrative Procedures Act. Della Lindquist provided training.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item E., Nomination and vote for a vice chair and secretary of the Council. Council member, John Pyburn, seconded by Rusty Gilmore, made a motion to nominate Bill Lange as Vice Chair and Ray Reed as Secretary. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item F., Public Comment. The Council heard public comment from Carl Ward, Steve Wiley and Leroy Goodson all requesting greater enforcement of the water well driller/pump installer laws, more frequent Council meetings and greater authority for the Council.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item G., Staff Reports. Bill Kuntz, Executive Director provided an update on the Strategic Plan. David Gunn, provided a Compliance Division report; Kim Whitt, provided the Education and Examination Division report; Melissa Kangera provided the Enforcement Division report; Della Lindquist provided the General Counsel report; and Lisa Houdek provided the Licensing Division report.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item H., Work Group discussion and report: Geotechnical drilling work group. Council members appointed to this group are Ray Reed, Lonnie Ball, Ray Whisenant and Bill Lange. Ray Reed reported that Geotechnical drillers should be required to get licensed as Water Well Drillers.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item I., Discussion regarding 2012 Rule Review for 16 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 76, §§76.1, 76.10, 76.200-206, 76.250, 76.300, 76.600-602, 76.650, 76.700-706, 76.708, 76.800, 76.900, and 76.1000-1011, Rules for the Water Well Driller and Pump Installer Program. Della Lindquist outlined the review process and publishing schedule for the current rules. Ms. Lindquist explained that the Commission would readopt the current rules at the next Commission meeting on September 26th, 2012. Further, Ms. Lindquist recommended that the Council appoint work groups to review the rules and make recommendations for changes under the rule review. Council discussed the requirements for an apprenticeship program and other topic areas of interest to the program for review. Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball, appointed Virgil Clark, Rusty Gilmore, Billy Lange, and Ray Whisenant to the rules review work group.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item J., Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting. The Council placed work group reports and rules review on the next meeting agenda.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item K., Discussion of date, time, and location of next meeting. The Committee agreed to hold the next meeting October 22, 2012, at 9:00 a.m.

Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball moved to agenda item L., Adjournment. Presiding Officer, Lonnie Ball adjourned the meeting at 12:30 p.m.


Lonnie C. Ball, Presiding Officer

Water Well Drillers Advisory Council


Ray Reed, Secretary

Water Well Drillers Advisory Council

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